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This is a Kubernetes Admission Controller Webhook written in Go that contains two controller. First one is Validating Admission Webhook that check a pod for Annotations: validated-by: custom webhook is present or not and return response based on that. Second is the Mutating Admission Webhook that mutate the pod and add Annotations: validated-by: custom webhook and return the response. By default, Kubernetes call the Mutating webhook first then Validating one. Also, some key point to remember is that Kubernetes don't allow any webhook server that is not using any SSL/TLS certificate. So we have to generate SSL certificate as well. Please check Makefile ssl command.


1. Generate SSL certificate

$ make ssl

This will generate the necessary SSL certificate in the manifests/certs/ directory. Feel free to change DNS name in the manifests/certs/tls.cnf file.

2. Start Kind Cluster

$ kind create cluster

3. Deploy manifests in the kind cluster

$ make manifest

4. Create a NGNIX pod

$ echo "apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: webserver
  - name: webserver
    image: nginx:latest
    - containerPort: 80
  - name: webwatcher
    image: afakharany/watcher:latest" > ngnix.yaml | kubectl apply -f ngnix.yaml

Now describe the pod after creation you will see Annotations is being added.



$ make e2e-test