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Age of Empires 3: Hundred Days edited this page Jan 29, 2015 · 5 revisions

To install the Hundred Days mods, please follow these instructions:


  1. Unzip the release file.
  2. Go the place where AoE III is installed (typically: Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Games)
  3. Drag & drop the Age of Empires III folder of the release folder onto the folder where lies your Age of Empires III folder. The mod's files will then be merged into your game's ones.
  4. Navigate to My Documents/My Games and move the AoE III - The Hundred Days folder into it.
  5. Launch the mod through the age3o.exe program located in the AoE's directory (you probably want to create a shortcut for it).


Instructions to come.


The Hundred Days mods has been built to be considered by the game's engine as a full-fledged extension (as the Warchiefs or the Asian Dynasties, for instance).

This means the mod won't overwrite any of your save files and can be played along with any extension of the game.