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Andrey Borysenko edited this page Oct 31, 2022 · 7 revisions

To install the MediaDC application download and enable it from the Nextcloud Apps store. After that, you need to press the install button for auto-install python module dependencies on the Configuration page, that appears on the first installation (only for administrators).

On some systems, additional steps are needed, they are described here: Auto Install FAQ. If you are using Nextcloud Alpine Docker - check out mediadc docker example configuration.

Also, there is a Docker Mod for linuxserver/docker-nextcloud that installing all dependencies for MediaDC. It can be used simply by adding the following environment variable to the docker run command/docker-compose file: DOCKER_MODS=linuxserver/mods:nextcloud-mediadc (thanks to JonathanTreffler).


Name Version
OS 64bit
PHP ^7.3
Python ^3.6.8
Nextcloud ^21
Database MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL