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An exploration of Neo4j with deployment to AWS in an active state on demand and a passive state when unused.


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On-demand Neo4j is an exploration of Neo4j with deployment to AWS in an active state on demand and a passive state when unused.

Mission statement:

Be a useful starting point for a low utilisation project using Neo4j and a demonstration platform that wakes up in under a minute.

Getting started on Windows

git clone
  • Run the Docker compose file by opening the Command Prompt and running:
cd ondemand-neo4j
docker compose start neo4j
  • Run the Application by opening the Command Prompt and running:
cd ondemand-neo4j
set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-"
gradlew engine:bootRun -PtestWithLocalNeo4j

(Assuming the version you have installed in C:\Program Files\Java is jdk-

  • Browse: http://localhost:8080/api/
  • API Docs: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
  • Login to http://localhost:7474/ using neo4j/secret\
  • Connect to the database and query all objects: MATCH (o) RETURN o (expecting to see no people)
  • Run Postman and create a new personal workspace.
  • Import Postman collection from: ./api-tests.postman.json
  • Open "API Tests" and run "Test person"
  • Return to the browser on http://localhost:7474/ and query all objects: MATCH (o) RETURN o to see the new person.
  • Test and Populate using the test data from ./engine/src/test/kotlin/uk/co/polycode/neo4j/TestData.kt set by running:
cd ondemand-neo4j
set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-"
gradlew engine:clean engine:test --tests "" -PtestWithLocalNeo4j 

Or via Docker

docker run --interactive --tty --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/workspace openjdk:18-alpine sh -c 'cd /workspace && ./gradlew engine:bootRun'
  • Return to the browser on http://localhost:7474/ and query all objects: MATCH (o) RETURN o to see the test data set.


On-demand Neo4j:


  • None listed


  • Add Newman runner to docker compose file and mount a place pick datasets to load via the REST API.
  • TODO clean up
  • Stop using "latest" containers and use specific versions with dependabot to keep them up to date.
  • Get logging working from tests
  • Get logging working from running app
  • Capture logging from running app in a test
  • Move what can be configured to application.yml
  • Postman examples run by newman
  • Split URLs as: /api/browse (data rest api), /api/search (cypher queries), /api/export (export to json)
  • Then check we have: /api, /actuator -> /manage, /swagger-ui
  • Add security to all endpoints, perhaps an easy to generate token to start with.
  • Example of load via REST API and browse via the UI
  • Newman run against locally run Spring Boot app
  • Extract example docs directly from Postman scripts
  • Assign extra checks which must pass before an auto-merge (but can be run from gradle).
  • Find an easy way to label PRs with a tag to be picked up by the auto-merge.
  • Expose a repository as /places (which swaps embedded for references), then find the projection to expand it.
  • Create /enriched-persons endpoint that returns a person with their places embedded.
  • APIs to export pure JSON from the Jackson annotated classes.
  • Use Spring to detect classes for config.exposeIdsFor
  • Get logging working in test
  • Try validation from ModelPropertyBuilderPlugin e.g.
  • Decide what the shipped properties are (if any), default could be an embedded database.
  • Cut down circular reference problem to new project with minimal files (all in one test?) and post on stackoverflow.
  • Add the Mapinator (object mapping library so that we can have domain classes for neo4j and json).
  • More co-pilot:
  • Don't generate nulls in API responses or Jackson renderings
  • Add open API docs and Swagger:
  • Place generated Neo4j export, JSON Schema, Reports: Test, Coverage, Static analysis, and rootDocument in an artefact
  • Restore state into a containerised instance and backup on shutdown.
  • Add encrypted deployment secrets to the repository.
  • Deploy REST API as an AWS Lambda using CDK which synchronously restores from Amazon EC2 into an embedded database.
  • Consider reactive approach for Spring Data Neo4j.
  • And Spring data reactive:
  • Add deferred synchronous AWS Lambda which responds 503 + RetryAfter (start time).
  • Deploy an EC2 hosted static site with demo links to start and query the database.
  • Add open source data sets to import, some of which relate to each other.
  • Script to generate API keys.
  • Protect APIs which consume resources with an API key.
  • Add a logged in area with AWS Cognito restricting access to operations which consume resources and add a pre-built API key.
  • Deploy using Amazon ECS which is started on demand and shutdown when not in use and an AWS Lambda which suggests a call retry period.
  • Deploy a Neo4J browser based connection browser in an EkS cluster and link to the on-demand management.
  • Use AWS Cognito generate a session API key accepted by the provisioning APIs.
  • Import Neo4j into Prolog and run prolog consultations. e.g. grandfather(_, person)
  • Parameterise Gradle to switch tests between embedded Neo4j and dockerized environment using docker compose
  • Use exit code 1 on auto-merge fail:
* 2022-08-11T20:31:44.654Z INFO  Action result: { mergeResult: 'merge_failed', pullRequestNumber: 15 }

::set-output name=mergeResult::merge_failed

::set-output name=pullRequestNumber::15
##[debug]Node Action run completed with exit code 0

For owl-to-java:

  • Inline superclasses
  • Replace superclass relationships with explicit relations to all subclasses
  • Declare JsonIdentityInfo for all objects which relate to another Node
  • Annotate to ingest XML from a TVA and import into Neo4J
  • Define relationships explicitly and infer multiplicity
  • Make isDefinedBy static
  • JSON schema generator


  • Transitive vulnerabilities:
Warning:(82, 24)  Provides transitive vulnerable dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:9.4.43.v20210629 CVE-2021-28169 5.3 Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability with medium severity found  Results powered by Checkmarx(c) 
Warning:(82, 24)  Provides transitive vulnerable dependency io.netty:netty-common:4.1.75.Final CVE-2022-24823 5.5 Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere vulnerability with medium severity found  Results powered by Checkmarx(c) 
Warning:(82, 24)  Provides transitive vulnerable dependency commons-collections:commons-collections:3.2.2 Cx78f40514-81ff 7.5 Uncontrolled Recursion vulnerability with medium severity found  Results powered by Checkmarx(c) 


http://localhost:8080/api/profile - see application.yml for /api

Build Spring Boot images, generate SSH keys, build supporting Docker containers and run with Docker compose:

% ./gradlew bootBuildImage
% ./
% docker compose build --no-cache --pull 
% docker compose up --force-recreate --detach 

Running with Docker Run Neo4j as defined in the docker-compose.yml:

% docker compose start neo4j

Login to http://localhost:7474/ using neo4j/secret
Connect to the database and query all objects: MATCH (o) RETURN o

Launch Rest API:

% ./gradlew engine:bootRun -PtestWithLocalNeo4j
<===========--> 85% EXECUTING [3m 6s]
> :engine:bootRun

Query Rest API:

% curl --silent http://localhost:8080/api/ | head -5
  "_links" : {
    "places" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/api/places{?page,size,sort}",
      "templated" : true


On-demand Neo4j uses Trunk based Development

An alternate branching strategy is likely to be required when there are multiple committers. While a low volume of commits and committers remains we have two paths to contribute to this project:

  • Contact me via my GitHub profile (->website -> LinkedIn) and ask to be added to this project.
  • Fork the repository then create a pull request.

Versioning is assisted by the Semantic Version Gradle Plugin, see:

 % ./gradlew printVersion                                 
Version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
 % ./gradlew incrementVersion --versionIncrementType=PATCH
 % ./gradlew printVersion                                 
Version: 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT

Request a feature

To request a new feature:

  1. Add an item to the TODO list

(see above for paths to contribute to this project).

Add a feature

To add a new feature:

  1. Pick a feature from this
  2. Create at least one test for the feature, cut and paste the TODO list item into the test comment
  3. Build using gradle build
  4. Commit code which passes gradle clean check -PsafeBuildMode=false
  5. Get the commit hash using git rev-parse HEAD and add it to the test KDoc.


     *  Support all classes as the default
     *  @since("Commit hash: e66cfd2dedd09bb496ac852a630ee1fb62466533")
    fun testExpectedClassInSkeletonClassMapWithDefaults() {
        // truncated...


To generate a dependency license report, use Gradle License Report plugin. See

 % ./gradlew generateLicenseReport
 % head -5 build/reports/dependency-license/index.html

        Dependency License Report for owl-to-java

Licence - On-demand Neo4j

On-demand Neo4j is released under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0:

 * On-demand Neo4j is an exploration of Neo4j with deployment to AWS.
 * Copyright (C) 2022  Antony Cartwright, Polycode Limited
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0 for more details.

Licence - Semantic Version Gradle Plugin

OWL to Java used the Semantic Version Gradle Plugin which is released under the Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004: The following files are copies of or derivatives of Semantic Version Gradle Plugin source:

  - Copy of

Licence - libschemaorg

libschemaorg is released under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0:

 * libschemaorg builds Source Code from the OWL file
 * Copyright (C) 2022  Antony Cartwright, Polycode Limited
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0 for more details.

Licence -

libschemaorg uses the Schema from which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (version 3.0): Version 14.0 is currently used and this can be downloaded from ( Release archive: ) The following files are copies of or derivatives of schemas:

./src/test/resources/schemaorg.owl - Version 14.0: copy of

Java objects generated from these files are referenced in libschemaorg source code and tests

Foundational tutorials


An exploration of Neo4j with deployment to AWS in an active state on demand and a passive state when unused.








No releases published
