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angelozerr edited this page Apr 29, 2016 · 2 revisions

Navigator Explorer

Generally, when you compile TypeScript a app.ts file, it generates app.js and files. The Navigator Explorer displays the 3 files in the same hierarchy:

Compiled Files Without Filter And Without Classification

Project Explorer

Content - TypeScript Elements

If you use Project Explorer, you can see the compiled files app.js and inside the app.ts:

Compiled Files Without Filter And With Classification

This behaviour comes from that TypeScript Elements content is checked (only available for Project Explorer). You can disable it, by configuring the Project Explorer with Custom View menu:

Compiled Files Custom View Menu

And select Content tab:

Compiled Files Custom View Content Tab


You can hide the app.js and which are hosted in the same folder than app.ts:

Compiled Files With Filter And With Classification

To do that, you must check the TypeScript filter (available with the Custom View menu):

Compiled Files Custom View Filters Tab

TypeScript Resources

When your project follows the TypeScript Nature rule, the Project Explorer displays the TypeScript Resources node:

TypeScript Nature Inside Project Explorer

See Build Path for more information.