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Handling Animations

dariel edited this page May 7, 2014 · 5 revisions

Handling Animations

Animations can be managed directly from statements in the HTML page elements. Or using JavaScript.

A declaration is composed by one or many sentences, each sentence ends with (;) and is formed by one or many definitions.

Declaration -> Sentence 1; ... ; Sentence n
Sentence    -> Definition, ... , Definition n
Definition  -> if | on | do | to | before | after | helper  


<header data-anijs="if: click, do: wobble; if: scroll, on: window, do: swing">
<!-- ... -->
<div class="demo-square demo1" data-anijs="if: click, do: flipInY, to: .container-box"></div>
<input id="name" type="text" data-anijs="if: focus, do: wobble, to: p">
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