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Update CQL docs for UDFs and aggregates
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Patch by Robert Stupp; reviewed by Tyler Hobbs for CASSANDRA-7737
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snazy authored and thobbs committed Feb 18, 2015
1 parent 2732752 commit 93ebff3
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Showing 2 changed files with 276 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NEWS.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ New features
- SSTable file name is changed. Now you don't have Keyspace/CF name
in file name. Also, secondary index has its own directory under parent's
- Support for user-defined functions and user-defined aggregates have
been added to CQL.

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278 changes: 274 additions & 4 deletions doc/cql3/CQL.textile
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="CQL.css" type="text/css" media="screen">

h1. Cassandra Query Language (CQL) v3.2.0
h1. Cassandra Query Language (CQL) v3.3.0

<span id="tableOfContents">
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,6 +124,15 @@ p. A @<tablename>@ will be used to identify a table. This is an identifier repre

p. For supported @<function>@, see the section on "functions":#functions.

p. Strings can be either enclosed with single quotes or two dollar characters. The second syntax has been introduced to allow strings that contain single quotes. Typical candidates for such strings are source code fragments for user-defined functions.


'some string value'

$$double-dollar string can contain single ' quotes$$

h3(#preparedStatement). Prepared Statement

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,7 +574,6 @@ __Syntax:__
<drop-trigger-stmt> ::= DROP TRIGGER ( IF EXISTS )? ( <triggername> )?
ON <tablename>


Expand All @@ -574,6 +582,157 @@ DROP TRIGGER myTrigger ON myTable;

@DROP TRIGGER@ statement removes the registration of a trigger created using @CREATE TRIGGER@.

h3(#createFunctionStmt). CREATE FUNCTION


<create-function-stmt> ::= CREATE ( OR REPLACE )?
( ( <keyspace> '.' )? <function-name> )?
'(' <arg-name> <arg-type> ( ',' <arg-name> <arg-type> )* ')'
RETURNS <type>
LANGUAGE <language>
AS <body>

( somearg int, anotherarg text, complexarg frozen<someUDT>, listarg list<bigint> )
AS $$
// some Java code
( someArg int )
AS $$
// some Java code

@CREATE FUNCTION@ creates or replaces a user-defined function.

Functions are either @DETERMINISTIC@ or @NON DETERMINISTIC@. A deterministic function always returns the same value for the same input values. A non-deterministic function may not. Examples of deterministic functions are math functions like _add_ or _sin_. Examples of non-deterministic functions are: _now_ or _random_. Functions are assumed to be deterministic by default.

h4(#functionSignature). Function Signature

Signatures are used to distinguish individual functions. The signature consists of:

# The fully qualified function name - i.e _keyspace_ plus _function-name_
# The concatenated list of all argument types

Note that keyspace names, function names and argument types are subject to the default naming conventions and case-sensitivity rules.

@CREATE FUNCTION@ with the optional @OR REPLACE@ keywords either creates a function or replaces an existing one with the same signature. A @CREATE FUNCTION@ without @OR REPLACE@ fails if a function with the same signature already exists.

If the optional @IF NOT EXISTS@ keywords are used, the function will only be created if another function with the same signature does not exist.

@OR REPLACE@ and @IF NOT EXIST@ cannot be used together.

Functions belong to a keyspace. If no keyspace is specified in @<function-name>@, the current keyspace is used (i.e. the keyspace specified using the "@USE@":#useStmt statement). It is not possible to create a user-defined function in one of the system keyspaces.

See the section on "user-defined functions":#udfs for more information.

h3(#dropFunctionStmt). DROP FUNCTION


<drop-function-stmt> ::= DROP FUNCTION ( IF EXISTS )?
( ( <keyspace> '.' )? <function-name> )?
( '(' <arg-type> ( ',' <arg-type> )* ')' )?


DROP FUNCTION myfunction;
DROP FUNCTION mykeyspace.afunction;
DROP FUNCTION afunction ( int );
DROP FUNCTION afunction ( text );

@DROP FUNCTION@ statement removes a function created using @CREATE FUNCTION@.
You must specify the argument types ("signature":#functionSignature) of the function to drop if there are multiple functions with the same name but a different signature (overloaded functions).

@DROP FUNCTION@ with the optional @IF EXISTS@ keywords drops a function if it exists.

h3(#createAggregateStmt). CREATE AGGREGATE


<create-aggregate-stmt> ::= CREATE ( OR REPLACE )?
( ( <keyspace> '.' )? <aggregate-name> )?
'(' <arg-type> ( ',' <arg-type> )* ')'
SFUNC ( <keyspace> '.' )? <state-functionname>
STYPE <state-type>
( FINALFUNC ( <keyspace> '.' )? <final-functionname> )?
( INITCOND <init-cond> )?

CREATE AGGREGATE myaggregate ( val text )
SFUNC myaggregate_state
STYPE text
FINALFUNC myaggregate_final

See the section on "user-defined aggregates":#udas for a complete example.

@CREATE AGGREGATE@ creates or replaces a user-defined aggregate.

@CREATE AGGREGATE@ with the optional @OR REPLACE@ keywords either creates an aggregate or replaces an existing one with the same signature. A @CREATE AGGREGATE@ without @OR REPLACE@ fails if an aggregate with the same signature already exists.

@CREATE AGGREGATE@ with the optional @IF NOT EXISTS@ keywords either creates an aggregate if it does not already exist.

@OR REPLACE@ and @IF NOT EXIST@ cannot be used together.

Aggregates belong to a keyspace. If no keyspace is specified in @<aggregate-name>@, the current keyspace is used (i.e. the keyspace specified using the "@USE@":#useStmt statement). It is not possible to create a user-defined aggregate in one of the system keyspaces.

Signatures for user-defined aggregates follow the "same rules":#functionSignature as for user-defined functions.

@STYPE@ defines the type of the state value and must be specified.

The optional @INITCOND@ defines the initial state value for the aggregate. It defaults to @null@.

@SFUNC@ references an existing function to be used as the state modifying function. The type of first argument of the state function must match @STYPE@. The remaining argument types of the state function must match the argument types of the aggregate function.

The optional @FINALFUNC@ is called just before the aggregate result is returned. It must take only one argument with type @STYPE@. The return type of the @FINALFUNC@ may be a different type.

If no @FINALFUNC@ is defined, the overall return type of the aggregate function is @STYPE@. If a @FINALFUNC@ is defined, it is the return type of that function.

See the section on "user-defined aggregates":#udas for more information.

h3(#dropAggregateStmt). DROP AGGREGATE


<drop-function-stmt> ::= DROP AGGREGATE ( IF EXISTS )?
( ( <keyspace> '.' )? <functionname> )?
( '(' <arg-type> ( ',' <arg-type> )* ')' )?


DROP AGGREGATE myKeyspace.anAggregate;
DROP AGGREGATE someAggregate ( int );
DROP AGGREGATE someAggregate ( text );

The @DROP AGGREGATE@ statement removes an aggregate created using @CREATE AGGREGATE@. You must specify the argument types of the aggregate to drop if there are multiple aggregates with the same name but a different signature (overloaded aggregates).

@DROP AGGREGATE@ with the optional @IF EXISTS@ keywords drops an aggregate if it exists, and does nothing if a function with the signature does not exist.

Signatures for user-defined aggregates follow the "same rules":#functionSignature as for user-defined functions.

h2(#dataManipulation). Data Manipulation

h3(#insertStmt). INSERT
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -820,7 +979,7 @@ h4(#selectSelection). @<select-clause>@

The @<select-clause>@ determines which columns needs to be queried and returned in the result-set. It consists of either the comma-separated list of <selector> or the wildcard character (@*@) to select all the columns defined for the table.

A @<selector>@ is either a column name to retrieve, or a @<function>@ of one or multiple column names. The functions allows are the same that for @<term>@ and are describe in the "function section":#function. In addition to these generic functions, the @WRITETIME@ (resp. @TTL@) function allows to select the timestamp of when the column was inserted (resp. the time to live (in seconds) for the column (or null if the column has no expiration set)).
A @<selector>@ is either a column name to retrieve or a @<function>@ of one or more @<term>@s. The function allowed are the same as for @<term>@ and are described in the "function section":#functions. In addition to these generic functions, the @WRITETIME@ (resp. @TTL@) function allows to select the timestamp of when the column was inserted (resp. the time to live (in seconds) for the column (or null if the column has no expiration set)).

Any @<selector>@ can be aliased using @AS@ keyword (see examples). Please note that @<where-clause>@ and @<order-by>@ clause should refer to the columns by their original names and not by their aliases.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1141,7 +1300,7 @@ As with "maps":#map, TTLs if used only apply to the newly inserted/updated _valu

h2(#functions). Functions

CQL3 supports a few functions (more to come). Currently, it only support functions on values (functions that transform one or more column values into a new value) and in particular aggregation functions are not supported. The functions supported are described below:
CQL3 distinguishes between built-in functions (so called 'native functions') and "user-defined functions":#udfs. CQL3 includes several native functions, described below:

h3(#tokenFun). Token

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1197,13 +1356,107 @@ h3(#blobFun). Blob conversion functions

A number of functions are provided to "convert" the native types into binary data (@blob@). For every @<native-type>@ @type@ supported by CQL3 (a notable exceptions is @blob@, for obvious reasons), the function @typeAsBlob@ takes a argument of type @type@ and return it as a @blob@. Conversely, the function @blobAsType@ takes a 64-bit @blob@ argument and convert it to a @bigint@ value. And so for instance, @bigintAsBlob(3)@ is @0x0000000000000003@ and @blobAsBigint(0x0000000000000003)@ is @3@.

h2(#udfs). User-Defined Functions

User-defined functions allow execution of user-provided code in Cassandra. By default, Cassandra supports defining functions in _Java_ and _JavaScript_. Support for other JSR 223 compliant scripting languages (such as Python, Ruby, and Scala) can be added by adding a JAR to the classpath.

UDFs are part of the Cassandra schema. As such, they are automatically propagated to all nodes in the cluster.

UDFs can be _overloaded_ - i.e. multiple UDFs with different argument types but the same function name. Example:

CREATE FUNCTION sample ( arg int ) ...;
CREATE FUNCTION sample ( arg text ) ...;

User-defined functions are susceptible to all of the normal problems with the chosen programming language. Accordingly, implementations should be safe against null pointer exceptions, illegal arguments, or any other potential source of exceptions. An exception during function execution will result in the entire statement failing.

It is valid to use _complex_ types like collections, tuple types and user-defined types as argument and return types. Tuple types and user-defined types are handled by the conversion functions of the DataStax Java Driver. Please see the documentation of the Java Driver for details on handling tuple types and user-defined types.

Arguments for functions can be literals or terms. Prepared statement placeholders can be used, too.

Note that you can use the double-quoted string syntax to enclose the UDF source code. For example:

CREATE FUNCTION some_function ( arg int )
AS $$ return arg; $$;

SELECT some_function(column) FROM atable ...;
UPDATE atable SET col = some_function(?) ...;

CREATE TYPE custom_type (txt text, i int);
CREATE FUNCTION fct_using_udt ( udtarg frozen<customType> )
AS $$ return udtarg.getString("txt"); $$;

User-defined functions can be used in "@SELECT@":#selectStmt, "@INSERT@":#insertStmt and "@UPDATE@":#updateStmt statements.

See "@CREATE FUNCTION@":#createFunctionStmt and "@DROP FUNCTION@":#dropFunctionStmt.

h2(#udas). User-Defined Aggregates

User-defined aggregates allow creation of custom aggregate functions using "UDFs":#udfs. Common examples of aggregate functions are _count_, _min_, and _max_.

Each aggregate requires an _initial state_ (@INITCOND@, which defaults to @null@) of type @STYPE@. The first argument of the state function must have type @STYPE@. The remaining arguments of the state function must match the types of the user-defined aggregate arguments. The state function is called once for each row, and the value returned by the state function becomes the new state. After all rows are processed, the optional @FINALFUNC@ is executed with last state value as its argument.

@STYPE@ is mandatory in order to be able to distinguish possibly overloaded versions of the state and/or final function (since the overload can appear after creation of the aggregate).

User-defined aggregates can be used in "@SELECT@":#selectStmt statement.

A complete working example for user-defined aggregates (assuming that a keyspace has been selected using the "@USE@":#useStmt statement):

CREATE FUNCTION averageState ( state tuple<int,bigint>, val int )
RETURNS tuple<int,bigint>
AS '
if (val != null) {
state.setInt(0, state.getInt(0)+1);
state.setLong(1, state.getLong(1)+val.intValue());
return state;

CREATE FUNCTION averageFinal ( state tuple<int,bigint> )
RETURNS double
AS '
double r = 0;
if (state.getInt(0) == 0) return null;
r = state.getLong(1);
r /= state.getInt(0);
return Double.valueOf(r);

CREATE AGGREGATE average ( int )
SFUNC averageState
STYPE tuple<int,bigint>
FINALFUNC averageFinal
INITCOND (0, 0);

CREATE TYPE atable (
val int);
INSERT INTO atable (pk, val) VALUES (1,1);
INSERT INTO atable (pk, val) VALUES (2,2);
INSERT INTO atable (pk, val) VALUES (3,3);
INSERT INTO atable (pk, val) VALUES (4,4);
SELECT average(val) FROM atable;

See "@CREATE AGGREGATE@":#createAggregateStmt and "@DROP AGGREGATE@":#dropAggregateStmt.

h2(#appendixA). Appendix A: CQL Keywords

CQL distinguishes between _reserved_ and _non-reserved_ keywords. Reserved keywords cannot be used as identifier, they are truly reserved for the language (but one can enclose a reserved keyword by double-quotes to use it as an identifier). Non-reserved keywords however only have a specific meaning in certain context but can used as identifer otherwise. The only _raison d'être_ of these non-reserved keywords is convenience: some keyword are non-reserved when it was always easy for the parser to decide whether they were used as keywords or not.

|_. Keyword |_. Reserved? |
| @ADD@ | yes |
| @AGGREGATE@ | no |
| @ALL@ | no |
| @ALTER@ | yes |
| @AND@ | yes |
Expand All @@ -1229,41 +1482,52 @@ CQL distinguishes between _reserved_ and _non-reserved_ keywords. Reserved keywo
| @DECIMAL@ | no |
| @DELETE@ | yes |
| @DESC@ | yes |
| @DOUBLE@ | no |
| @DROP@ | yes |
| @EACH_QUORUM@ | yes |
| @FUNCTION@ | no |
| @FINALFUNC@ | no |
| @FLOAT@ | no |
| @FROM@ | yes |
| @GRANT@ | yes |
| @IN@ | yes |
| @INDEX@ | yes |
| @CUSTOM@ | no |
| @INITCOND@ | no |
| @INSERT@ | yes |
| @INT@ | no |
| @INTO@ | yes |
| @KEY@ | no |
| @KEYSPACE@ | yes |
| @LANGUAGE@ | no |
| @LEVEL@ | no |
| @LIMIT@ | yes |
| @LOCAL_ONE@ | yes |
| @LOCAL_QUORUM@ | yes |
| @MODIFY@ | yes |
| @NORECURSIVE@ | yes |
| @NON@ | no |
| @NOSUPERUSER@ | no |
| @OF@ | yes |
| @ON@ | yes |
| @ONE@ | yes |
| @OR@ | yes |
| @ORDER@ | yes |
| @PASSWORD@ | no |
| @PERMISSION@ | no |
| @PERMISSIONS@ | no |
| @PRIMARY@ | yes |
| @QUORUM@ | yes |
| @REPLACE@ | yes |
| @RETURNS@ | no |
| @REVOKE@ | yes |
| @SCHEMA@ | yes |
| @SELECT@ | yes |
| @SET@ | yes |
| @SFUNC@ | no |
| @STORAGE@ | no |
| @STYPE@ | no |
| @SUPERUSER@ | no |
| @TABLE@ | yes |
| @TEXT@ | no |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1307,6 +1571,12 @@ h2(#changes). Changes

The following describes the changes in each version of CQL.

h3. 3.3.0

* User-defined functions are now supported through "@CREATE FUNCTION@":#createFunctionStmt and "@DROP FUNCTION@":#dropFunctionStmt,
* User-defined aggregates are now supported through "@CREATE AGGREGATE@":#createAggregateStmt and "@DROP AGGREGATE@":#dropAggregateStmt.
* Allows double-dollar enclosed strings literals as an alternative to single-quote enclosed strings.

h3. 3.2.0

* User-defined types are now supported through "@CREATE TYPE@":#createTypeStmt, "@ALTER TYPE@":#alterTypeStmt, and "@DROP TYPE@":#dropTypeStmt
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