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214 lines (181 loc) · 17.7 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (181 loc) · 17.7 KB



  • Improve documentation for menus and how to use them (and upgrade examples containing menus to use CustomControl to show how to initialize a menu in components)

  • Fix bug with table lazy loading and remove lazy_table examples that do not use a lazy enumerator

  • Support Custom Shape Component Slots

  • Support Custom Control/Window/Shape Custom Event Listeners

  • Change scaffolded application main window from namespace/view/namespace.rb to namespace/view/namespace_application.rb

  • Fix issue (if exists.. needs testing/confirmation) with not processing nested shape properties when nested under custom shapes

  • Set stroke color to block by default

  • Set fill color to white by default

  • Add table data-binding support for Hash rows in addition to Object rows and Array rows

  • Look into gems in Rakefile and elsewhere that could be delayed in loading instead of loading right away

  • Ensure that shape/path containment/inclusion checks take their transform into account while using PerfectShape. Do so by reverse-transforming the point and checking it against the shapes (as done in Glimmer DSL for SWT).

  • Update basic_transform.rb to allow changing the color of the clicked transformed square

  • Augment examples/class_based_custom_controls.rb example with a custom listener

  • Support nesting text inside composite shape

  • Simplify text/string combo usage by using only text if there is one string only.

  • Content Data-Binding of area shapes

  • Fix issue with area on_key_up not detecting handled=true like on_key_down

  • Support LibUI.uninit to enable clean exit of a LibUI app in Linux and support launching/closing a LibUI app window multiple times

  • Rename basic table selection example to something that indicates sorting too

  • Fix issue with button_column on_clicked not resulting in click of button yet click of column. It seems we have to add a on_button_clicked alternative here. and break the API

  • Provide a way to configure a different sort_by or sort block per table column while relying on sortable property

  • Support a window.quit operation that is a shortcut for window.destroy followed by ::LibUI.quit

  • Consider adding force/overwrite mode to scaffold component (e.g. customcontrol) commands to overwrite files if they already exist

  • Automate table sorting support (perhaps via a property, sortable, which should default to true). Must handle cell_rows as array of arrays, array of hashes, and array of models. Does not work if cell_rows is an lazy enumerable

  • Option for in-memory only sort for table in case we don't want to store the sort back on the model

  • Table sorting for refined_table

  • Enable usage of msg_box and msg_box_error without constructing a window explicitly or launching a Glimmer::LibUI::Application to enable quick command line triggering of message boxes if needed.

  • Support setting radio_buttons selection as item directly instead of item index

  • Figure out if there is a way to make on_mouse_up listener work when nested inside immediate mode shapes created inside area on_draw

  • Update Supported Controls documentation with allowed parents and allowed children

  • Support overriding global table editable state with a specific column editable state if global value is true and column value is false

  • Make table columns default to empty string if no text is provided for the name of the column

  • Support table cell_rows live-loading via a provider (e.g. cell_rows { |row, cell| value_based_on_row_and_cell } ) (refactor apps that need it to use it)

  • Support table cell_rows live-loading via a provider with caching (e.g. cell_rows(cache: true) { |row, cell| value_based_on_row_and_cell } )

  • Support table cell_rows provider as an alternative to data-binding (by passing a block that takes row, column arguments)

  • Make table columns default to empty string if no text is provided for the name of the column

  • Use polyline in one more place in histogram

  • Provide a guide comparing use of path with path having figure with shape shorcuts (e.g. polyline, which abstracts path and figure away)

  • It seems that table-related instability in Windows is back. Check what is causing it. Test with RefinedTable

  • Fix issue with version 4 of Area Gallery

  • Support bidirectional (two-way) data-binding of table cell_rows when the data is an Enumerator, observing retrieved objects in the final array for changes and updating table, or updating models if the table is editable and the user causes changes

  • Report libui-ng issue about shape_coloring not being able to encase arc completely with a border due to not supporting that


  • Hangman the game.
  • In Tetris, Look into extracting bevel Custom Shape and block custom control, and refactoring main class into Glimmer::LibUI::Application
  • Support drag_and_move true (just enables dragging and moving shapes in area)


  • examples/area_drag_and_move.rb (customize a face with face parts like mustache, nose, lips, eyes, eyebrows, and hair) [utilize SVGs from]


  • Simpler Drag and Drop via drag_source true, drop_target true, and on_drop { } event (working within same area)



  • Zenity-like Command-Line-Mode-GUI Scaffolding
  • Full MVC + Database scaffolding for a new database
  • Full MVC + Database scaffolding for an existing database to browse its data with a GUI
  • Look into whether keyboard listeners must not be allowed within shapes since they do not carry an x/y element like mouse listeners
  • Report to libui the delay issue in calling on changed listener on search_entry (not a problem with basic entry)
  • Update shape_coloring.rb to use data-binding (must support being able to set top-left x,y on any shape instead of relying on move_by to make it work with data-binding, just like Glimmer DSL for SWT supports that)
  • Add padding around code_area (empty space to the left and right and empty line on top and at the bottom)
  • Refactor all samples that use a class including Glimmer to utilize CustomWindow instead


  • Automate the use of Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main from other threads
  • Add an example demonstrating how to use a SQLite database through ActiveRecord in Glimmer DSL for LibUI
  • Support refined_table sorting
  • Support code_editor class-based custom control as a code-syntax-highlighted entry control using the rouge gem
  • Build app for sportdb gem
  • Build app for beerdb gem
  • Support class-based custom matrix transform
  • Area-based class-based custom control keyword: iPhone-like toggle button with these properties:
    self.toggle_button_width = 72
    self.toggle_button_height = 36
    self.toggle_button_on_fill = {r: 54, g: 202, b: 110}
    self.toggle_button_off_fill = {r: 214, g: 214, b: 214}
    self.toggle_button_switch_fill = {r: 247, g: 247, b: 247}

Far Future

  • Optimize startup time, perhaps dropping 'os' gem for direct use of Gem::Platform.local instead.
  • Support configuration of global widget default properties to quickly affect the style of an entire app globally without the complexity of CSS expressions.
  • Consider packaging as a cross-platform WASI application using ruby.wasm (supporting Mac first, and then Linux, and then Windows). Automate as part of that installing dependencies: wasi-vfs, wasmtime (links are in ruby.wasm project). In the end, convert the WASI Application to a Native Executable via something like
  • Automate OCRA support for Windows Native-Executable Packaging
  • Implement Mac Native-Executable Packaging (perhaps with or
  • Cover all of Glimmer DSL for LibUI with automated tests and a continuous integration server on Mac, Windows, and Linux to release version 1.0.0


  • Support Dynamic path save and restore calls
  • Support nested paths/shapes in Path DSL with relative positioning
  • Trap exit signal (CTRL+C) and close application gracefully (it seems using ractors or sleep causes CTRL+C to work, could be a good workaround)
  • Support optionally passing arguments to columns for LibUI.append_column_xyz methods
  • Support table on_changing listener to intercept change and cancel it if needed (on_changing)
  • Fold menus inside a menu_bar control
  • Support matrix transform_point method
  • Support point construct (as a rectangle with width/height of 1)
  • Support matrix transform_size method
  • Support matrix operation noun names (e.g. translation for translate) to be more declarative
  • Interpret characters in key event while holding a modifer down (e.g. ! for 1 + shift)
  • Support animation
  • Consider auto-preventing app crashes (catch error) if someone mis-enters values for the GUI DSL (keeping GUI alive if possible)
  • Look into use of free_control vs control_destroy especially in cases of controls for which the latter method does not work
  • Support setting image paths directly on image/image_text columns for table (do chunky png work internally) (look into other formats than png)
  • Support automatic grid horizontal or vertical layout by specifying column_count or row_count
  • Support custom on_destroy listener on all widgets, not just window
  • Support control-specific operations that accept Ruby proxy objects instead of Fiddle pointer objects (mainly insert_at operations)
  • Support table cell_value block property to do custom cell value reading along with num_rows property
  • Support table set_cell_value block property to do custom cell value setting
  • Use equivalents of chunky_png to support different image formats for image columns in table
  • Fix meta-example GUI freezing after running an example until it is closed (which unfreezes meta-example)
  • Automatically call Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main when operating on GUI from a different thread
  • Override #inspect method for area, path, text, and/or other controls in case they contain many shapes, to prevent their printout from being too large
  • Implement functionality to delay queuing area redraws until post_add_content has been called (area definition is done). Maybe offer an option to enable redrawing before area is closed too.
  • Support SVG image control by rendering on area
  • Support Bitmap image control file format
  • Support row/column alternative syntax to left/top in grid(and maybe x/y too)
  • Support timer keyword as shortcut for Glimmer::LibUI.timer
  • Support main keyword as shortcut for Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main
  • examples/basic_toolbar.rb
  • Support max_content_size and min_content_size properties for window
  • Consider extracting a general graph custom control from examples/histogram.rb
  • Support reopening table content {} by destroying and rebuilding (right now, it does nothing)
  • Support returning a control view binding object with a deregister method to debind (currently not possible given libui does not support deregistering listeners)
  • Try to provide more helpful error messages on user error when it results in segementation fault (like setting nil as entry text) or prevent such cases altogether with smart defaults
  • Demonstrate use of table with database data (e.g. sqlite)
  • Support x, y, diameter alternative dimensions for circle
  • Support rgb and rgba keywords for easier entry of colors, similar to that of Glimmer DSL for SWT
  • Invert or expand the use of Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy::KEYWORD_ALIASES with an array (it does not permit definining multiple aliases at the moment)
  • Drag and drop working across different areas
  • Offer fuzz comparison options for Shape#include?(*point) on outline when stroked or in general (available in PerfectShape)
  • Support Linux AARCH64
  • Support #glimmer method (alias #control_proxy) on libui objects (obtained through #libui method on controls) to obtain Glimmer control proxy
  • Support #custom_control method on libui objects that are the root of a class-based custom control (consider adding to control proxies too that are roots of custom controls)
  • Support textual tooltips (on hover over attributed strings) in code_area custom control (and potentially code_editor custom control)
  • Look into the potential issue with not respecting the even odd rule when triggering events on figures within a path
  • Integrate GR chart/plot support into Glimmer DSL for LibUI (or provide a custom control gem for it) once LibUI supports image rendering or pixel drawing in an efficient manner
  • paginated_filtered_table widget or something similar (like splitting pagination and filter as separate widgets)
  • Optimize table content changes with diffing
  • Support refined_table AND-based FTS (Full-Text-Search) queries by treating multiple words as WORD1 AND WORD2, and accepting syntax of WORD1 AND WORD2 as alternative (or 'and' or '&', or '&&')
  • Support refined_table OR-based FTS (Full-Text-Search) queries by accepting syntax of WORD1 OR WORD2, etc..., (or 'or' or '|' or '||')
  • Build a MiniTest/RSpec test runner that shows results in a GUI app
  • Show progress-bar while loading a completion in GPT2 Notepad
  • Have table tolerate adding nil in implicit data-binding by treating it as an empty row
  • As a performance optimization, have table change expanded_cell_rows only for updated cells instead of regenerating from scratch upon every cell/row change.
  • Support refined_table cell_rows lazy loading via Enumerator
  • consider replacing chunky png gem with exif to additionally support jpeg and tiff with higher native extension performance: or
  • Validate control's allowed parents and allowed children to help with using the GUI DSL when making mistakes
  • Figure out if there is a way to dynamically support listeners/properties from FFI functions without having to hardcode them (like the new addition of table.on_selection_changed)
  • Consider doing special sorting for table progress_bar column where -1 shows up bigger than 100%
  • Consider preserving selection for refined_table across pages so that if I select a row in page 1 and go to page 2, selection is removed, and then when I go back to page 1, selection is back at the correct row
  • Consider supporting Ruby block as default: value for a custom control/window/shape option to perform deferred evaluation. Maybe call it default_factory to allow passing a standard Ruby block with no meaning too as default.
  • Fill application scaffolding README with default setup and usage instructions, renaming README.markdown to, and perhaps and
  • Support a declarative simple way of adding support for listeners on a custom control (Glimmer::LibUI::CustomControl)
  • Support automatically data-binding options and custom attributes on a custom control (e.g. somecustomcomponent { customattribute <= [model, someattr] })
  • Consider providing a built-in way of translating table columns with a translator data-binding option (e.g. cell_rows <=> [user, :contacts, translator: ->(val) {I18n.t(val)}]) while still using the English-named translation keys as the main attributes to data-bind to. Or even consider configuring a global translator, and then adding a translated: true option to take care of everything.
  • Consider providing standard out-of-the-box i18n support
  • glimmer command option to scaffold with minitest tests instead of rspec
  • Consider supporting Enumerable in addition to Array and Enumerator::Lazy for table cell_rows data-binding
  • Come up with a way to have an area's graphics auto-scale in size when the window is resized based on the initial size of the area and the initialize size of the window. That would prevent the need for software engineers to do the scaling themselves.
  • Consider a different way for assigning values from multi-value table columns to model attributes (other than using Array)
  • Support block properties to enable inserting content anywhere in a custom control
  • Make code_area scrollable just like code_entry
  • Make code_area determine its white background width/height dynamically/automatically instead of hardcoding 8000


  • Refactor column proxies code to be more dynamic and enable autosupport of new columns in the future
  • Split attribute getter/setter methods that accept value as nil or empty with separate getter and setter methods and ensure calls to libui setters are routed to attr= methods
  • Use enum symbols everwhere enum values are used directly
  • Refactor all perfect_shape methods to do parameterized memoization automatically with some declarative method or some library


  • Check if there is a way to prevent Gemfile conflict with juwelier in Application Scaffolding
  • Fix issue on the Mac where if you open a window from a preferences menu item and when it is closed you open another window, the latter window does not show, but when you close the app, it shows, and then you get a low-level crash of the application with a segmentation fault. The issue seems related to fiddle closure access in glimmer-dsl-libui-0.9.4/lib/glimmer/libui/control_proxy.rb:297 (value = ::LibUI.send("control_#{property}", libui, *args) line in send_to_libui)


  • class based custom shape example (randomly generated custom shape coloring).
  • examples/file_tabs.rb (inspired by this addressed issue: #16)
  • Glimmerize examples/draw_text.rb from Ruby LibUI project
  • Glimmerize examples/spectrum.rb from Ruby LibUI project
  • Glimmerize examples/turing_pattern.rb from Ruby LibUI project
  • GUIRB: IRB as a GUI app
  • Game of Life
  • Wampus game
  • examples/area_tooltip.rb & examples/area_tooltip_with_delay.rb
  • examples/linked_pages.rb (build a link-based desktop example that works similarly to web pages with hyperlinks)