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New and Noteworthy 1.3.0

angelozerr edited this page Jul 8, 2017 · 9 revisions

New and Noteworthy 1.3.0

Here's a list of the most noteworthy things in the 1.3.0 release which is available for download since 09/07/2017. You can see issues for 1.3.0


CodeLens can be available to see references an dimplementation inside the TypeScript editor:

TypeScript CodeLens Demo

See here for more informations.

Pay attention, it's not perfect, there are some limitations:

  • lens doesn't work for the first line of the editor
  • if tsserver is not available after 5 seconds, CodeLens will not work. Please update the text editor to refresh teh compute of the CodeLens.



You can rename TypeScript symbol:

Rename Demo

Refactoring Support

Since TypeScript 2.4.1, tsserver provides a refactoring support which will be improved in each TypeScript version. TypeScript 2.4.1 provides one Refactoring support available only for JavaScript file:

Convert to ES5 class

This refactoring support is available with Menu / Refactoring. In the future we will have more support.


Since tslint 5.0.0, severity can be customized per rule. Severities are now supported inside the TypeScript Editor by using the tslint-language-service.

Here a demo with tslint and severities:

tslint Severity Demo

Here a tslint.json example which configure "quotemark" rule with "warning" severity:

	"rules": {
		"quotemark": {
			"severity": "warning",
			"options": [

Markdown comments support & TextMate

Completion context info and Hover parses comments with MarkDown parser and uses TextMate support to colorize code.


Here a sample with hover of comments which contains ts code:

TypeScript Hover TextMate

Completion context info

The TypeScript completion context info which displays details of completion, now uses TextMate to colorize the detail:

TypeScript Completion Context Info

Multi Hyperlink

You can see list of hyperlink (file name and line number) when there are several definitions:

Multi Hyperlink





The New TypeScript ptoject wizard gives the capability to create quickly a TypeScript project with tslint:

TypeScript Debugging

Eclipse JEE Oxygen provides now SourceMap debugging support (see bug 487465) with JSDT Debugger with classic Run / Debug as.

If you use Eclipse JEE Oxygen, you can run/debug TypeScript with Eclipse JEE Oxygen if * SourceMap files is generated.

See TypeScript Debugging section for more information.

The JSDT SourceMap debugging support is not perfect, but it starts working. Please create bugs at Eclipse bugzilla JSDT.