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Critique 4

jchani edited this page Dec 5, 2016 · 3 revisions

Critique by: Justin Chan

In class we discussed running the program with a GUI vs by command-line and whether the extra time and effort to implement a GUI is worth it:

  • It seems that the command-line is often quite foreign to the non-programmer and using it may not be as straightforward as we may think, as shown by user testing.
  • In class we discussed the alternative of having some GUI that a user would download and then run. But this additional step of downloading and configuring the GUI did not necessarily seem to be any less hassle for the user than to simply follow step-by-step, clear instructions of how to run the program via terminal. It seems that the command-line would be more efficient, especially if the instructions involve commands that the user could copy and paste.
  • In hindsight, another option could be to create a GUI that could be hosted on a website (Github pages is great for this). Although this may require learning some web dev (if you are not familiar with it already), it seems to be the most user-friendly approach.