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AMBARI-23822. Add for Solr Migration
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oleewere committed May 14, 2018
1 parent f472199 commit 397d5d3
Showing 1 changed file with 375 additions and 0 deletions.
375 changes: 375 additions & 0 deletions ambari-infra/ambari-infra-solr-client/
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
## Ambari Infra Solr Client

CLI helper tool(s) for Ambari Infra Solr.

### Solr Migration Helper (Solr 5.x to 7.x)

`/usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client/ --help`

Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host=HOST hostname for ambari server
-P PORT, --port=PORT port number for ambari server
-c CLUSTER, --cluster=CLUSTER
name cluster
-s, --ssl use if ambari server using https
-u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
username for accessing ambari server
-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
password for accessing ambari server
-a ACTION, --action=ACTION
backup | restore | migrate
-f, --force force index upgrade even if it's the right version
location of the index backups
backup name of the index
solr collection
lucene index version for migration (6.6.2 or 7.3.0)
number of tries for BACKUP/RESTORE status api calls in
the request
time interval between BACKUP/RESTORE status api calls
in the request
--request-async skip BACKUP/RESTORE status api calls from the command
--shared-fs shared fs for storing backup (will create index
location to <path><hostname>)
comma separated list of solr hosts
Disable to check solr hosts are good for the
collection backups
core filter for replica folders
specific cores to skip (comma separated)
--shards=SOLR_SHARDS number of shards (required to set properly for
Base path of Solr (where collections are located) if
HDFS is used (like /user/infra-solr)
--solr-keep-backup If it is turned on, Snapshot Solr data will not be
deleted from the filesystem during restore.

#### I. Backup/Migrate/Restore Ranger collection (Ambari 2.6.x to Ambari 2.7.x)

Before you start to upgrade process, check how many shards you have for Ranger collection, in order to know later how many shards you need to create for the collection where you will store the migrated index. Also make sure you have stable shards (at least one core is up and running)

##### 1. Upgrade Ambari Infra Solr Client

First make sure `ambari-infra-solr-client` is the latest. (If its before 2.7.x) It will contain the script at `/usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client` location.
Also make sure you won't upgrade `ambari-infra-solr` until the migration has not done. (all of this should happen after `ambari-server` upgrade, also make sure to not restart `INFRA_SOLR` instances)

##### 2. Backup Ranger collection

Use `/usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client/` script to backup the ranger collection.

# collection parameters
# init ambari parameters
AMBARI_SERVER_PORT=... # e.g.: 8080
CLUSTER_NAME=... # e.g.: cl1
AMBARI_USERNAME=... # e.g.: admin
AMBARI_PASSWORD=... # e.g.: admin

BACKUP_PATH=... # set a backup location like /tmp/ranger_backup, the command should create that folder if not exists

# use -s or --ssl option if ssl enabled for ambari-server

/usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client/ -H $AMBARI_SERVER_HOST -P $AMBARI_SERVER_PORT -c $CLUSTER_NAME -u $AMBARI_USERNAME -p $AMBARI_PASSWORD --action backup --index-location $BACKUP_PATH --collection $BACKUP_COLLECTION --backup-name $BACKUP_NAME

Optionally, you can stop ranger plugins at this point (or before that).

Also you can do the backup manually on every Solr node, by using [backup API of Solr]( (use against core names, not collection name, it works as expected only if you have 1 shard on every node)


su infra-solr
SOLR_URL=... # actual solr host url, example:
# collection parameters
BACKUP_PATH=... # backup location, e.g.: /tmp/ranger-backup

BACKUP_CORE=... # specific core on a host
BACKUP_CORE_NAME=... # core names for backup -> <backup_location>/
kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/ambari-infra-solr.service.keytab $(whoami)/$(hostname -f)
mkdir -p $BACKUP_PATH

curl --negotiate -k -u : "$SOLR_URL/$BACKUP_CORE/replication?command=BACKUP&location=$BACKUP_PATH&name=$BACKUP_CORE_NAME"

##### 3. Backuo Ranger configs on Solr ZNode

Next you can copy `ranger_audits` configs to a different znode, in order to keep the old schema.

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk64/1.8.0_112 # or other jdk8 location
export ZK_CONN_STR=... # without znode, e.g.: myhost1:2181,myhost2:2181,myhost3:2181
# note 1: --transfer-mode copyToLocal or --transfer-mode copyFromLocal can be used if you want to use the local filesystem
# note 2: use --jaas-file option only if the cluster is kerberized
infra-solr-cloud-cli --transfer-znode -z $ZK_CONN_STR --jaas-file /etc/ambari-infra-solr/conf/infra_solr_jaas.conf --copy-src /infra-solr/configs/ranger_audits --copy-dest /infra-solr/configs/old_ranger_audits

##### 4. Delete Ranger Collection

At this point you can delete the actual Ranger collection with this command:

su infra-solr # infra-solr user - if you have a custom one, use that
SOLR_URL=... # example:

# use kinit and --negotiate option for curl only if the cluster is kerberized
kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/ambari-infra-solr.service.keytab $(whoami)/$(hostname -f)

curl --negotiate -k -u : "$SOLR_URL/admin/collections?action=DELETE&name=$COLLECTION_NAME"

##### 5. Upgrade Ranger Solr schema

Before creating the new Ranger collection, it is required to upgrade `managed-schema` configs.

sudo -u infra-solr -i

# If kerberos enabled
kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/ambari-infra-solr.service.keytab $(whoami)/$(hostname -f)

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk64/1.8.0_112 # or other jdk8 location
export ZK_CONN_STR=... # without znode, e.g.: myhost1:2181,myhost2:2181,myhost3:2181
# note: --transfer-mode copyToLocal or --transfer-mode copyFromLocal can be used if you want to use the local filesystem
infra-solr-cloud-cli --transfer-znode -z $ZK_CONN_STR --jaas-file /etc/ambari-infra-solr/conf/infra_solr_jaas.conf --copy-src /infra-solr/configs/ranger_audits --copy-dest /infra-solr/configs/old_ranger_audits
# Setup env for
source /etc/ambari-infra-solr/conf/
# Run that command only if kerberos is enabled.
# Download the actual Ranger schema
wget -O managed-schema

# Upload the new schema
/usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ --zkhost "${ZK_HOST}" -cmd putfile /configs/ranger_audits/managed-schema managed-schema
##### 6. Upgrade Infra Solr Packages

At this step, you will need to upgrade ambari-infra-solr packages as well, but just after that you finished the backup and config upgrades for other collections as well (not just RANGER, do it for ATLAS and LOGSEARCH as well).
So you will need to stop here, and only continue if you are ready with the backup + delete collection part with all of the collections.

Example (for CentOS)
yum upgrade -y ambari-infra-solr

##### 7. Re-create Ranger collections

Just restart Ranger Admin service, as the collection was deleted before, during startup, the new Ranger Solr collection will be created (as a Solr 7 collection)

##### 8. Migrate Ranger index

From this point, you can migrate your old index in the background. On every hosts, where there is a backup located, you can run luce index migration tool (packaged with ambari-infra-solr-client).

# init ambari parameters

BACKUP_PATH=... # will run migration on every folder which contains *snapshot* in its name
BACKUP_COLLECTION=ranger_audits # collection name - used for only logging

# use -s or --ssl option if ssl enabled for ambari-server
/usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client/ -H $AMBARI_SERVER_HOST -P $AMBARI_SERVER_PORT -c $CLUSTER_NAME -u $AMBARI_USERNAME -p $AMBARI_PASSWORD --action migrate --index-location $BACKUP_PATH --collection $BACKUP_COLLECTION

Or you can run commands manually on nodes where your backups are located:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk64/1.8.0_112

# if /tmp/ranger-backup is your backup location
infra-lucene-index-tool upgrade-index -d /tmp/ranger-backup -f -b -g

# with 'infra-lucene-index-tool help' command you can checkout the command line options

By default, the tool will migrate from lucene version 5 to lucene version 6.6.0. (that's ok for Solr 7) If you want a lucene 7 index, you will need to re-run the migration tool command with `-v 7.3.0` option.

##### 9. Restore Old Ranger Collection

After you finished your lucene data migration, you can restore your replicas on every hosts where you have the backups. But we need to restore the old data to a new collection, so first you will need to create that: (on a host where you have an installed Infra Solr component). For Ranger, use old_ranger_audits config set that you backup up during Solr schema config upgrade step. (set this as CONFIG_NAME), to make that collection to work with Solr 7, you need to copy your solrconfig.xml as well.

Create a collection for restoring the backup (`old_ranger_audits`)
su infra-solr # infra-solr user - if you have a custom one, use that
SOLR_URL=... # example:
NUM_SHARDS=... # use that number that was used for the old collection - important to use at least that many that you have originally before backup
NUM_REP=1 # can be more, but 1 is recommended for that temp collection
MAX_SHARDS_PER_NODE=... # use that number that was used for the old collection

# kinit only if kerberos is enabled for tha cluster
kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/ambari-infra-solr.service.keytab $(whoami)/$(hostname -f)

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk64/1.8.0_112 # or other jdk8 location
export ZK_CONN_STR=... # without znode, e.g.: myhost1:2181,myhost2:2181,myhost3:2181

# note 1: jaas-file option required only if kerberos is enabled for the cluster
# note 2: copy new solrconfig.xml as the old one won't be compatible with solr 7
infra-solr-cloud-cli --transfer-znode -z $ZK_CONN_STR --jaas-file /etc/ambari-infra-solr/conf/infra_solr_jaas.conf --copy-src /infra-solr/configs/ranger_audits/solrconfig.xml --copy-dest /infra-solr/configs/old_ranger_audits/solrconfig.xml

curl --negotiate -k -u : "$SOLR_URL/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=$OLD_DATA_COLLECTION&numShards=$NUM_SHARDS&replicationFactor=$NUM_REP&maxShardsPerNode=$MAX_SHARDS_PER_NODE&collection.configName=$CONFIG_NAME"

Restore the collection:
# init ambari parameters

BACKUP_PATH=... # backup location, e.g.: /tmp/ranger-backup
NUM_SHARDS=... # important, use a proper number, that will be stored in files

# use -s or --ssl option if ssl enabled for ambari-server
/usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client/ -H $AMBARI_SERVER_HOST -P $AMBARI_SERVER_PORT -c $CLUSTER_NAME -u $AMBARI_USERNAME -p $AMBARI_PASSWORD --action restore --index-location $BACKUP_PATH --collection $OLD_BACKUP_COLLECTION --backup-name $BACKUP_NAME --shards $NUM_SHARDS

You will need to add `--solr-hdfs-path` option if your index is on HDFS (value can be like: `/user/infra-solr`), which should be the location where your collections are located.

Also you can manually run restore commands:

su infra-solr
SOLR_URL=... # actual solr host url, example:
BACKUP_PATH=... # backup location, e.g.: /tmp/ranger-backup

OLD_BACKUP_COLLECTION_CORE=... # choose a core to restore
BACKUP_CORE_NAME=... # choose a core from backup cores - you can find these names as : <backup_location>/snapshot.$BACKUP_CORE_NAME

kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/ambari-infra-solr.service.keytab $(whoami)/$(hostname -f)
curl --negotiate -k -u : "$SOLR_URL/$OLD_BACKUP_COLLECTION_CORE/replication?command=RESTORE&location=$BACKUP_PATH&name=$BACKUP_CORE_NAME"

Or use simple `cp` or `hdfs dfs -put` commands to copy the migrated cores to the right places.

##### 10. Reload restored collection

After the cores are restored you will need to reload the old_ranger_audits collection:

su infra-solr
SOLR_URL=... # actual solr host url, example:

# use kinit only if kerberos is enabled
kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/ambari-infra-solr.service.keytab $(whoami)/$(hostname -f)
curl --negotiate -k -u : "$SOLR_URL/admin/collecions?action=RELOAD&name=$OLD_RANGER_COLLECTION"

##### 11. Transport old data to ranger_audits collection

In the end, you end up with 2 collections (ranger_audits and old_ranger_audits), in order to drop the restored one, you will need to transfer your old data to the new collection. To achieve this, you can use ``, which is located next to the `` script

# Init values:
SOLR_URL=... # example:
INFRA_SOLR_KEYTAB=... # example: /etc/security/keytabs/ambari-infra-solr.service.keytab
INFRA_SOLR_PRINCIPAL=... # example: infra-solr/$(hostname -f)@EXAMPLE.COM
END_DATE=... # example: 2018-02-18T12:00:00.000Z , date until you export data

EXCLUDE_FIELDS=_version_ # comma separated exclude fields, at least _version_ is required

# infra-solr-data-manager is a symlink points to /usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client/
infra-solr-data-manager -m archive -v -c $OLD_COLLECTION -s $SOLR_URL -z none -r 10000 -w 100000 -f $DATE_FIELD -e $END_DATE --solr-output-collection $ACTIVE_COLLECTION -k $INFRA_SOLR_KEYTAB -n $INFRA_SOLR_PRINCIPAL --exclude-fields $EXCLUDE_FIELDS

# Or if you want to run the command in the background (with log and pid file):
nohup infra-solr-data-manager -m archive -v -c $OLD_COLLECTION -s $SOLR_URL -z none -r 10000 -w 100000 -f $DATE_FIELD -e $END_DATE --solr-output-collection $ACTIVE_COLLECTION -k $INFRA_SOLR_KEYTAB -n $INFRA_SOLR_PRINCIPAL --exclude-fields $EXCLUDE_FIELDS > /tmp/solr-data-mgr.log 2>&1>& echo $! > /tmp/

### Solr Data Manager

`/usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client/ --help`

Usage: [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODE, --mode=MODE archive | delete | save
-s SOLR_URL, --solr-url=SOLR_URL
the url of the solr server including the port
the name of the solr collection
-f FILTER_FIELD, --filter-field=FILTER_FIELD
the name of the field to filter on
-r READ_BLOCK_SIZE, --read-block-size=READ_BLOCK_SIZE
block size to use for reading from solr
-w WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE, --write-block-size=WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE
number of records in the output files
-i ID_FIELD, --id-field=ID_FIELD
the name of the id field
-o DATE_FORMAT, --date-format=DATE_FORMAT
the date format to use for --days
additional solr filter
-j NAME, --name=NAME name included in result files
-g, --ignore-unfinished-uploading
--json-file create a json file instead of line delimited json
none | tar.gz | tar.bz2 | zip | gz
-k SOLR_KEYTAB, --solr-keytab=SOLR_KEYTAB
the keytab for a kerberized solr
the principal for a kerberized solr
-a HDFS_KEYTAB, --hdfs-keytab=HDFS_KEYTAB
the keytab for a kerberized hdfs
the principal for a kerberized hdfs
-u HDFS_USER, --hdfs-user=HDFS_USER
the user for accessing hdfs
-p HDFS_PATH, --hdfs-path=HDFS_PATH
the hdfs path to upload to
-t KEY_FILE_PATH, --key-file-path=KEY_FILE_PATH
the file that contains S3 <accessKey>,<secretKey>
-b BUCKET, --bucket=BUCKET
the bucket name for S3 upload
-y KEY_PREFIX, --key-prefix=KEY_PREFIX
the key prefix for S3 upload
-x LOCAL_PATH, --local-path=LOCAL_PATH
the local path to save the files to
-v, --verbose
target output solr collection for archive
Comma separated list of excluded fields from json
specifying the end of the range:
-e END, --end=END end of the range
-d DAYS, --days=DAYS number of days to keep

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