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camisowers committed Oct 11, 2022
2 parents 9d96d6c + ddfcbbd commit 65e9bcb
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Showing 10 changed files with 673 additions and 7 deletions.
294 changes: 294 additions & 0 deletions ark/segmentation/
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@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import natsort as ns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_edt

from import imsave
from skimage.filters import sobel, threshold_multiotsu, meijering
from skimage.segmentation import watershed
from skimage.morphology import remove_small_objects
from skimage.measure import regionprops_table
from skimage.exposure import equalize_adapthist

from ark import settings
from ark.utils import load_utils
from ark.utils.plot_utils import set_minimum_color_for_colormap
from ark.utils.misc_utils import verify_in_list
from ark.utils.io_utils import list_files, list_folders, validate_paths, remove_file_extensions

def plot_fiber_segmentation_steps(data_dir, fov_name, fiber_channel, img_sub_folder=None, blur=2,
contrast_scaling_divisor=128, fiber_widths=(2, 4),
ridge_cutoff=0.1, sobel_blur=1, min_fiber_size=15,,
"""Plots output from each fiber segmentation step for single FoV
data_dir (str | PathLike):
Folder containing dataset
fov_name (str):
Name of test FoV
fiber_channel (str):
Channel for fiber segmentation, e.g collagen
img_sub_folder (str | NoneType):
Whether to expect image subfolder in `data_dir`. If no subfolder, set to None.
blur (float):
Preprocessing gaussian blur radius
contrast_scaling_divisor (int):
Roughly speaking, the average side length of a fibers bounding box. This argument
controls the local contrast enhancement operation, which helps differentiate dim
fibers from only slightly more dim backgrounds. This should always be a power of two.
fiber_widths (Iterable):
Widths of fibers to filter for. Be aware that adding larger fiber widths can join
close, narrow branches into one thicker fiber.
ridge_cutoff (float):
Threshold for ridge inclusion post-meijering filtering.
sobel_blur (float):
Gaussian blur radius for sobel driven elevation map creation
min_fiber_size (int):
Minimum area of fiber object
img_cmap (
Matplotlib colormap to use for (non-labeled) images
labels_cmap (
Base matplotlib colormap to use for labeled images. This will only be applied to the
non-zero labels, with the zero-region being colored black.
# no img_sub_folder, change to empty string to read directly from base folder
if img_sub_folder is None:
img_sub_folder = ""

data_dir, fov_name, img_sub_folder))))

data_xr = load_utils.load_imgs_from_tree(
data_dir, img_sub_folder, fovs=[fov_name], channels=[fiber_channel]

channel_data = data_xr.loc[fov_name, :, :, fiber_channel].values

_, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3)

axes[0, 0].imshow(channel_data, cmap=img_cmap)
axes[0, 0].set_title(f"{fov_name} {fiber_channel} raw image")

blurred = ndi.gaussian_filter(channel_data.astype('float'), sigma=blur)
axes[0, 1].imshow(blurred, cmap=img_cmap)
axes[0, 1].set_title(f"Gaussian Blur, sigma={blur}")

contrast_adjusted = equalize_adapthist(
blurred / np.max(blurred),
kernel_size=channel_data.shape[0] / contrast_scaling_divisor
axes[0, 2].imshow(contrast_adjusted, cmap=img_cmap)
axes[0, 2].set_title(f"Contrast Adjuisted, CSD={contrast_scaling_divisor}")

ridges = meijering(contrast_adjusted, sigmas=fiber_widths, black_ridges=False)
axes[1, 0].imshow(ridges, cmap=img_cmap)
axes[1, 0].set_title(f"Meijering Filter, fiber_widths={fiber_widths}")

distance_transformed = ndi.gaussian_filter(
distance_transform_edt(ridges > ridge_cutoff),
axes[1, 1].imshow(distance_transformed, cmap=img_cmap)
axes[1, 1].set_title(f"Ridges Filtered, ridge_cutoff={ridge_cutoff}")

# watershed setup
threshed = np.zeros_like(distance_transformed)
thresholds = threshold_multiotsu(distance_transformed, classes=3)

threshed[distance_transformed < thresholds[0]] = 1
threshed[distance_transformed > thresholds[1]] = 2
axes[1, 2].imshow(threshed, cmap=img_cmap)
axes[1, 2].set_title("Watershed thresholding")

elevation_map = sobel(
ndi.gaussian_filter(distance_transformed, sigma=sobel_blur)
axes[2, 0].imshow(elevation_map, cmap=img_cmap)
axes[2, 0].set_title(f"Sobel elevation map, sobel_blur={sobel_blur}")

# build label color map
transparent_cmap = set_minimum_color_for_colormap(labels_cmap)

segmentation = watershed(elevation_map, threshed) - 1

labeled, _ = ndi.label(segmentation)
axes[2, 1].imshow(labeled, cmap=transparent_cmap)
axes[2, 1].set_title("Unfiltered segmentation")

labeled_filtered = remove_small_objects(labeled, min_size=min_fiber_size) * segmentation
axes[2, 2].imshow(labeled_filtered, cmap=transparent_cmap)
axes[2, 2].set_title(f"Filtered segmentation, min_fiber_size={min_fiber_size}")

for ax in axes.reshape(-1):

def run_fiber_segmentation(data_dir, fiber_channel, out_dir, img_sub_folder=None, **kwargs):
"""Segments fibers one FOV at a time
data_dir (str | PathLike):
Folder containing dataset
fiber_channel (str):
Channel for fiber segmentation, e.g collagen.
out_dir (str | PathLike):
Directory to save fiber object labels and table.
img_sub_folder (str | NoneType):
Image subfolder name in `data_dir`. If there is not subfolder, set this to None.
Keyword arguments for `segment_fibers`
- Dataframe containing the fiber objects and their properties

# no img_sub_folder, change to empty string to read directly from base folder
if img_sub_folder is None:
img_sub_folder = ""

validate_paths([data_dir, out_dir])

fovs = ns.natsorted(list_folders(data_dir))
list_files(os.path.join(data_dir, fovs[0], img_sub_folder))))

fiber_object_table = []

for fov in fovs:
print(f'Processing FOV: {fov}')
subset_xr = load_utils.load_imgs_from_tree(
data_dir, img_sub_folder, fovs=fov, channels=[fiber_channel]
subtable = segment_fibers(subset_xr, fiber_channel, out_dir, fov, save_csv=False,

fiber_object_table = pd.concat(fiber_object_table)
fiber_object_table.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, 'fiber_object_table.csv'), index=False)

return fiber_object_table

def segment_fibers(data_xr, fiber_channel, out_dir, fov, blur=2, contrast_scaling_divisor=128,
fiber_widths=(2, 4), ridge_cutoff=0.1, sobel_blur=1, min_fiber_size=15,
object_properties=settings.FIBER_OBJECT_PROPS, save_csv=True, debug=False):
""" Segments fiber objects from image data
data_xr (xr.DataArray):
Multiplexed image data in (fov, x, y, channel) format
fiber_channel (str):
Channel for fiber segmentation, e.g collagen.
out_dir (str | PathLike):
Directory to save fiber object labels and table.
fov (str):
name of the fov being processed
blur (float):
Preprocessing gaussian blur radius
contrast_scaling_divisor (int):
Roughly speaking, the average side length of a fibers bounding box. This argument
controls the local contrast enhancement operation, which helps differentiate dim
fibers from only slightly more dim backgrounds. This should always be a power of two.
fiber_widths (Iterable):
Widths of fibers to filter for. Be aware that adding larger fiber widths can join
close, narrow branches into one thicker fiber.
ridge_cutoff (float):
Threshold for ridge inclusion post-meijering filtering.
sobel_blur (float):
Gaussian blur radius for sobel driven elevation map creation
min_fiber_size (int):
Minimum area of fiber object
object_properties (Iterable[str]):
Properties to compute, any keyword for region props may be used. Defaults are:
- major_axis_length
- minor_axis_length
- orientation
- centroid
- label
- eccentricity
- euler_number
save_csv (bool):
Whether or not to save csv of fiber objects
debug (bool):
Save intermediate preprocessing steps
- Dataframe containing the fiber objects and their properties
channel_xr = data_xr.loc[:, :, :, fiber_channel]
fov_len = channel_xr.shape[1]

if debug:
debug_path = os.path.join(out_dir, '_debug')
if not os.path.exists(debug_path):

fiber_channel_data = channel_xr.loc[fov, :, :].values.astype('float')

blurred = ndi.gaussian_filter(fiber_channel_data, sigma=blur)

# local contrast enhancement
contrast_adjusted = equalize_adapthist(
blurred / np.max(blurred),
kernel_size=fov_len / contrast_scaling_divisor

# meijering filtering
ridges = meijering(contrast_adjusted, sigmas=fiber_widths, black_ridges=False)

# remove image intensity influence for watershed setup
distance_transformed = ndi.gaussian_filter(
distance_transform_edt(ridges > ridge_cutoff),

# watershed setup
threshed = np.zeros_like(distance_transformed)
thresholds = threshold_multiotsu(distance_transformed, classes=3)

threshed[distance_transformed < thresholds[0]] = 1
threshed[distance_transformed > thresholds[1]] = 2

elevation_map = sobel(
ndi.gaussian_filter(distance_transformed, sigma=sobel_blur)

segmentation = watershed(elevation_map, threshed) - 1

labeled, _ = ndi.label(segmentation)

labeled_filtered = remove_small_objects(labeled, min_size=min_fiber_size) * segmentation

if debug:
imsave(os.path.join(debug_path, f'{fov}_thresholded.tiff'), threshed,
imsave(os.path.join(debug_path, f'{fov}_ridges_thresholded.tiff'),
distance_transformed, check_contrast=False)
imsave(os.path.join(debug_path, f'{fov}_meijering_filter.tiff'), ridges,
imsave(os.path.join(debug_path, f'{fov}_contrast_adjusted.tiff'), contrast_adjusted,

imsave(os.path.join(out_dir, f'{fov}_fiber_labels.tiff'), labeled_filtered,

fiber_object_table = regionprops_table(labeled_filtered, properties=object_properties)

fiber_object_table = pd.DataFrame(fiber_object_table)
fiber_object_table[settings.FOV_ID] = fov

if save_csv:
fiber_object_table.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, 'fiber_object_table.csv'))

return fiber_object_table
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions ark/segmentation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import pytest
from pathlib import Path

import ark.settings as settings
import ark.utils.data_utils
from ark.utils import io_utils
from ark.segmentation import fiber_segmentation

def test_plot_fiber_segmentation_steps():

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
# download example data, keep only 3 fovs for testing
img_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'image_data')
for fov in ['fov3', 'fov4', 'fov5', 'fov6', 'fov7', 'fov8', 'fov9', 'fov10']:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'image_data', fov))

# bad directory should raise an errors
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
_, _ = fiber_segmentation.plot_fiber_segmentation_steps('bad_dir', 'fov1', 'Collagen1')

# bad channel should raise an errors
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
_, _ = fiber_segmentation.plot_fiber_segmentation_steps(img_dir, 'fov1', 'bad_channel')

# bad subdirectory should raise an errors
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
_, _ = fiber_segmentation.plot_fiber_segmentation_steps(
img_dir, 'fov1', 'Collagen1', img_sub_folder='bad_subdir')

# test success
fiber_segmentation.plot_fiber_segmentation_steps(img_dir, 'fov1', 'Collagen1')

def test_run_fiber_segmentation():
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:

# download example data, keep only 3 fovs for testing
img_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'image_data')
for fov in ['fov3', 'fov4', 'fov5', 'fov6', 'fov7', 'fov8', 'fov9', 'fov10']:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'image_data', fov))
out_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'fiber_segmentation')

# bad directories should raise an error
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
_ = fiber_segmentation.run_fiber_segmentation('bad_path', 'Collagen1', out_dir)

with pytest.raises(ValueError):
_ = fiber_segmentation.run_fiber_segmentation(img_dir, 'Collagen1', 'bad_path')

# bad subdirectory should raise an errors
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
_ = fiber_segmentation.run_fiber_segmentation(img_dir, 'Collagen1', out_dir,

# bad channel should raise an errors
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
_ = fiber_segmentation.run_fiber_segmentation(img_dir, 'bad_channel', out_dir)

# test success
fiber_object_table = fiber_segmentation.run_fiber_segmentation(
img_dir, 'Collagen1', out_dir)

# check all fovs are processed
assert fiber_object_table[settings.FOV_ID].unique().sort() == \

# check output files
for fov in io_utils.list_files(img_dir):
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(out_dir, f'{fov}_fiber_labels.tiff'))
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(out_dir, 'fiber_object_table.csv'))

# test success with debugging
fiber_object_table = fiber_segmentation.run_fiber_segmentation(
img_dir, 'Collagen1', out_dir, debug=True)

# check debug output files
intermediate_imgs = ['fov1_thresholded.tiff', 'fov1_ridges_thresholded.tiff',
'fov1_meijering_filter.tiff', 'fov1_contrast_adjusted.tiff']
for img in intermediate_imgs:
img_path = os.path.join(out_dir, '_debug', img)
assert os.path.exists(img_path)

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