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Andrey Varfolomeev edited this page May 22, 2020 · 1 revision


usage: just-colors [options]

    --theme [name of theme]

run command:

just-colors --theme default-dark

This generate configurations for tty and Xresorces with default-dark theme (in ~/.config/just-colors/cache), also you can add own themes and templates

Apply theme

For linux terminal, add in your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc this line


For Xresources, add in your ~/.xinitrc this line

xrdb -merge -quiet -I$HOME ~/.config/just-colors/cache/colors.Xresources

For qutebrowser, you can use this solution

For GTK, you can use Oomox. Oomox generates GTK theme using Xresources


Just Colors using base16. If you want create new theme, see Styling Guidelines. If you want create new template, see any examples in ./templates and see Template Variables

If you need any specific path for some configuration files use links. For example, for zathura

ln -s $HOME/.config/just-colors/cache/zathurarc \
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