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Konstantin Tokarev edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 32 revisions

Making a release of QtWebKit

This document describes the steps towards making a release.

1. Update Conan dependencies if needed

2. The last commit before release

  • In qtwebkit-stable: update version number in ​Source/cmake/OptionsQt.cmake, update values in .github/workflows/draft_release.yml
  • Add changelog file? ^
  • In qtwebkit-5.212: merge qtwebkit-stable

3. Run final tests before release

  • Run layout tests in release and debug
  • Run jsc tests

4. Integrate snapshot of qtwebkit-5.212 into snapshots repo

Follow instruction at

  • On step 1 make sure that Qt modules are used from oficially released Qt tag
  • Do optional steps 3, 4, 5

5. Create release on GitHub, upload binaries and source tarball to it

  • Update QTWEBKIT_BUILD_NUMBER in Secrets section of GitHub repository settings
  • Create tag qtwebkit-5.212... in qtwebkit-5.212 branch
  • Push the tag, and wait until GitHub Action finishes - it should create draft of release with all artifacts
  • Edit release description and publish it

6. After the release

The end!

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