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Ethereum blocks and transactions proxy with built-in cache


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ETH-proxy is a complex solution to make proxi-based Ethereum block explorer with built-in LRU cache.

Project based on 2 microservices:

  • Proxy-service with Grpc API to cooperate with other microservices
  • api-gateway with REST API to cooperate with client applications

Infrastructure scheme


Table of Contents

Quick start

You can simply run this application by using docker compose.


How to

  1. clone this repo
    $ clone
  2. go to the cloned directory
    $ cd eth-proxy
  3. run services with docker-compose
    $ docker-compose up
  4. open your browser and go to the Rest API docs - http://localhost:8888/api/v1/docs
  5. send http request to the Rest API
    $ curl  localhost:8888/api/v1/block/latest

Code structure

|---api - api gateway microservice
|   └---cmd - api gateway CLI commands and app entry points
|   |   └---root - root comand, app entrypoint
|   |   └---serve - command that run microservice
|   |   └---api.go - app entrypoint
|   |
|   └---config - service specific configuration
|   |   └---config.go - config scheme
|   |   └---init.go - default config initialisation
|   |
|   └---format - models to definitions formatters
|   |
|   |---handlers - rest API handlers
|   |
|   |---middlewares rest API middlewares
|   |
|   |---models auto-generated rest api models definitions
|   |
|   |---server auto-generated rest api http server and operations
|   |
|   |---application.go - main api-gatteway app structure with all initialisations
|   |
|   |---swagger.yaml - openapi 2.0 swagger specification
|---lib - Grp API wrapper for proxy-service
|---models - main models shared between services
|---pkg - packages shared between service
|   └---logger - logging wrapper
|   |
|   └---versioner - semver wrapper
|---proto - protobuff specifications and generated Go files
|---proxy-service - proxy microservice
|   |
|   └---cmd - proxy service CLI commands and app entry points
|   |   └---root - root comand, app entrypoint
|   |   └---serve - command that run microservice
|   |   └---proxy-service.go - app entrypoint
|   |
|   └---config - service specific configuration
|   |   └---config.go - config scheme
|   |   └---init.go - default config initialisation
|   |
|   └---repository - cache storage
|   |   └---cache_blocks.go - blocks caching
|   |   └---cache_txs.go - transactions caching
|   |   └---repository.go - repository pattern interface and its implementations
|   |
|   └---server - Grpc server
|   |   └---handlers.go - Grpc handlers
|   |   └---server.go - Grpc server instance and initialisation
|   |
|   └---service - service business logic
|   |
|   |---application.go - main proxy-service app structure with all initialisations
|---utils - helpers functions


Make commands

Used in an active developing process

  • make tidy - add missing and remove unused modules dependencies
  • make update - update dependencies
  • make generate-api - generate API based on swagger specification
  • make generate-api-docker - generate API with docker container
  • make protoc - generate Go files from proto specification
  • make run_service - run proxy-service
  • make run_api - run api gateway

proxy-service Makefile

Used in proxy-service building process (commonly in docker container)

  • make build - build proxy-service binary
  • make clean - delete proxy-service binary
  • make image - build proxy-service docker image and tag it with git tag or commit hash
  • make image_latest - build proxy-service docker image and tag it as latest

api-gateway Makefile

Used in api-gateway building process (commonly in docker container)

  • make build - build api gateway binary
  • make generate-api - generate API based on swagger specification* make clean - delete api gateway binary
  • make image - build api gateway docker image and tag it with git tag or commit hash
  • make image_latest - build proxy-service docker image and tag it as latest


Available command

Both microservices have one command to run service:

  • serve - run service

Global flags

  • -c, --config string; config file path (default is ./cfg.yaml)
  • --version; show app version message


  • go-swagger - full functionality rest api server based on swagger spec
  • go-ethereum - interacting with ETHEREUM blockchain
  • go-grpc-middleware - collection of grpc middleware
  • alice - http middlewares chain
  • logrus - logging library
  • cobra - library for building CLI commands
  • viper - configuration solution


Powered by viper package that allow uses different configuration formats for one scheme (env vars preferable).

Proxy service

  • Log - logging
    • level - logging level, can be info, warning, error, debug
    • default - info
    • env setup - LOG_LEVEL=
  • Grpc - grpc server
    • host - grpc host to connect
      • default -
      • env setup - GRPC_HOST=
    • port - grpc port to connect
      • default - 9090
      • env setup - GRPC_PORT=
    • timeout - grpc request default timeout
      • default - 120s
      • env setup - GRPC_TIMEOUT=
  • Ethereum - Ethereum params
    • addr - ethereum node address to connect
    • wss - enable wss mode that allow to listen new mining blocks
      • default - false
      • env setup - ETHEREUM_WSS

API gateway

  • Log - logging
    • level - logging level, can be info, warning, error, debug
    • default - info
    • env setup - LOG_LEVEL=
  • Cachesize - Blocks and transactions cache size
    • default - 100
    • env setup - CACHESIZE=
  • Api - proxy-service Grpc api connection params
    • host - host to service
      • default - profile-service
      • env setup - API_HOST=
    • port - port to service
      • default - 9090
      • env setup - API_PORT=
    • timeout - connection timeout
      • default - 60s
      • env setup - API_TIMEOUT=
  • Http - http server
    • host - http host to listen
      • default -
      • env setup - HTTP_HOST=
    • port - http port to listen
      • default - 8888
      • env setup - HTTP_PORT=
    • timeout - http request default timeout
      • default - 60s
      • env setup - HTTP_TIMEOUT=


Ethereum blocks and transactions proxy with built-in cache







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