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Closed Jun 5, 2015 100% complete

So I lied...

I am using 2.1.0 (develop) the most for work and thus it should be a release. 3.0 is currently a branch with @cthrax but it will become develop once 2.1.0 is merged to master.

I do not expect the life of 2.1.0 to be that long but it is not that majorly different then 2.0.X except that it will support expressions in plural directives.

So I lied...

I am using 2.1.0 (develop) the most for work and thus it should be a release. 3.0 is currently a branch with @cthrax but it will become develop once 2.1.0 is merged to master.

I do not expect the life of 2.1.0 to be that long but it is not that majorly different then 2.0.X except that it will support expressions in plural directives.

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