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Meeting Minutes

Ziyi Wang edited this page Apr 7, 2022 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the SOEN341 meeting minutes logger!

Website Idea Create an E-commerce website, that is fully functional.

-------- SPRINT 1 ---------

Meeting #1 January 14, 2022 - 6:00pm

Seperated tasks between front-end and back-end. Schedule an appointment with TA/Professor. Discussed who logs the meetings and who will set up the development environment.

Meetings will be conducted twice a week. AVAILABILITIES Monday Evening - After 6:00 AND Saturday Evening - After 5:00

Meeting #2 January 21, 2022 - 1:15pm

Conclusions after first meeting with TA:

  • The project is to create an E-commerce website.
  • There should be two users: admin vs non-admin (buyer vs seller). This should be asked when creating the account.
  • The seller can add products to the site
  • We should be able to click on the product, check the price and add it to the cart & also be able to remove products from the cart. - Taxes and shipping fee should be included too.
  • Be able to pay with a fake bank card.
  • Be able to cancel the order before it's shipped.
  • There should be a section for "my orders"
  • For payment you can use shopify, but we dont have to go this far. it could be just boxes to enter name, address, etc...

We have decided to use Angular.

Setup backend and frontend folders before next meeting.

-------- SPRINT 2 ---------

Meeting #1 January 28, 2022 - 1:15pm

  • We have created a draft cite map
  • Discussed about core features that can be done for Sprint 2 assessment like: login page, main page...
  • For the order page of a seller, a button on top right can preview as buyer.
  • Several ideas for the UI design, talked about possible templates.

Meeting #2 February 7, 2022 - 6:00pm

Decided which core feature to finish for sprint two and whic feature to start with. we will finish the cart component and have major progress on the rest of the website.

components to be implemented and finished:

  1. add to cart (cart should be dynamic)
  2. Add products by the seller

components to have major progress on:

  1. home page
  2. shopping page
  3. product page
  4. header
  5. footer
  6. seller page
  7. product page

Meeting #3 February 11, 2022 - 1:15pm In this meeting we have emphasized on the following features/implementation:

  • push changes tagged with task
  • complete add product
  • Start with category list
  • start with product list
  • start with product description
  • User Model: Create the user scheme to match it with front-end and backend
  • Product Model: Create the product scheme to match it with front-end and backend
  • Order Model: Create the order scheme to match it with front-end and backend

Meeting #4 February 14, 2022 - 10:00pm

Discussed the progress of each contributor and made sure that everyone is able to create a pull request, close their issues and add a reviewer for the pull request.

Meeting #5 February 17, 2022 - 6:30pm

Made sure that everyone made their pull requests to merge all the branches to the main branch. The progress of this sprint met our expectations, the cart component is complete, products can be added to cart, quantities can be modified and elements can be removed from the cart

-------- SPRINT 3 ---------

Meeting #1 February 27, 2022 - 4:30pm

We had our first sprint 3 scrum meeting. We have discussed the bugs in the latest version on the project and the features that were still missing. We emphasized on some mistakes that contributors were making and discussed problems that some were doing. We have organized the sprint in the following format:

  1. Fix bugs in the seller page (adding image and ship product)
  2. Start process order feature on the buyer side
  3. Start the view orders feature from the buyer size
  4. Start the cancel unshipped orders from the buyer size
  5. Fix some bugs in the header and footer

Finishing those task shall complete the core features that we have received from the initial requirements.

Meeting #2 March 5, 2022 - 4:30pm

In this meeting we have discussed the progress of each contributor and made sure the everyone has the tools and is able to complete their tasks on time.

Meeting #3 March 17, 2022 - 9:00pm

This was the last meeting of the sprint, everyone showed their progress. Few bugs were shown that will pushed to sprint 4. Note: The whole flow is working and can be visualized except few minor bugs

-------- SPRINT 4 ---------

Meeting #1 March 20, 2022 - 2:30pm

In this meeting we only discussed on our performance in Sprint 3 and summarized on the features we are focusing on in Sprint 4.

Meeting #2 March 29, 2022 - 9:30pm


  • Success and Error messages on SignIn/signup
  • Inputs width
  • Links redirections - routerLink="/auth/signup"


  • Canceled order not showing
  • Ship order with success message
  • Form validation


  • Cancel orders with success message
  • List of orders

Meeting #3 April 4, 2022 - 9:00pm

This meeting is 4 days away from the due date. We mainly discussed the requirements for sprint 4. Setting up MongoDB for a few teammates for accessing database.

Meeting #4 April 4, 2022 - 9:40pm

This is the final meeting before the deadline. Several important things are discussed:

  • A few bugs that still need to be fixed
  • Documentation
  • Presentation style and slides
  • Checking sprint 4 requirements.