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A bunch of scripts to evaluate and benchmark several Similarity Learning models like DSSM, DRMM, etc.

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Similarity Learning Evaluation Scripts and Dataset

This repo contains:

  • code to evaluate and benchmark some similarity learning models
  • data links and data readers for some similarity learning datasets
  • code for baselines on these datasets
  • a report with a detailed study of similarity learning

Please refer to for the detailed study which explains what Similarity Learning is, the tasks that it involves and different models used for it. (Highly recommended to understand current repo)

This repo was made as a part of Google Summer of Code 2018 with the gensim repo. The code related to it has been consolidated in this current repository. Other related things are :


  • OS : Linux (I tested on Ubuntu 16.04)
  • Python : 3.6 (although it should work on python 3.x)

Getting Started

You can just run the script to do everything I will describe below.

If you don't have a GPU:

chmod +x

If you have a GPU:

chmod +x
./ gpu

The script should:

  • create a virtualenv called sl_env
  • install dependencies from requirements.txt (and requirements_gpu.txt)
  • download needed data
  • convert a SQUAD dataset to QA dataset
  • get and make the trec binary

If you prefer to understand better, here's the script:

echo "Get virtualenv"
pip install virtualenv

echo "Create a virtual environment"
virtualenv sl_env

echo "Activate the env"
source sl_env/bin/activate

echo "Install the requirements"
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Use gpu version if specified in arguments
echo "Getting gpu version of tensorflow"
if [ $1 = "gpu" ]; then 
	pip install -r requirements_gpu.txt;

echo "Download the needed data"
cd data/

echo "Convert the SQUAD data set to SQUAD-T (QA) dataset"
cd ../misc_scripts/
python --squad_path ../data/train-v1.1.json

echo "Get trec eval binary"

Below, I will explain the steps in more detail.

Downloading Datasets

We have several datasets which can be used to evaluate your Similarity Learning model. All you have to do is:

cd data/

This will download:

  • WikiQA Dataset
  • SNLI
  • SICK

Additionally, we need the Quora Duplicate Questions Dataset and Glove Embedding vectors. Luckily, they are available in gensim-data and will be automagically downloaded when needed. You need to have gensim for this. gensim and other dependencies are included in requirements.txt and should be installed by the script. If you want to install it manually:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you have GPU, please also run:

pip install -r requirements_gpu.txt

For getting the SQUAD-T dataset, you will have to convert the existing SQUAD dataset. For this, use the misc_scripts/

python --squad_path ../data/train-v1.1.json

train-v1.1.json is the squad file with span level data which should be downloaded by The QA dataset will be saved in the data folder and accessed from there.

Additionally, you also need the trec_eval binary for evaluating QA datasets. You can get it easily from misc_scripts/get_trec.pyby:


This will clone the trec repo and make the trec binary. (Must have C compiler!)
The trec_eval binary exists in the trec folder. Use this binary to evaluate qrels* and pred* created by evaluation scripts (for WikiQA and InsuranceQA). Please read the docs in

Running Evaluations

The models:

  • MatchPyramid
  • BiDirectional Attention Flow - T (senTence-level)
    can be found in the folder sl_eval/models/

The folder evaluation_scripts/ contains files and folders for running these models on different datasets.

You can run each model by executing their script. So, to evaluate SICK:


For datasets like SICK, SNLI, Quora Duplicate Questions : The result will be printed in the terminal
For WikiQA and InsuranceQA : The result is saved as a qrels and a pred file which can be evaluated using trec_eval binary

Since there is a random seed set, the number of threads is limited to 1. This reduces processing speeds. Ideally, you should run scripts like :

python > eval_sick_train_log.txt

This will save the outputs in the txt which can be read later.

Waiting for the running all evaluations can get tedious. For such cases, I have included the evaluation_scripts/ script. Run it like:

./ > train_log

and let it run. Check the logs for accuracy scores. run trec_eval for the others on the saved pred and qrels files.

About folders

  • data_readers: contains readers for the different datasets. You can even use them independently of this repo.
  • evaluation_scripts: scripts to evaluate models on different datasets.
  • data: has the script and holds most of your datasets after downloading them.
  • sl_eval: contains the model implementations.
  • misc_scripts: holds misc scripts which have different uses
  • _images: images for the final report (ignore it)
  • old_stuff: legacy content which should really be phased out!


  • Make sure you take a look at the Issues for contribution ideas and for getting an idea of current ideas.
  • Read the docs in the scripts. They are mostly well documented ans should make understanding things a lot easier.


A bunch of scripts to evaluate and benchmark several Similarity Learning models like DSSM, DRMM, etc.






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