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This repository contains the source code of


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This repository contains the source code for

The main technologies it uses are:


You can contribute by translating Anonymath into your language. To do so, you must follow the instructions that you will find in the Translate Anonymath section at the end of this document.

If you have an idea or have found a bug you can write us an issue or you can develop that idea or fix that bug yourself. In this case you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Read all of this README.
  2. Use the development environment provided by the project.
  3. Use Conventional Commits.
  4. Write unit and/or E2E tests.
  5. Make a pull request with your changes to the staging branch.

1.- Development Environment


  1. Docker
  2. Visual Studio Code
  3. Remote Containers.

Start the environment

Whenever you want to start the development environment you need to open the project from Visual Studio Code using the remote container provided in this repository (see directory .devcontainer).

The first time you open the project using the remote container it will take more time since it has to be built.

Install Dependencies

Open a terminal inside the environment and run:

node ➜ /workspaces/anonymath (master) $ yarn

Once the dependencies are installed, it will not be necessary to execute the previous command except when there are changes in the dependencies.

Start The Project

Open a terminal inside the environment and run:

node ➜ /workspaces/anonymath (master) $ yarn dev

Anonymath will be accessible from http://localhost:3000/.

Any changes made to the project while the yarn dev command is running, will cause the browser to refresh automatically and the changes will be visible.

Use of the Environment

The environment installs in the remote container the extension Prettier and configures it to format Typescript, Javascript and JSON code when saving any modified file.

The environment uses Git hooks managed by Husky. You can find them in the directory .husky:

  • commit-msg: Checks if the commit message conforms to Conventional Commits.
  • pre-commit:
    • Pass unit tests.
    • Checks the code with the Linter.
    • Checks the code with Pretier.
  • pre-push: Checks that the project building is successful.

In order to run Git hooks, it is necessary to have certain dependencies installed, such as Node.js, Yarn, etc. All these dependencies are installed in the development environment, so if you execute all the git commands from the development environment terminal you should not have any problems. In case you don't want to use git from the development environment, you must have all the dependencies installed on your machine.

2.- Conventional Commits

Any commit must conform the Conventional Commits. In the file commitlint.config.js you can check the validation rules.

3.- Tests

Whenever you develop a new functionality, check if tests can be added to validate its correct operation or check if any existing tests needs to be updated.

Unit Testing

We use Jest for Unit Tests. The tests are in the tests/unit directory and they run in the same development environment using:

node ➜ /workspaces/anonymath (master) $ yarn test:unit

End-to-End Testing

We use Playwright for End-to-End Testing. The tests are in the tests/e2e directory and they run in a Docker container outside of the development environment.

Before running the tests for the first time you must build the Docker image (placed in tests/e2e/container):

~ make build-test-environment

Open a container:

~ make open-test-environment

and run the following command inside the container:

/anonymath$ npx playwright install

Once the image is built you can run the tests whenever you want running:

~ make run-e2e-tests

Remember, to run End-to-End tests, the project must be running in http://localhost:3000

4.- Pull Request

Any contributions must be incorporated through a pull request to the branch staging from a feature branch. In your branch use all the commits you want but before making a pull request it is better to do an interactive rebase to join, discard or rewrite the commits to have a useful but not redundant history.

Each pull request made to the staging branch involves the building of the whole project. The result of that build can be seen in the pull request itself. When the build is successful, the result of the project build is displayed at a temporary URL provided by Netlify. After that building, the Unit and End-to-End Tests are run. Only the pull request that successfully pass the tests will be integrated into staging, and integrated into main later. Only repository administrators can merge into staging and main.

Translate Anonymath

From Anonymath we will be very happy and grateful if you want to translate into your own language.

Follow the next steps to translate

  1. Make a copy of the file messages/en.json (or the language file you want to use as starting point) using the identifier as the file name ISO 639-1 (two-letter) for your language. By instance, messages/ki.json for the Kikuyu language.

  2. In line 2 you will see the key "language", its value should be the name of your language written in your language. For instance, français for French.

  3. Translate the rest of the keys in the file. Pay attention to the key path inside Contribute section, the value for this key will be the route of the contribute page. For instance, The word used there must be a valid URL.

  4. Update unit tests (tests/unit/locales.tests.js) adding more values to the expected data in the current tests.

  5. Do a pull request as explained in the section 4.- Pull request.


The contents and source code of are under Creative Commons BY-NC license.