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HTTP(s) response mocking library for OSX and iOS written in swift


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MockingBird HTTP mocking

MockingBird is a relatively simple and powerful HTTP/HTTPS response mocking library written in swift to be used in unit-tests for OSX and iOS apps.

What can it do

MockingBird can intercept all calls to HTTP and HTTPS urls in a running App and return predefined answers.

Answers are packages in so called Mock-Bundles (just a directory and some files) and you can switch between different Mock-Bundles at all times. This can be used for simulating state on the server.

How to integrate

MockingBird is essentially only one Swift file (mockingbird.swift) but needs some Mock-Bundles to work.


Just include pod 'anfema-mockingbird', '~> 2.0' in your Podfile


Just drop mockingbird.swift into your project.


For Swift 2.2 or 2.3 support, use Tags < 2.0.0

Registering MockingBird with the URL loading system

MockingBird makes it easy for you to register in URLSession objects, just call:

let session:URLSession = ...
MockingBird.register(inSession: session)

If you're using Alamofire you likely have access to the session configuration when creating your Alamofire.SessionManager:

let configuration: URLSessionConfiguration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
MockingBird.register(inConfig: configuration)

How to mock

To mock responses you'll have to define which requests match to which answers, this is done in a Mock-Bundle which has the following structure on disk:

  • bundle.json
  • ... files referenced in bundle.json ...


Bundle JSON is a JSON Array with Objects that contain two base objects, request and response:


  • method: (optional) HTTP method, defaults to GET
  • url: URL to mock, start with :// (skip the http)
  • parameters: (optional) JSON object with key-value items for query parameters, defaults to empty, if the parameter value is null it just checks if the parameter is available but not which value it has


  • code: HTTP response code
  • headers: (optional) Additional response headers, defaults to empty
  • file: (optional) filename of data to send, defaults to "do not send additional data"
  • mime_type: (optional) MIME type of the response body, defaults to application/octet-stream

Example bundle.json

		"request": {
			"url": "://"

		"response" : {
			"code": 200,
			"file": "ip.json",
			"mime_type": "application/json"

Setting up a mock bundle

To include a Mock-Bundle into an unit test, create your bundle somewhere and add it as a folder reference (not a group) to your Xcode project and set the Target for the files to your unit test (so do not include a mock bundle into your app-target)

Alamofire example

Then add the following code to your test (example for Alamofire):

import anfema_mockingbird  // needed only for install via cocoapods
import Alamofire

class mockingbirdTests: XCTestCase {
    var alamofire: Alamofire.SessionManager! = nil
    override func setUp() {
        let configuration: URLSessionConfiguration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
        MockingBird.register(inConfig: configuration)
        self.alamofire = Alamofire.SessionManager(configuration: configuration)

        let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self)).resourcePath! + "/bundles/httpbin"
        do {
            try MockingBird.setMockBundle(withPath: bundle)
        } catch {
            XCTFail("Could not reset mock bundle")

The interesting thing here is how to get to the Mock-Bundle path:

let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self)).resourcePath! + "/bundles/httpbin"

bundles/httpbin is the name of your bundle folder reference you included.

Now every HTTP(S) request that will be sent through self.alamofire will be checked for a match in the Mocking-Bundle, if there is a match it will return the predefined answer, else the request goes through to the network as usual.

Default URL-Loading system

You can register the MockingBird on an even lower level if you have not converted to using URLSession yet:


But beware, if you're using an URLSession with this set, it will not work for the sessions, this one works only for the old version without URLSession

Handle all requests

By default, if a request does not match an entry in the current Mocking-Bundle, the request is passed through to the network as usual. If you would like any request that does not match to fail, set the handleAllRequests property to true.

MockingBird.handleAllRequests = true

When this property is set to true, requests that do not match the current Mocking-Bundle will fail with an HTTP error status of 501.