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GSoC 2022 Project Ideas

Harendra Chhekur edited this page Feb 19, 2022 · 1 revision

Project Ideas:

1. Background Service

Key requirements: Android, Java, knowledge of background process
Complexity: medium
Description: Need a background thread that will keep running node runtime environment even after the app is closed.

2. Dynamic Port Binding for IPC

Key requirements: Java, JavaScript,
Complexity: medium
Description: Need to bind IPC Socket over any available port, each time app is being opened, so that multiple apps can run at the same time.

3. Better Debugging System

Key requirements: Java, JavaScript,, JDB
Complexity: medium
Description: Need a better way to make the debugging easier by providing Hot Reloading for JavaScript code & Cold Reloading for Java changes.

4. React Native Support

Key requirements: JavaScript
Complexity: medium
Description: Need to add build tools for react-native in Android JS Builder, we already have react-native SDK built for Android JS.
this task is just to use that SDK to generate the project and build using Android JS Builder.

5. SQLite Support

Key requirements: Java, JavaScript
Complexity: easy
Description: Need to add SQLite support for Android JS, this is mostly about exposing Java's SQLite APIs to the JavaScript code over the Bridge.

6. Admob Support

Key requirements: Java, JavaScript
Complexity: easy
Description: Need to add Admob support for Android JS, this is mostly about exposing Java's Admob APIs to the JavaScript code over the Bridge.

7. Flutter Support

Key requirements: JavaScript
Complexity: medium
Description: Need to add build tools for flutter in Android JS Builder, we have to build flutter SDK from scratch similar to react-native or webview for Android JS.
then using that SDK to generate the project and build using Android JS Builder.

8. File Picker

Key requirements: Java, JavaScript
Complexity: easy
Description: Need to add android's file picker support for Android JS, this is mostly about invoking Android's file picker APIs from the JavaScript code over the Bridge.

9. Native Camera API

Key requirements: Java, JavaScript
Complexity: medium
Description: Need to add Native Camera support for Android JS, this is mostly about exposing Android's Native Camera APIs to the JavaScript code over the Bridge.

10. Way to sign the app with a custom key

Key requirements: JavaScript Complexity: easy
Description: Need to add a way to sign apk with the user's provided key in Android JS Builder.

11. Splash Screen

Key requirements: Java, JavaScript
Complexity: easy
Description: Need to add support for Splash Screen in Android JS, this is mostly about adding splash screen login in Java based on the user-provided image.