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Alexander Piskun edited this page Sep 29, 2021 · 4 revisions

User manual

On the Tasks page you can see the form for creating a new one. After task was created you will see an appropriate notification and a new task in the list next to the form.

# Need Description
1 required Choose target directories (where to perform search)
2 optional Choose directories to exclude (which shouldn't be scanned)
3 optional Choose custom exclude mask. Applies to files and directories. Supported patterns: '?' and '*'
4 optional Choose target mime type (photo [default], video, or photo and video)
5 optional Choose similarity threshold (if default doesn't fit your requirements)

After task finished (appropriate status will indicate it) you can see the results of scanning and decide for to do with founded files. On results page you can:

  • remove group without deleting their files (if the result not satisfies you)
  • remove files from group to recycle bin
  • edit task: restart with another parameters, delete or stop it
  • change view settings(left bottom corner)

Admin options

Available in Nextcloud->Settings->Groupware page.

Admin can change:

  • Hashing algorithm (*)
  • Default similarity threshold
  • Hash size (*)
  • Global Exclude list (only patterns)
  • Running tasks limit (how many task can run simultaneously)
  • Remote/Encrypted file size limit to process (for files that are shared from external storages or other NC instances)

* - will erase all generated media hashes in application's database, results from previous finished tasks will stay.

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