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🎵 NOTE *** This doc is obsolete, and may no longer be accurate ***

Please refer to this link instead:

How to start using OneMobileSDK v2.x

Integrate SDK with your project

You can integrate SDK in your project in several ways.

  1. Cocoapods - look on Podfile example in this repository.
  2. Carthage - look on Cartfile example in this repository.
  3. Binary - grab packed framework directly from

Creating an OneSDK object


let sdk = OneSDK.Provider.default.getSDK()

OneSDK is a factory of Players which share common settings and configurations. But OneSDK itself need to be configured properly. OneSDK should be initialized via config (OneSDK.Configuration) which can be received from web service.

To do so you need to request OneSDK future from an OneSDK.Provider


This class is responsible for giving you a future to setted up OneSDK object. You can use devault provider (will work for most cases) or customize it. Do to so:

var provider = OneSDK.Provider.default
provider.context.extra = ["site-section": "cars"]

let sdk = provider.getSDK()

Note: Contents of extra field is JSON aka [String: Any] so you need provide something that can be eaten up by JSONSerialization object.


Each OneSDK.Provider instance contains context field which is used to match application and settings on web service. In default provider we use current application context: OneSDK.Context.current.

This context is completed with values available in your application plist, device information, etc.

extra portion of context is empty by default, however, you can pass any JSON compatible dictionary here. Content of this dictionary will be treated by web service in app specific way.


OneSDK.Provider have another method func getConfiguration() -> Future<Result<OneSDK.Configuration>>.

While preferred way to construct an OneSDK is a provider, OneSDK contains initializer with Configuration object. You can use it when you want to alter recommended settings. For example:

func patch(config: OneSDK.Configuration) -> OneSDK.Configuration {
  var config = config
  config.features.isHLSEnabled = false
  return config

let sdk = provider.getConfiguration()


Content of OneSDK.Configuration will change from version to version as we are going to more and more web oriented (and resilent!) solution. Please, expect code to not be stable.

Migration note

If you porting code from 1.x version of an SDK:

  1. WithCallback is dropped from SDK in a favor of Future and Result primitives.
  2. OneSDK initializers is limited to configuration options.

Example of player construction:

SDK 1.18.x

let sdk = One.SDK(pid: "your_pid",
            aid: "your_aid",
            bcid: "your_bcid",
            companyKey: "your_company_key")
sdk.playerForVideoID("your_video_id") { result in
    let player = try? result()
    // player is ready to be used

SDK 2.x

OneSDK.Provider.default.getSDK().then {
    }.onComplete { player in
        // Result<Player> is ready to be used.