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File metadata and controls

95 lines (81 loc) · 4.39 KB



Retrieves the aggregated routing percentages for a given :term:`Delivery Service`. This is accomplished by polling stats from all online Traffic Routers via the :ref:`tr-api-crs-stats` route.

Auth. Required:Yes
Roles Required:None[1]
Permissions Required:DELIVERY-SERVICE:READ
Response Type:Object


Only HTTP or DNS :term:`Delivery Services` can be requested.

Request Structure

Request Path Parameters
Name Description
ID The integral, unique identifier for the :term:`Delivery Service` of interest
GET /api/4.0/deliveryservices/1/routing HTTP/1.1
Host: trafficops.infra.ciab.test
User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
Accept: */*
Cookie: mojolicious=...

Response Structure

cz:The percent of requests to online Traffic Routers for this :term:`Delivery Service` that were satisfied by a :term:`Coverage Zone File`
deepCz:The percent of requests to online Traffic Routers for this :term:`Delivery Service` that were satisfied by a :term:`Deep Coverage Zone File`
dsr:The percent of requests to online Traffic Routers for this :term:`Delivery Service` that were satisfied by sending the client to an overflow :term:`Delivery Service`
err:The percent of requests to online Traffic Routers for this :term:`Delivery Service` that resulted in an error
fed:The percent of requests to online Traffic Routers for this :term:`Delivery Service` that were satisfied by sending the client to a federated CDN
geo:The percent of requests to online Traffic Routers for this :term:`Delivery Service` that were satisfied using 3rd party geographic IP mapping
miss:The percent of requests to online Traffic Routers for this :term:`Delivery Service` that could not be satisfied
regionalAlternate:The percent of requests to online Traffic Routers for this :term:`Delivery Service` that were satisfied by sending the client to the alternate, Regional Geo-blocking URL
regionalDenied:The percent of requests to online Traffic Routers for this :term:`Delivery Service` that were denied due to geographic location policy
staticRoute:The percent of requests to online Traffic Routers for this :term:`Delivery Service` that were satisfied with :ref:`ds-static-dns-entries`
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST,GET,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2018 15:08:07 GMT
X-Server-Name: traffic_ops_golang/
Set-Cookie: mojolicious=...; Path=/; Expires=Mon, 18 Nov 2019 17:40:54 GMT; Max-Age=3600; HttpOnly
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Whole-Content-Sha512: UgPziRC/5u4+CfkZ9xm0EkEzjjJVu6cwBrFd/n3xH/ZmlkaXkQaa1y4+B7DyE46vxFLYE0ODOcQchyn7JkoQOg==
Content-Length: 132

{ "response": {
        "cz": 79,
        "deepCz": 0.50,
        "dsr": 0,
        "err": 0,
        "fed": 0.25,
        "geo": 20,
        "miss": 0.25,
        "regionalAlternate": 0,
        "regionalDenied": 0,
        "staticRoute": 0
[1]Users will only be able to view routing details for the :term:`Delivery Services` their :term:`Tenant` is allowed to see.