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Enabling auto certification

Chris Houseknecht edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 1 revision

When a new Galaxy server is installed, it requires new collection versions to be certified before they are made available for download. This provides an opportunity for managers or administrators to review content before it is made a available to a broader audience. When a new collection version is published, it is set to an uncertified state and hidden from search results. A Galaxy administrator can change the state to certified by using the Certification Dashboard, which is available by clicking on the Certification menu.

Manual review and certification of new collection versions may not be desirable. To disable this feature, and allow new collection versions to be immediately available for download, set the GALAXY_REQUIRE_CONTENT_APPROVAL setting to False. This is done by modifying /etc/pulp/, and restarting services.

For new installs, in your playbook add it to the pulp_settings variable, as in the following example:

      galaxy_require_content_approval: "False" 
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