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Windows Install

Angela edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 3 revisions


This section is for Windows only. Before you begin, you must have Git with Git Bash installed and ready to go.

This application is written in bash/shell, utilizing Git Bash in this way was the easiest approach to make it cross-platform without a complete rewrite.

Use of the app in Windows utilizes the Bash that's bundled with Git when you install the 3rd-party software option. Bash is native to Mac & Linux, which forgoes this extra requirement for those operating systems.

  • During installation setup, be sure to select Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software


After you have Git Bash installed, take note this script has to be run from the Git Bash terminal (if you use command prompt or Powershell, it won't work, as the bash dependency stems from Git Bash)

You can locate the Git Bash terminal by going to Start > search Git Bash

Once Git with Git Bash is ready to go, you can follow the remaining first run instructions.

Bundled Software

Some open source dependencies are included in this repo. These were obtained directly from their developers and you're free to replace them with your own if you want to modify the versions included, or remove them if license restrictions prohibit your use-case.

What's included for Windows:

  • bc
  • bind9
  • ipcalc
  • speedtest

Each component's license is included in their respective directory.

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