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🌐 E-Commerce App (Frontend) - Angular & Typescript

Welcome to the frontend repository of our E-Commerce App, an engaging web application that provides a user-friendly interface for a shopping experience on par with industry leaders. This platform is designed to bring the ease of e-commerce to both customers and vendors with a focus on interaction and responsiveness.

🎨 Features

  • Responsive Design: A modern and responsive layout built with HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4 that adjusts beautifully across all devices. 🖌️📲
  • Angular Framework: A dynamic and interactive user experience powered by the robust Angular framework and Typescript. 🅰️
  • API Integration: REST API connectivity managed efficiently by the reliable Tomcat server, bridging the frontend and backend seamlessly. 🔄🔌
  • Testing Assurance: Application integrity maintained with Jasmine and Karma for a thorough, behavior-driven development testing process. ✔️

🚀 Getting Started

To get this application up and running:

  1. Clone the repo to your local system.
  2. Make sure you have the Angular CLI and Node.js installed.
  3. Install all dependencies by running npm install in the root directory.
  4. Use ng serve to start the development server and visit http://localhost:4200/ to see the app in action.

🛠️ Built With

  • Angular: The core framework providing the components and structure for our web application.
  • Typescript: For adding strong typing to our JavaScript code, enhancing maintainability and developer experience.
  • HTML5 & CSS3: The building blocks for web page structure and style.
  • Bootstrap 4: For a flexible and responsive design framework.
  • Tomcat Server: Utilized as the conduit for API calls between the frontend and backend services.
  • MAVEN: For handling project build and dependencies.
  • Jasmine & Karma: Our choice tools for running tests to ensure quality and performance.

🌐 Server Integration

The frontend is configured to connect with the backend via Tomcat server, ensuring efficient handling of API requests and consistent data delivery from the server to the client-side application.

🧪 Testing

Run ng test to execute the suite of unit and integration tests via Karma, ensuring the frontend operates reliably and as expected.

🤝 Contributing

We encourage contributions! Please review the issues tracker for open tasks or suggest new features or improvements by opening a new issue.

📜 License

This project is under the MIT License. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full agreement.

📢 Disclaimer

This application is intended for educational use and is not affiliated with Amazon or any other commercial entity.