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BitBurner Scripts

This is just a collection of my random scripts that I use regularly for BitBurner.

Things may or may not work. No guarantees.


This is a small list of aliases I use to make things a bit easier to deal with:

  • alias service='/bin/service.js'
  • alias config='/bin/config.js'
  • alias corp='/bin/corp.js'
  • alias cxn='/bin/connect.js'
  • alias ec='/bin/ec.js'
  • alias list='/bin/list.js'


The following commands are ones I use regularly:


service init

This command starts the current set of configured services. Defaults to statmon, rooterd, batchd, and shared.

Configuration is stored as an array in localStorage at service:init.

service add SERVICE_NAME

This command adds SERVICE_NAME to the init list for services to be started with service init.

Configuration is stored as an array in localStorage at service:init.

[!NOTE] This command does NOT start the provided service.

service remove SERVICE_NAME

This command removes SERVICE_NAME from the init list for services to be started with service init.

Configuration is stored as an array in localStorage at service:init.

[!NOTE] This command does NOT stop the provided service.

service start SERVICE_NAME

This command starts the provided service, unless it is already running.

service stop SERVICE_NAME

This command stops the provided service, as long as it is alredy running.

service restart SERVICE_NAME

This command will stop the provided service, if it is running, and then start the service back up.

service list

This command will list two sections: the first is a list of currently running services, the second is a list of services configured to be started during service init.

Configuration is stored as an array in localStorage at service:init. Runnig services is stored as an array in localStorage at service:running.


config set KEY VALUE

Sets the given configuration KEY to the specified VALUE.

[!IMPORTANT] KEY should follow this format: PREFIX:SUFFIX where the prefix is a common label and the suffix is the use for the configuration item. For example, player:hp is the key for the player's current HP value (from statmon).

The config utility stores all data in localStorage at the provided key.

config get KEY

Returns the entry at KEY or null if it doesn't exist.

config init ARG1 [ARG2] [...ARG3]

This command allows multiple configuration items to be passed in when called.

[!IMPORTANT] Arguments must be in the form of key=value where the key should follow key naming conventions above, and value can be anything. If there are spaces or special characters in the value, you should enclose it in quotes.

Example config init myservice:timeout=1000 myservice:enable-metrics=true

config remove KEY

This command removes the provided key from the configuration.

config delete PREFIX

This command removes all keys with the provided prefix from the configuration.

Example config delete myservice would delete all keys that start with myservice like myservice:timeout and myservice:enable-metrics while leaving otherservice:timeout intact.

config delete myservice:timeout acts like config remove myservice:timeout if there are no other keys with that prefix.


This command manages corporation logic. I follow a very simple plan for corporations, so this may not be as useful to you. See [Corporations][docs/] for more information.


This is only available if you are on BitNode 4 or have SourceFile 4.3

corp create-division

This command creates an Agricultural division and unlocks Smart Supply.

corp expand --city CITY_NAME

This command expands the Agricultural division to the provided city. It also performs purchase, upgrades and configuration for the provided city.

corp expand-all

This command runs the expand operation against all six cities.



This command returns a list of connect X ; where X is each step of the journey from home to the target server. You can copy this and paste it into your command line input.

Elastic Compute

ec config -l

This command lists all current configuration items that are editable.

ec config --items ARG [--items ARG]

This command allows you to change a given configuration item, using key=value. You can pass multiple --items to this command.

Allowed configuration items

  • hosts: The number of hosts to have in the cluster (max 25)
  • ram: The amount of RAM, in Gb, to use for each host
  • prefix: The prefix to use for each host, i.e. share-host or batch-host
ec reset-config

This command resets the configuration to the defaults:

  • hosts: 4
  • ram: 256
  • prefix: anna
ec cluster --up

This command spins up the cluster based on the stored configuration. This command additionally deploys the stored package details to those servers and starts that package on each server.

ec cluster --up --deploy PACKAGE

This command spins up the cluster and deploys the specified package to each server.

Currently, there is only one package available.

ec cluster --down

This command spins down the cluster after killing all scripts on each host.

ec cluster --deploy PACKAGE

This command deploys the specified package to each server in the cluster.

ec refresh

This command refreshes individual server configurations stored in localStorage. Useful when a cluster doesn't spin up correctly.


list hosts

This command lists all hosts on the network except for purchased servers.

list rooted

This command lists all hosts on the network that have been rooted except for purchased servers.

list backdoors

This command lists all hosts on the network that have had a backdoor installed except for purchased servers.

list ram

This command lists the RAM of all hosts on the network except for purchased servers.

list money

This command lists the available cash for all hosts on the network except for purchased servers.


BitBurner scripts







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