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Block In Radius

apace100 edited this page Mar 10, 2021 · 2 revisions

Entity Condition. Checks whether the player has a specified number of blocks blocks that match a specified block condition in a specified radius. The radius originates at the player's lower body block position.

Type ID: origins:block_in_radius


block_condition, Block Condition: The block condition which is applied to the block at the player's feet.

radius, int: The radius to check blocks in.

shape, string (either "cube" or "star"), default = "cube": Whether to check in a cube- or a star-shaped form.

comparison, Comparison, default = ">=": How the number of blocks in the radius which fulfill block_condition should be compared to the specified value.

compare_to, int, default = 1: The value to compare the number to.

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