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Ansible Role - Certificate Generator

Ansible Role to create certificates to use on a linux server.

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  • Debian 11
  • Debian 12


# latest
ansible-galaxy role install git+

# from galaxy
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.infra_certs

# or to custom role-path
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.infra_certs --roles-path ./roles

# install dependencies
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml


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The self-signed and minimal-ca modes will only create a single certificate per run.

Re-runs can save some overhead by using the 'certs' tag.

The LetsEncrypt mode will create/remove multiple certificates as defined.


Example for LetsEncrypt config:

  mode: 'le_certbot'
  path: '/etc/apache2/ssl'
        domains: ['', '']
        email: ''
    service: 'apache'

Example for Self-Signed config:

  mode: 'selfsigned'
  # choose 'ca' instead if you use dns-names
  #   some browsers won't let you connect when using self-signed ones
  path: '/etc/nginx/ssl'
  group_key: 'nginx'
  owner_cert: 'nginx'
    cn: 'My great certificate!'
    org: 'AnsibleGuy'
    country: 'AT'
    email: ''
    domains: ['', '']
    ips: ['']
    pwd: !vault ...

Example for minimal-CA config:

  mode: 'ca'
  path: '/etc/ca/certs'
  mode_key: '0400'
    name: 'custom_file_name'  # extension will be appended
    cn: 'My great certificate!'
    org: 'AnsibleGuy'
    country: 'AT'
    email: ''
    domains: ['', '']
    path: '/etc/ca'
    cn: 'SUPER CertificateAuthority'
    org: 'AnsibleGuy'
    country: 'AT'
    email: ''
    pwd: !vault ...

Using the minimal-CA you can create multiple certificates signed by the CA by re-running the role with changed 'cert' settings.

You might want to use 'ansible-vault' to encrypt your passwords:

ansible-vault encrypt_string


Run the playbook:

ansible-playbook -K -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml --ask-vault-pass

There are also some useful tags available:

  • certs => ignore ca tasks; only generate certs
  • selfsigned
  • config
  • certs

To debug errors - you can set the 'debug' variable at runtime:

ansible-playbook -K -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml -e debug=yes


  • Package installation

    • Ansible dependencies (minimal)
    • Crypto Dependencies
  • Configuration

    • Four Possible Modes:

      • Generate Self-Signed certificate
      • Use a minimal Certificate Authority to create signed certificates
      • Configure LetsEncrypt-Certbot to generate publicly valid certificates
        • Supported for Nginx and Apache
        • Host needs to have a valid public dns record pointed at it
        • Needs to be publicly reachable over port 80/tcp
    • Default config:

      • Mode => Self-Signed


  • Note: this role currently only supports debian-based systems

  • Note: Most of the role's functionality can be opted in or out.

    For all available options - see the default-config located in the main defaults-file!

  • Note: If you have the need to mass manage certificates - you might want to check out the ansibleguy.infra_pki role that enables you to create and manage a full Public Key Infrastructure.

  • Note: The certificate file-name (name variable as defined or else CommonName) will be updated:

    • spaces are transformed into underlines
    • all Characters except "0-9a-zA-Z." are removed
    • the file-extension (crt/chain.crt/key/csr) will be appended
  • Warning: Not every setting/variable you provide will be checked for validity. Bad config might break the role!

  • Info: For LetsEncrypt renewal to work, you must allow outgoing connections to:

    80/tcp, 443/tcp+udp to, (debug mode) and