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Andrew Crosby edited this page Jan 18, 2022 · 12 revisions

Contributing to GalaxyNG

To contribute to the galaxy_ng project, we ask that you follow these steps:

  1. Clone the GitHub repo
  2. Make a change
  3. Make sure all tests pass
  4. Add a a change log file to the CHANGES directory.
  5. Commit changes to your galaxy_ng clone
  6. Make a pull request from your clone against the master branch

Coding Style

This project follows PEP8 style guide.

The maximum line length for python source code is 100 characters.

Preparing pull requests

  1. Each commit message must include at least one reference to an Automation Hub Jira project issue, using the following format:

    {Label}: AAH-{number}

    The following labels are allowed:

    • Closes-Bug
    • Closes-Issue
    • Partial-Bug
    • Partial-Issue
    • Implements
    • Partial-Implements
    • Issue
    • Partial-Issue
    • Related
    • Related-Bug
    • Related-Issue

    In rare cases when a commit does not reference an issue, you may put No-Issue in the commit message.

  2. Commit that references one or multiple issues must have a change log record for each issue number referenced in the commit message:


    A change log record is required for any label present in the commit message, except Related, Related-Bug, Related-Issue.

Branches and version tags


  • In galaxy_ng contributions for bugfixes and features should be made to our default branch master
  • On-prem releases will come from a stable/x.y branch and use tag format x.y.z, examples: 4.2.0 4.2.1 4.3.0
  • Cloud releases will come from the master branch and use tag format cloud-YYYY-MM-DD

Environment notes

  • The Red Hat CI environment deploys from master
  • Temporary:
    • Red Hat QA, Stage, and Prod environments deploy from stable


  • In ansible-hub-ui the prod-stable branch is used for cloud releases.
  • qa-beta and ci-beta deploy from master
  • qa-stable and ci-stable deploy from master-stable
  • Future:
    • Same as galaxy_ng