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Ziyi Wang edited this page Apr 7, 2022 · 6 revisions

CopNoDrop wiki!

Sprint 1 Features:

Sprint 1 was mainly concentrated on the design and structuring of the project. We have discussed the technologies we wanted to use, we have decided on the following:

  1. Use Angular for frontend
  2. Use Express and NodeJS for backend
  3. Use MongoDB for the database.

Sprint 2 Features:

The start of sprint 2 was deciding the features that we want to start working with for the sprint, and the task separation. We have decided to do the following:

  1. Implement the add to cart feature
  2. Implement the browse products by categories feature

Sprint 3 Features:

The start of sprint 3 was deciding the features that we want to start working with for the sprint, and completing of the features that were already started in sprint 2, in addition to the bugs related to some tasks. The features that will be added to the project during the sprint are the following:

  1. The buyer is able to process an order
  2. The buyer is able to use his credit card to process the transaction
  3. The buyer is able to view his orders and cancel unshipped orders.

Sprint 4 Features:

This last sprint mainly focuses on finishing the project. To finalize the whole process we have decided on concentrating on these tasks:

  1. Testing
  2. Refactoring
  3. Bug fixing
  4. The core feature: Search Menu.