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forked from kellyjonbrazil/jc

This tool serializes the output of popular gnu linux command line tools and file types to structured JSON output. This allows piping of output to tools like jq.


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JSON CLI output utility

jc is used to JSONify the output of many standard linux cli tools and file types for easier parsing in scripts. See the Parsers section for supported commands and file types.

This allows further command line processing of output with tools like jq simply by piping commands:

$ ls -l /usr/bin | jc --ls | jq '.[] | select(.size > 50000000)'
  "filename": "docker",
  "flags": "-rwxr-xr-x",
  "links": 1,
  "owner": "root",
  "group": "root",
  "size": 68677120,
  "date": "Aug 14 19:41"

or using the alternative "magic" syntax:

$ jc ls -l /usr/bin | jq '.[] | select(.size > 50000000)'
  "filename": "docker",
  "flags": "-rwxr-xr-x",
  "links": 1,
  "owner": "root",
  "group": "root",
  "size": 68677120,
  "date": "Aug 14 19:41"

The jc parsers can also be used as python modules. In this case the output will be a python dictionary, or list of dictionaries, instead of JSON:

>>> import
>>> data='''-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    23648 May  3 22:26 cat
... -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    30016 May  3 22:26 chmod
... -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    29024 May  3 22:26 cp
... -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   375824 May  3 22:26 csh
... -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    28608 May  3 22:26 date
... -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    32000 May  3 22:26 dd
... -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    23392 May  3 22:26 df
... -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    18128 May  3 22:26 echo'''
[{'filename': 'cat', 'flags': '-rwxr-xr-x', 'links': 1, 'owner': 'root', 'group': 'wheel', 'size': 23648,
'date': 'May 3 22:26'}, {'filename': 'chmod', 'flags': '-rwxr-xr-x', 'links': 1, 'owner': 'root',
'group': 'wheel', 'size': 30016, 'date': 'May 3 22:26'}, {'filename': 'cp', 'flags': '-rwxr-xr-x',
'links': 1, 'owner': 'root', 'group': 'wheel', 'size': 29024, 'date': 'May 3 22:26'}, {'filename': 'csh',
'flags': '-rwxr-xr-x', 'links': 1, 'owner': 'root', 'group': 'wheel', 'size': 375824, 'date': 'May 3
22:26'}, {'filename': 'date', 'flags': '-rwxr-xr-x', 'links': 1, 'owner': 'root', 'group': 'wheel',
'size': 28608, 'date': 'May 3 22:26'}, {'filename': 'dd', 'flags': '-rwxr-xr-x', 'links': 1, 'owner':
'root', 'group': 'wheel', 'size': 32000, 'date': 'May 3 22:26'}, {'filename': 'df', 'flags':
'-rwxr-xr-x', 'links': 1, 'owner': 'root', 'group': 'wheel', 'size': 23392, 'date': 'May 3 22:26'},
{'filename': 'echo', 'flags': '-rwxr-xr-x', 'links': 1, 'owner': 'root', 'group': 'wheel', 'size': 18128,
'date': 'May 3 22:26'}]

Two representations of the data are possible. The default representation uses a strict schema per parser and converts known numbers to int/float JSON values. Certain known values of None are converted to JSON null, known boolean values are converted, and, in some cases, additional semantic context fields are added.

To access the raw, pre-processed JSON, use the -r cli option or the raw=True function parameter in parse().

Schemas for each parser can be found in the docs/parsers folder.

Release notes can be found here.

For more information on the motivations for this project, please see my blog post.


$ pip3 install --upgrade jc


jc accepts piped input from STDIN and outputs a JSON representation of the previous command's output to STDOUT.


Alternatively, the "magic" syntax can be used by prepending jc to the command to be converted. Options can be passed to jc immediately before the command is given. (Note: command aliases are not supported)


The JSON output can be compact (default) or pretty formatted with the -p option.


  • --airport enables the airport -I command parser (OSX)
  • --airport-s enables the airport -s command parser (OSX)
  • --arp enables the arp command parser
  • --blkid enables the blkid command parser
  • --crontab enables the crontab command and file parser
  • --crontab-u enables the crontab file parser with user support
  • --csv enables the CSV file parser
  • --df enables the df command parser
  • --dig enables the dig command parser
  • --du enables the du command parser
  • --env enables the env command parser
  • --file enables the file command parser
  • --free enables the free command parser
  • --fstab enables the /etc/fstab file parser
  • --group enables the /etc/group file parser
  • --gshadow enables the /etc/gshadow file parser
  • --history enables the history command parser
  • --hosts enables the /etc/hosts file parser
  • --id enables the id command parser
  • --ifconfig enables the ifconfig command parser
  • --ini enables the INI file parser
  • --iptables enables the iptables command parser
  • --jobs enables the jobs command parser
  • --last enables the last and lastb command parser
  • --ls enables the ls command parser
  • --lsblk enables the lsblk command parser
  • --lsmod enables the lsmod command parser
  • --lsof enables the lsof command parser
  • --mount enables the mount command parser
  • --netstat enables the netstat command parser
  • --ntpq enables the ntpq -p command parser
  • --passwd enables the /etc/passwd file parser
  • --pip-list enables the pip list command parser
  • --pip-show enables the pip show command parser
  • --ps enables the ps command parser
  • --route enables the route command parser
  • --shadow enables the /etc/shadow file parser
  • --ss enables the ss command parser
  • --stat enables the stat command parser
  • --systemctl enables the systemctl command parser
  • --systemctl-lj enables the systemctl list-jobs command parser
  • --systemctl-ls enables the systemctl list-sockets command parser
  • --systemctl-luf enables the systemctl list-unit-files command parser
  • --timedatectl enables the timedatectl status command parser
  • --uname enables the uname -a command parser
  • --uptime enables the uptime command parser
  • --w enables the w command parser
  • --who enables the who command parser
  • --xml enables the XML file parser
  • --yaml enables the YAML file parser


  • -a about jc. Prints information about jc and the parsers (in JSON, of course!)
  • -d debug mode. Prints trace messages if parsing issues encountered
  • -m monochrome JSON output
  • -p pretty format the JSON output
  • -q quiet mode. Suppresses warning messages
  • -r raw output. Provides a more literal JSON output with all values as text and no additional sematic processing

Setting Custom Colors via Environment Variable

You can specify custom colors via the JC_COLORS environment variable. The JC_COLORS environment variable takes four comma separated string values in the following format:


Where colors are: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, gray, brightblack, brightred, brightgreen, brightyellow, brightblue, brightmagenta, brightcyan, white, or default

For example, to set to the default colors:





Feel free to add/improve code or parsers! You can use the jc/parsers/ parser as a template and submit your parser with a pull request.


Some parsers like ls, ps, dig, etc. will work on any platform. Other parsers that are platform-specific will generate a warning message if they are used on an unsupported platform. To see all parser information, including compatibility, run jc -ap.

You may still use a parser on an unsupported platform - for example, you may want to parse a file with linux lsof output on an OSX laptop. In that case you can suppress the warning message with the -q cli option or the quiet=True function parameter in parse():

$ cat lsof.out | jc --lsof -q

Tested on:

  • Centos 7.7
  • Ubuntu 18.4
  • OSX 10.11.6
  • OSX 10.14.6



airport -I

$ airport -I | jc --airport -p          # or:  jc -p airport -I
  "agrctlrssi": -66,
  "agrextrssi": 0,
  "agrctlnoise": -90,
  "agrextnoise": 0,
  "state": "running",
  "op_mode": "station",
  "lasttxrate": 195,
  "maxrate": 867,
  "lastassocstatus": 0,
  "802_11_auth": "open",
  "link_auth": "wpa2-psk",
  "bssid": "3c:37:86:15:ad:f9",
  "ssid": "SnazzleDazzle",
  "mcs": 0,
  "channel": "48,80"

airport -s

$ airport -s | jc --airport-s -p          # or:  jc -p airport -s
    "ssid": "DIRECT-4A-HP OfficeJet 3830",
    "bssid": "00:67:eb:2a:a7:3b",
    "rssi": -90,
    "channel": "6",
    "ht": true,
    "cc": "--",
    "security": [
    "ssid": "Latitude38",
    "bssid": "c0:ff:d5:d2:7a:f3",
    "rssi": -85,
    "channel": "11",
    "ht": true,
    "cc": "US",
    "security": [
    "ssid": "xfinitywifi",
    "bssid": "6e:e3:0e:b8:45:99",
    "rssi": -83,
    "channel": "11",
    "ht": true,
    "cc": "US",
    "security": [


$ arp | jc --arp -p          # or:  jc -p arp
    "address": "gateway",
    "hwtype": "ether",
    "hwaddress": "00:50:56:f7:4a:fc",
    "flags_mask": "C",
    "iface": "ens33"
    "address": "",
    "hwtype": "ether",
    "hwaddress": "00:50:56:c0:00:08",
    "flags_mask": "C",
    "iface": "ens33"
    "address": "",
    "hwtype": "ether",
    "hwaddress": "00:50:56:fe:7a:b4",
    "flags_mask": "C",
    "iface": "ens33"
$ arp -a | jc --arp -p          # or:  jc -p arp -a
    "name": null,
    "address": "",
    "hwtype": "ether",
    "hwaddress": "00:50:56:c0:00:08",
    "iface": "ens33"
    "name": null,
    "address": "",
    "hwtype": "ether",
    "hwaddress": "00:50:56:fe:7a:b4",
    "iface": "ens33"
    "name": "_gateway",
    "address": "",
    "hwtype": "ether",
    "hwaddress": "00:50:56:f7:4a:fc",
    "iface": "ens33"


$ blkid | jc --blkid -p          # or:  jc -p blkid
    "device": "/dev/sda1",
    "uuid": "05d927ab-5875-49e4-ada1-7f46cb32c932",
    "type": "xfs"
    "device": "/dev/sda2",
    "uuid": "3klkIj-w1kk-DkJi-0XBJ-y3i7-i2Ac-vHqWBM",
    "type": "LVM2_member"
    "device": "/dev/mapper/centos-root",
    "uuid": "07d718ff-950c-4e5b-98f0-42a1147c77d9",
    "type": "xfs"
    "device": "/dev/mapper/centos-swap",
    "uuid": "615eb89a-bcbf-46fd-80e3-c483ff5c931f",
    "type": "swap"
$ sudo blkid -o udev -ip /dev/sda2 | jc --blkid -p          # or:  sudo jc -p blkid -o udev -ip /dev/sda2
    "id_fs_uuid": "3klkIj-w1kk-DkJi-0XBJ-y3i7-i2Ac-vHqWBM",
    "id_fs_uuid_enc": "3klkIj-w1kk-DkJi-0XBJ-y3i7-i2Ac-vHqWBM",
    "id_fs_version": "LVM2\x20001",
    "id_fs_type": "LVM2_member",
    "id_fs_usage": "raid",
    "id_iolimit_minimum_io_size": 512,
    "id_iolimit_physical_sector_size": 512,
    "id_iolimit_logical_sector_size": 512,
    "id_part_entry_scheme": "dos",
    "id_part_entry_type": "0x8e",
    "id_part_entry_number": 2,
    "id_part_entry_offset": 2099200,
    "id_part_entry_size": 39843840,
    "id_part_entry_disk": "8:0"


$ cat /etc/crontab | jc --crontab -p          # or:  jc -p crontab -l
  "variables": [
      "name": "MAILTO",
      "value": "root"
      "name": "PATH",
      "value": "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"
      "name": "SHELL",
      "value": "/bin/bash"
  "schedule": [
      "minute": [
      "hour": [
      "day_of_month": [
      "month": [
      "day_of_week": [
      "command": "/var/www/"
      "minute": [
      "hour": [
      "day_of_month": [
      "month": [
      "day_of_week": [
      "command": "/var/www/"
      "occurrence": "yearly",
      "command": "/home/maverick/bin/annual-maintenance"
      "occurrence": "reboot",
      "command": "/home/cleanup"
      "occurrence": "monthly",
      "command": "/home/maverick/bin/tape-backup"

crontab-u (with user support)

$ cat /etc/crontab | jc --crontab-u -p
  "variables": [
      "name": "MAILTO",
      "value": "root"
      "name": "PATH",
      "value": "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"
      "name": "SHELL",
      "value": "/bin/bash"
  "schedule": [
      "minute": [
      "hour": [
      "day_of_month": [
      "month": [
      "day_of_week": [
      "user": "root",
      "command": "/var/www/"
      "minute": [
      "hour": [
      "day_of_month": [
      "month": [
      "day_of_week": [
      "user": "root",
      "command": "/var/www/"
      "occurrence": "yearly",
      "user": "root",
      "command": "/home/maverick/bin/annual-maintenance"
      "occurrence": "reboot",
      "user": "root",
      "command": "/home/cleanup"
      "occurrence": "monthly",
      "user": "root",
      "command": "/home/maverick/bin/tape-backup"

CSV files

$ cat homes.csv 
"Sell", "List", "Living", "Rooms", "Beds", "Baths", "Age", "Acres", "Taxes"
142, 160, 28, 10, 5, 3,  60, 0.28,  3167
175, 180, 18,  8, 4, 1,  12, 0.43,  4033
129, 132, 13,  6, 3, 1,  41, 0.33,  1471

$ cat homes.csv | jc --csv -p
    "Sell": "142",
    "List": "160",
    "Living": "28",
    "Rooms": "10",
    "Beds": "5",
    "Baths": "3",
    "Age": "60",
    "Acres": "0.28",
    "Taxes": "3167"
    "Sell": "175",
    "List": "180",
    "Living": "18",
    "Rooms": "8",
    "Beds": "4",
    "Baths": "1",
    "Age": "12",
    "Acres": "0.43",
    "Taxes": "4033"
    "Sell": "129",
    "List": "132",
    "Living": "13",
    "Rooms": "6",
    "Beds": "3",
    "Baths": "1",
    "Age": "41",
    "Acres": "0.33",
    "Taxes": "1471"


$ df | jc --df -p          # or:  jc -p df
    "filesystem": "devtmpfs",
    "1k_blocks": 1918816,
    "used": 0,
    "available": 1918816,
    "use_percent": 0,
    "mounted_on": "/dev"
    "filesystem": "tmpfs",
    "1k_blocks": 1930664,
    "used": 0,
    "available": 1930664,
    "use_percent": 0,
    "mounted_on": "/dev/shm"


$ dig @ | jc --dig -p          # or:  jc -p dig @
    "id": 5509,
    "opcode": "QUERY",
    "status": "NOERROR",
    "flags": [
    "query_num": 1,
    "answer_num": 4,
    "authority_num": 0,
    "additional_num": 1,
    "question": {
      "name": "",
      "class": "IN",
      "type": "A"
    "answer": [
        "name": "",
        "class": "IN",
        "type": "A",
        "ttl": 60,
        "data": ""
        "name": "",
        "class": "IN",
        "type": "A",
        "ttl": 60,
        "data": ""
        "name": "",
        "class": "IN",
        "type": "A",
        "ttl": 60,
        "data": ""
        "name": "",
        "class": "IN",
        "type": "A",
        "ttl": 60,
        "data": ""
    "query_time": 28,
    "server": "2600",
    "when": "Tue Nov 12 07:13:03 PST 2019",
    "rcvd": 100
    "id": 62696,
    "opcode": "QUERY",
    "status": "NOERROR",
    "flags": [
    "query_num": 1,
    "answer_num": 1,
    "authority_num": 4,
    "additional_num": 1,
    "question": {
      "name": "",
      "class": "IN",
      "type": "A"
    "answer": [
        "name": "",
        "class": "IN",
        "type": "CNAME",
        "ttl": 300,
        "data": ""
    "authority": [
        "name": "",
        "class": "IN",
        "type": "NS",
        "ttl": 3600,
        "data": ""
        "name": "",
        "class": "IN",
        "type": "NS",
        "ttl": 3600,
        "data": ""
        "name": "",
        "class": "IN",
        "type": "NS",
        "ttl": 3600,
        "data": ""
        "name": "",
        "class": "IN",
        "type": "NS",
        "ttl": 3600,
        "data": ""
    "query_time": 29,
    "server": "",
    "when": "Tue Nov 12 07:13:03 PST 2019",
    "rcvd": 212
$ dig -x | jc --dig -p          # or:  jc -p dig -x
    "id": 50324,
    "opcode": "QUERY",
    "status": "NOERROR",
    "flags": [
    "query_num": 1,
    "answer_num": 1,
    "authority_num": 0,
    "additional_num": 1,
    "question": {
      "name": "",
      "class": "IN",
      "type": "PTR"
    "answer": [
        "name": "",
        "class": "IN",
        "type": "PTR",
        "ttl": 1634,
        "data": ""
    "query_time": 36,
    "server": "2600",
    "when": "Tue Nov 12 07:13:49 PST 2019",
    "rcvd": 78


$ du /usr | jc --du -p          # or:  jc -p du /usr
    "size": 104608,
    "name": "/usr/bin"
    "size": 56,
    "name": "/usr/standalone/firmware/iBridge1_1Customer.bundle/Contents/_CodeSignature"
    "size": 0,
    "name": "/usr/standalone/firmware/iBridge1_1Customer.bundle/Contents/Resources/Firmware/usr/local/standalone"
    "size": 0,
    "name": "/usr/standalone/firmware/iBridge1_1Customer.bundle/Contents/Resources/Firmware/usr/local"
    "size": 0,
    "name": "/usr/standalone/firmware/iBridge1_1Customer.bundle/Contents/Resources/Firmware/usr"
    "size": 1008,
    "name": "/usr/standalone/firmware/iBridge1_1Customer.bundle/Contents/Resources/Firmware/dfu"


$ env | jc --env -p          # or:  jc -p env
    "name": "XDG_SESSION_ID",
    "value": "1"
    "name": "HOSTNAME",
    "value": "localhost.localdomain"
    "name": "TERM",
    "value": "vt220"
    "name": "SHELL",
    "value": "/bin/bash"
    "name": "HISTSIZE",
    "value": "1000"


$ file * | jc --file -p          # or:  jc -p file *
    "filename": "Applications",
    "type": "directory"
    "filename": "another file with spaces",
    "type": "empty"
    "filename": "",
    "type": "Python script text executable, ASCII text"
    "filename": "blkid-p.out",
    "type": "ASCII text"
    "filename": "blkid-pi.out",
    "type": "ASCII text, with very long lines"
    "filename": "cd_catalog.xml",
    "type": "XML 1.0 document text, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators"
    "filename": "",
    "type": "Bourne-Again shell script text executable, UTF-8 Unicode text"


$ free | jc --free -p          # or:  jc -p free
    "type": "Mem",
    "total": 3861340,
    "used": 220508,
    "free": 3381972,
    "shared": 11800,
    "buff_cache": 258860,
    "available": 3397784
    "type": "Swap",
    "total": 2097148,
    "used": 0,
    "free": 2097148

/etc/fstab file

$ cat /etc/fstab | jc --fstab -p
    "fs_spec": "/dev/mapper/centos-root",
    "fs_file": "/",
    "fs_vfstype": "xfs",
    "fs_mntops": "defaults",
    "fs_freq": 0,
    "fs_passno": 0
    "fs_spec": "UUID=05d927bb-5875-49e3-ada1-7f46cb31c932",
    "fs_file": "/boot",
    "fs_vfstype": "xfs",
    "fs_mntops": "defaults",
    "fs_freq": 0,
    "fs_passno": 0
    "fs_spec": "/dev/mapper/centos-swap",
    "fs_file": "swap",
    "fs_vfstype": "swap",
    "fs_mntops": "defaults",
    "fs_freq": 0,
    "fs_passno": 0

/etc/group file

$ cat /etc/group | jc --group -p
    "group_name": "nobody",
    "password": "*",
    "gid": -2,
    "members": []
    "group_name": "nogroup",
    "password": "*",
    "gid": -1,
    "members": []
    "group_name": "wheel",
    "password": "*",
    "gid": 0,
    "members": [
    "group_name": "certusers",
    "password": "*",
    "gid": 29,
    "members": [

/etc/gshadow file

$ cat /etc/gshadow | jc --gshadow -p
    "group_name": "root",
    "password": "*",
    "administrators": [],
    "members": []
    "group_name": "adm",
    "password": "*",
    "administrators": [],
    "members": [


$ history | jc --history -p
    "line": 118,
    "command": "sleep 100"
    "line": 119,
    "command": "ls /bin"
    "line": 120,
    "command": "echo \"hello\""
    "line": 121,
    "command": "docker images"

/etc/hosts file

$ cat /etc/hosts | jc --hosts -p
    "ip": "",
    "hostname": [
    "ip": "",
    "hostname": [
    "ip": "::1",
    "hostname": [
    "ip": "fe00::0",
    "hostname": [
    "ip": "ff00::0",
    "hostname": [
    "ip": "ff02::1",
    "hostname": [
    "ip": "ff02::2",
    "hostname": [


$ id | jc --id -p          # or:  jc -p id
  "uid": {
    "id": 1000,
    "name": "joeuser"
  "gid": {
    "id": 1000,
    "name": "joeuser"
  "groups": [
      "id": 1000,
      "name": "joeuser"
      "id": 10,
      "name": "wheel"
  "context": {
    "user": "unconfined_u",
    "role": "unconfined_r",
    "type": "unconfined_t",
    "level": "s0-s0:c0.c1023"


$ ifconfig | jc --ifconfig -p          # or:  jc -p ifconfig
    "name": "ens33",
    "flags": 4163,
    "state": [
    "mtu": 1500,
    "ipv4_addr": "",
    "ipv4_mask": "",
    "ipv4_bcast": "",
    "ipv6_addr": "fe80::c1cb:715d:bc3e:b8a0",
    "ipv6_mask": 64,
    "ipv6_scope": "0x20",
    "mac_addr": "00:0c:29:3b:58:0e",
    "type": "Ethernet",
    "rx_packets": 8061,
    "rx_bytes": 1514413,
    "rx_errors": 0,
    "rx_dropped": 0,
    "rx_overruns": 0,
    "rx_frame": 0,
    "tx_packets": 4502,
    "tx_bytes": 866622,
    "tx_errors": 0,
    "tx_dropped": 0,
    "tx_overruns": 0,
    "tx_carrier": 0,
    "tx_collisions": 0,
    "metric": null
    "name": "lo",
    "flags": 73,
    "state": [
    "mtu": 65536,
    "ipv4_addr": "",
    "ipv4_mask": "",
    "ipv4_bcast": null,
    "ipv6_addr": "::1",
    "ipv6_mask": 128,
    "ipv6_scope": "0x10",
    "mac_addr": null,
    "type": "Local Loopback",
    "rx_packets": 73,
    "rx_bytes": 6009,
    "rx_errors": 0,
    "rx_dropped": 0,
    "rx_overruns": 0,
    "rx_frame": 0,
    "tx_packets": 73,
    "tx_bytes": 6009,
    "tx_errors": 0,
    "tx_dropped": 0,
    "tx_overruns": 0,
    "tx_carrier": 0,
    "tx_collisions": 0,
    "metric": null

INI files

$ cat example.ini
ServerAliveInterval = 45
Compression = yes
CompressionLevel = 9
ForwardX11 = yes

User = hg

Port = 50022
ForwardX11 = no

$ cat example.ini | jc --ini -p
  "": {
    "serveraliveinterval": "45",
    "compression": "yes",
    "compressionlevel": "9",
    "forwardx11": "yes",
    "user": "hg"
  "": {
    "serveraliveinterval": "45",
    "compression": "yes",
    "compressionlevel": "9",
    "forwardx11": "no",
    "port": "50022"


$ sudo iptables --line-numbers -v -L -t nat | jc --iptables -p          # or:  sudo jc -p iptables --line-numbers -v -L -t nat
    "chain": "PREROUTING",
    "rules": [
        "num": 1,
        "pkts": 2183,
        "bytes": 186000,
        "target": "PREROUTING_direct",
        "prot": "all",
        "opt": null,
        "in": "any",
        "out": "any",
        "source": "anywhere",
        "destination": "anywhere"
        "num": 2,
        "pkts": 2183,
        "bytes": 186000,
        "target": "PREROUTING_ZONES_SOURCE",
        "prot": "all",
        "opt": null,
        "in": "any",
        "out": "any",
        "source": "anywhere",
        "destination": "anywhere"
        "num": 3,
        "pkts": 2183,
        "bytes": 186000,
        "target": "PREROUTING_ZONES",
        "prot": "all",
        "opt": null,
        "in": "any",
        "out": "any",
        "source": "anywhere",
        "destination": "anywhere"
        "num": 4,
        "pkts": 0,
        "bytes": 0,
        "target": "DOCKER",
        "prot": "all",
        "opt": null,
        "in": "any",
        "out": "any",
        "source": "anywhere",
        "destination": "anywhere",
        "options": "ADDRTYPE match dst-type LOCAL"


$ jobs -l | jc --jobs -p          # or:  jc -p jobs
    "job_number": 1,
    "pid": 5283,
    "status": "Running",
    "command": "sleep 10000 &"
    "job_number": 2,
    "pid": 5284,
    "status": "Running",
    "command": "sleep 10100 &"
    "job_number": 3,
    "pid": 5285,
    "history": "previous",
    "status": "Running",
    "command": "sleep 10001 &"
    "job_number": 4,
    "pid": 5286,
    "history": "current",
    "status": "Running",
    "command": "sleep 10112 &"

last and lastb

$ last | jc --last -p          # or:  jc -p last
    "user": "joeuser",
    "tty": "ttys002",
    "hostname": null,
    "login": "Thu Feb 27 14:31",
    "logout": "still logged in"
    "user": "joeuser",
    "tty": "ttys003",
    "hostname": null,
    "login": "Thu Feb 27 10:38",
    "logout": "10:38",
    "duration": "00:00"
    "user": "joeuser",
    "tty": "ttys003",
    "hostname": null,
    "login": "Thu Feb 27 10:18",
    "logout": "10:18",
    "duration": "00:00"


$ ls -l /usr/bin | jc --ls -p          # or:  jc -p ls -l /usr/bin
    "filename": "apropos",
    "link_to": "whatis",
    "flags": "lrwxrwxrwx.",
    "links": 1,
    "owner": "root",
    "group": "root",
    "size": 6,
    "date": "Aug 15 10:53"
    "filename": "ar",
    "flags": "-rwxr-xr-x.",
    "links": 1,
    "owner": "root",
    "group": "root",
    "size": 62744,
    "date": "Aug 8 16:14"
    "filename": "arch",
    "flags": "-rwxr-xr-x.",
    "links": 1,
    "owner": "root",
    "group": "root",
    "size": 33080,
    "date": "Aug 19 23:25"


$ lsblk | jc --lsblk -p          # or:  jc -p lsblk
    "name": "sda",
    "maj_min": "8:0",
    "rm": false,
    "size": "20G",
    "ro": false,
    "type": "disk",
    "mountpoint": null
    "name": "sda1",
    "maj_min": "8:1",
    "rm": false,
    "size": "1G",
    "ro": false,
    "type": "part",
    "mountpoint": "/boot"


$ lsmod | jc --lsmod -p          # or:  jc -p lsmod
    "module": "nf_nat",
    "size": 26583,
    "used": 3,
    "by": [
    "module": "iptable_mangle",
    "size": 12695,
    "used": 1
    "module": "iptable_security",
    "size": 12705,
    "used": 1
    "module": "iptable_raw",
    "size": 12678,
    "used": 1
    "module": "nf_conntrack",
    "size": 139224,
    "used": 7,
    "by": [


$ sudo lsof | jc --lsof -p          # or:  sudo jc -p lsof
    "command": "systemd",
    "pid": 1,
    "tid": null,
    "user": "root",
    "fd": "cwd",
    "type": "DIR",
    "device": "253,0",
    "size_off": 224,
    "node": 64,
    "name": "/"
    "command": "systemd",
    "pid": 1,
    "tid": null,
    "user": "root",
    "fd": "rtd",
    "type": "DIR",
    "device": "253,0",
    "size_off": 224,
    "node": 64,
    "name": "/"
    "command": "systemd",
    "pid": 1,
    "tid": null,
    "user": "root",
    "fd": "txt",
    "type": "REG",
    "device": "253,0",
    "size_off": 1624520,
    "node": 50360451,
    "name": "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd"


$ mount | jc --mount -p          # or:  jc -p mount
    "filesystem": "sysfs",
    "mount_point": "/sys",
    "type": "sysfs",
    "options": [
    "filesystem": "proc",
    "mount_point": "/proc",
    "type": "proc",
    "options": [
    "filesystem": "udev",
    "mount_point": "/dev",
    "type": "devtmpfs",
    "options": [


$ sudo netstat -apee | jc --netstat -p          # or:  sudo jc -p netstat -apee
    "proto": "tcp",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "local_address": "localhost",
    "foreign_address": "",
    "state": "LISTEN",
    "user": "systemd-resolve",
    "inode": 26958,
    "program_name": "systemd-resolve",
    "kind": "network",
    "pid": 887,
    "local_port": "domain",
    "foreign_port": "*",
    "transport_protocol": "tcp",
    "network_protocol": "ipv4"
    "proto": "tcp",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "local_address": "",
    "foreign_address": "",
    "state": "LISTEN",
    "user": "root",
    "inode": 30499,
    "program_name": "sshd",
    "kind": "network",
    "pid": 1186,
    "local_port": "ssh",
    "foreign_port": "*",
    "transport_protocol": "tcp",
    "network_protocol": "ipv4"
    "proto": "tcp",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "local_address": "localhost",
    "foreign_address": "localhost",
    "state": "ESTABLISHED",
    "user": "root",
    "inode": 46829,
    "program_name": "sshd: root",
    "kind": "network",
    "pid": 2242,
    "local_port": "ssh",
    "foreign_port": "52186",
    "transport_protocol": "tcp",
    "network_protocol": "ipv4",
    "foreign_port_num": 52186
    "proto": "tcp",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "local_address": "localhost",
    "foreign_address": "localhost",
    "state": "ESTABLISHED",
    "user": "root",
    "inode": 46828,
    "program_name": "ssh",
    "kind": "network",
    "pid": 2241,
    "local_port": "52186",
    "foreign_port": "ssh",
    "transport_protocol": "tcp",
    "network_protocol": "ipv4",
    "local_port_num": 52186
    "proto": "tcp6",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "local_address": "[::]",
    "foreign_address": "[::]",
    "state": "LISTEN",
    "user": "root",
    "inode": 30510,
    "program_name": "sshd",
    "kind": "network",
    "pid": 1186,
    "local_port": "ssh",
    "foreign_port": "*",
    "transport_protocol": "tcp",
    "network_protocol": "ipv6"
    "proto": "udp",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "local_address": "localhost",
    "foreign_address": "",
    "state": null,
    "user": "systemd-resolve",
    "inode": 26957,
    "program_name": "systemd-resolve",
    "kind": "network",
    "pid": 887,
    "local_port": "domain",
    "foreign_port": "*",
    "transport_protocol": "udp",
    "network_protocol": "ipv4"
    "proto": "raw6",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "local_address": "[::]",
    "foreign_address": "[::]",
    "state": "7",
    "user": "systemd-network",
    "inode": 27001,
    "program_name": "systemd-network",
    "kind": "network",
    "pid": 867,
    "local_port": "ipv6-icmp",
    "foreign_port": "*",
    "transport_protocol": null,
    "network_protocol": "ipv6"
    "proto": "unix",
    "refcnt": 2,
    "flags": null,
    "type": "DGRAM",
    "state": null,
    "inode": 33322,
    "program_name": "systemd",
    "path": "/run/user/1000/systemd/notify",
    "kind": "socket",
    "pid": 1607
    "proto": "unix",
    "refcnt": 2,
    "flags": "ACC",
    "type": "SEQPACKET",
    "state": "LISTENING",
    "inode": 20835,
    "program_name": "init",
    "path": "/run/udev/control",
    "kind": "socket",
    "pid": 1


$ ntpq -p | jc --ntpq -p          # or:  jc -p ntpq -p
    "remote": "",
    "refid": "",
    "st": 2,
    "t": "u",
    "when": 1,
    "poll": 64,
    "reach": 1,
    "delay": 23.399,
    "offset": -2.805,
    "jitter": 2.131,
    "state": null
    "remote": "mirror1.sjc02.s",
    "refid": "",
    "st": 2,
    "t": "u",
    "when": 2,
    "poll": 64,
    "reach": 1,
    "delay": 29.325,
    "offset": 1.044,
    "jitter": 4.069,
    "state": null

/etc/passwd file

$ cat /etc/passwd | jc --passwd -p
    "username": "nobody",
    "password": "*",
    "uid": -2,
    "gid": -2,
    "comment": "Unprivileged User",
    "home": "/var/empty",
    "shell": "/usr/bin/false"
    "username": "root",
    "password": "*",
    "uid": 0,
    "gid": 0,
    "comment": "System Administrator",
    "home": "/var/root",
    "shell": "/bin/sh"
    "username": "daemon",
    "password": "*",
    "uid": 1,
    "gid": 1,
    "comment": "System Services",
    "home": "/var/root",
    "shell": "/usr/bin/false"

pip list

$ pip list | jc --pip-list -p          # or:  jc -p pip list          # or:  jc -p pip3 list
    "package": "ansible",
    "version": "2.8.5"
    "package": "antlr4-python3-runtime",
    "version": "4.7.2"
    "package": "asn1crypto",
    "version": "0.24.0"

pip show

$ pip show wrapt wheel | jc --pip-show -p          # or:  jc -p pip show wrapt wheel          # or:  jc -p pip3 show wrapt wheel
    "name": "wrapt",
    "version": "1.11.2",
    "summary": "Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching.",
    "home_page": "",
    "author": "Graham Dumpleton",
    "author_email": "",
    "license": "BSD",
    "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages",
    "requires": null,
    "required_by": "astroid"
    "name": "wheel",
    "version": "0.33.4",
    "summary": "A built-package format for Python.",
    "home_page": "",
    "author": "Daniel Holth",
    "author_email": "",
    "license": "MIT",
    "location": "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages",
    "requires": null,
    "required_by": null


$ ps -ef | jc --ps -p          # or:  jc -p ps -ef
    "uid": "root",
    "pid": 1,
    "ppid": 0,
    "c": 0,
    "stime": "Nov01",
    "tty": null,
    "time": "00:00:11",
    "cmd": "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 22"
    "uid": "root",
    "pid": 2,
    "ppid": 0,
    "c": 0,
    "stime": "Nov01",
    "tty": null,
    "time": "00:00:00",
    "cmd": "[kthreadd]"
    "uid": "root",
    "pid": 4,
    "ppid": 2,
    "c": 0,
    "stime": "Nov01",
    "tty": null,
    "time": "00:00:00",
    "cmd": "[kworker/0:0H]"
$ ps axu | jc --ps -p          # or:  jc -p ps axu
    "user": "root",
    "pid": 1,
    "cpu_percent": 0.0,
    "mem_percent": 0.1,
    "vsz": 128072,
    "rss": 6784,
    "tty": null,
    "stat": "Ss",
    "start": "Nov09",
    "time": "0:08",
    "command": "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 22"
    "user": "root",
    "pid": 2,
    "cpu_percent": 0.0,
    "mem_percent": 0.0,
    "vsz": 0,
    "rss": 0,
    "tty": null,
    "stat": "S",
    "start": "Nov09",
    "time": "0:00",
    "command": "[kthreadd]"
    "user": "root",
    "pid": 4,
    "cpu_percent": 0.0,
    "mem_percent": 0.0,
    "vsz": 0,
    "rss": 0,
    "tty": null,
    "stat": "S<",
    "start": "Nov09",
    "time": "0:00",
    "command": "[kworker/0:0H]"


$ route -ee | jc --route -p          # or:  jc -p route -ee
    "destination": "default",
    "gateway": "gateway",
    "genmask": "",
    "flags": "UG",
    "metric": 100,
    "ref": 0,
    "use": 0,
    "iface": "ens33",
    "mss": 0,
    "window": 0,
    "irtt": 0
    "destination": "",
    "gateway": "",
    "genmask": "",
    "flags": "U",
    "metric": 0,
    "ref": 0,
    "use": 0,
    "iface": "docker",
    "mss": 0,
    "window": 0,
    "irtt": 0
    "destination": "",
    "gateway": "",
    "genmask": "",
    "flags": "U",
    "metric": 100,
    "ref": 0,
    "use": 0,
    "iface": "ens33",
    "mss": 0,
    "window": 0,
    "irtt": 0

/etc/shadow file

$ sudo cat /etc/shadow | jc --shadow -p
    "username": "root",
    "password": "*",
    "last_changed": 18113,
    "minimum": 0,
    "maximum": 99999,
    "warn": 7,
    "inactive": null,
    "expire": null
    "username": "daemon",
    "password": "*",
    "last_changed": 18113,
    "minimum": 0,
    "maximum": 99999,
    "warn": 7,
    "inactive": null,
    "expire": null
    "username": "bin",
    "password": "*",
    "last_changed": 18113,
    "minimum": 0,
    "maximum": 99999,
    "warn": 7,
    "inactive": null,
    "expire": null


$ sudo ss -a | jc --ss -p          # or:  sudo jc -p ss -a
    "netid": "nl",
    "state": "UNCONN",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "peer_address": "*",
    "channel": "rtnl:kernel"
    "netid": "nl",
    "state": "UNCONN",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "peer_address": "*",
    "pid": 893,
    "channel": "rtnl:systemd-resolve"
    "netid": "p_raw",
    "state": "UNCONN",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "peer_address": "*",
    "link_layer": "LLDP",
    "interface": "ens33"
    "netid": "u_dgr",
    "state": "UNCONN",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "local_port": "93066",
    "peer_address": "*",
    "peer_port": "0",
    "path": "/run/user/1000/systemd/notify"
    "netid": "u_seq",
    "state": "LISTEN",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 128,
    "local_port": "20699",
    "peer_address": "*",
    "peer_port": "0",
    "path": "/run/udev/control"
    "netid": "icmp6",
    "state": "UNCONN",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "local_address": "*",
    "local_port": "ipv6-icmp",
    "peer_address": "*",
    "peer_port": "*",
    "interface": "ens33"
    "netid": "udp",
    "state": "UNCONN",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "local_address": "",
    "local_port": "domain",
    "peer_address": "",
    "peer_port": "*",
    "interface": "lo"
    "netid": "tcp",
    "state": "LISTEN",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 128,
    "local_address": "",
    "local_port": "domain",
    "peer_address": "",
    "peer_port": "*",
    "interface": "lo"
    "netid": "tcp",
    "state": "LISTEN",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 128,
    "local_address": "",
    "local_port": "ssh",
    "peer_address": "",
    "peer_port": "*"
    "netid": "tcp",
    "state": "LISTEN",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 128,
    "local_address": "[::]",
    "local_port": "ssh",
    "peer_address": "[::]",
    "peer_port": "*"
    "netid": "v_str",
    "state": "ESTAB",
    "recv_q": 0,
    "send_q": 0,
    "local_address": "999900439",
    "local_port": "1023",
    "peer_address": "0",
    "peer_port": "976",
    "local_port_num": 1023,
    "peer_port_num": 976


$ stat /bin/* | jc --stat -p          # or:  jc -p stat /bin/*
    "file": "/bin/bash",
    "size": 1113504,
    "blocks": 2176,
    "io_blocks": 4096,
    "type": "regular file",
    "device": "802h/2050d",
    "inode": 131099,
    "links": 1,
    "access": "0755",
    "flags": "-rwxr-xr-x",
    "uid": 0,
    "user": "root",
    "gid": 0,
    "group": "root",
    "access_time": "2019-11-14 08:18:03.509681766 +0000",
    "modify_time": "2019-06-06 22:28:15.000000000 +0000",
    "change_time": "2019-08-12 17:21:29.521945390 +0000",
    "birth_time": null
    "file": "/bin/btrfs",
    "size": 716464,
    "blocks": 1400,
    "io_blocks": 4096,
    "type": "regular file",
    "device": "802h/2050d",
    "inode": 131100,
    "links": 1,
    "access": "0755",
    "flags": "-rwxr-xr-x",
    "uid": 0,
    "user": "root",
    "gid": 0,
    "group": "root",
    "access_time": "2019-11-14 08:18:28.990834276 +0000",
    "modify_time": "2018-03-12 23:04:27.000000000 +0000",
    "change_time": "2019-08-12 17:21:29.545944399 +0000",
    "birth_time": null


$ systemctl -a | jc --systemctl -p          # or:  jc -p systemctl -a
    "unit": "proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount",
    "load": "loaded",
    "active": "active",
    "sub": "waiting",
    "description": "Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System Automount Point"
    "unit": "dev-block-8:2.device",
    "load": "loaded",
    "active": "active",
    "sub": "plugged",
    "description": "LVM PV 3klkIj-w1qk-DkJi-0XBJ-y3o7-i2Ac-vHqWBM on /dev/sda2 2"
    "unit": "dev-cdrom.device",
    "load": "loaded",
    "active": "active",
    "sub": "plugged",
    "description": "VMware_Virtual_IDE_CDROM_Drive"

systemctl list-jobs

$ systemctl list-jobs | jc --systemctl-lj -p          # or:  jc -p systemctl list-jobs
    "job": 3543,
    "unit": "nginxAfterGlusterfs.service",
    "type": "start",
    "state": "waiting"
    "job": 3545,
    "unit": "glusterReadyForLocalhostMount.service",
    "type": "start",
    "state": "running"
    "job": 3506,
    "unit": "nginx.service",
    "type": "start",
    "state": "waiting"

systemctl list-sockets

$ systemctl list-sockets | jc --systemctl-ls -p          # or:  jc -p systemctl list-sockets
    "listen": "/dev/log",
    "unit": "systemd-journald.socket",
    "activates": "systemd-journald.service"
    "listen": "/run/dbus/system_bus_socket",
    "unit": "dbus.socket",
    "activates": "dbus.service"
    "listen": "/run/dmeventd-client",
    "unit": "dm-event.socket",
    "activates": "dm-event.service"

systemctl list-unit-files

$ systemctl list-unit-files | jc --systemctl-luf -p          # or:  jc -p systemctl list-unit-files
    "unit_file": "proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount",
    "state": "static"
    "unit_file": "dev-hugepages.mount",
    "state": "static"
    "unit_file": "dev-mqueue.mount",
    "state": "static"

timedatectl status

$ timedatectl | jc --timedatectl -p          # or: jc -p timedatectl
  "local_time": "Tue 2020-03-10 17:53:21 PDT",
  "universal_time": "Wed 2020-03-11 00:53:21 UTC",
  "rtc_time": "Wed 2020-03-11 00:53:21",
  "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles (PDT, -0700)",
  "ntp_enabled": true,
  "ntp_synchronized": true,
  "rtc_in_local_tz": false,
  "dst_active": true

uname -a

$ uname -a | jc --uname -p          # or:  jc -p uname -a
  "kernel_name": "Linux",
  "node_name": "user-ubuntu",
  "kernel_release": "4.15.0-65-generic",
  "operating_system": "GNU/Linux",
  "hardware_platform": "x86_64",
  "processor": "x86_64",
  "machine": "x86_64",
  "kernel_version": "#74-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 17 17:06:04 UTC 2019"


$ uptime | jc --uptime -p          # or:  jc -p uptime
  "time": "11:30:44",
  "uptime": "1 day, 21:17",
  "users": 1,
  "load_1m": 0.01,
  "load_5m": 0.04,
  "load_15m": 0.05


$ w | jc --w -p          # or:  jc -p w
    "user": "root",
    "tty": "tty1",
    "from": null,
    "login_at": "07:49",
    "idle": "1:15m",
    "jcpu": "0.00s",
    "pcpu": "0.00s",
    "what": "-bash"
    "user": "root",
    "tty": "ttyS0",
    "from": null,
    "login_at": "06:24",
    "idle": "0.00s",
    "jcpu": "0.43s",
    "pcpu": "0.00s",
    "what": "w"
    "user": "root",
    "tty": "pts/0",
    "from": "",
    "login_at": "06:29",
    "idle": "2:35m",
    "jcpu": "0.00s",
    "pcpu": "0.00s",
    "what": "-bash"


$ who | jc --who -p          # or:  jc -p who
    "user": "joeuser",
    "tty": "ttyS0",
    "time": "2020-03-02 02:52"
    "user": "joeuser",
    "tty": "pts/0",
    "time": "2020-03-02 05:15",
    "from": ""
$ who -a | jc --who -p          # or:  jc -p who -a
    "event": "reboot",
    "time": "Feb 7 23:31",
    "pid": 1
    "user": "joeuser",
    "writeable_tty": "-",
    "tty": "console",
    "time": "Feb 7 23:32",
    "idle": "old",
    "pid": 105
    "user": "joeuser",
    "writeable_tty": "+",
    "tty": "ttys000",
    "time": "Feb 13 16:44",
    "idle": ".",
    "pid": 51217,
    "comment": "term=0 exit=0"
    "user": "joeuser",
    "writeable_tty": "?",
    "tty": "ttys003",
    "time": "Feb 28 08:59",
    "idle": "01:36",
    "pid": 41402
    "user": "joeuser",
    "writeable_tty": "+",
    "tty": "ttys004",
    "time": "Mar 1 16:35",
    "idle": ".",
    "pid": 15679,
    "from": ""

XML files

$ cat cd_catalog.xml 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <TITLE>Empire Burlesque</TITLE>
    <ARTIST>Bob Dylan</ARTIST>
    <TITLE>Hide your heart</TITLE>
    <ARTIST>Bonnie Tyler</ARTIST>

$ cat cd_catalog.xml | jc --xml -p
  "CATALOG": {
    "CD": [
        "TITLE": "Empire Burlesque",
        "ARTIST": "Bob Dylan",
        "COUNTRY": "USA",
        "COMPANY": "Columbia",
        "PRICE": "10.90",
        "YEAR": "1985"
        "TITLE": "Hide your heart",
        "ARTIST": "Bonnie Tyler",
        "COUNTRY": "UK",
        "COMPANY": "CBS Records",
        "PRICE": "9.90",
        "YEAR": "1988"

YAML files

$ cat istio.yaml 
apiVersion: ""
kind: "Policy"
  name: "default"
  namespace: "default"
  - mtls: {}
apiVersion: ""
kind: "DestinationRule"
  name: "default"
  namespace: "default"
  host: "*.default.svc.cluster.local"
      mode: ISTIO_MUTUAL

$ cat istio.yaml | jc --yaml -p
    "apiVersion": "",
    "kind": "Policy",
    "metadata": {
      "name": "default",
      "namespace": "default"
    "spec": {
      "peers": [
          "mtls": {}
    "apiVersion": "",
    "kind": "DestinationRule",
    "metadata": {
      "name": "default",
      "namespace": "default"
    "spec": {
      "host": "*.default.svc.cluster.local",
      "trafficPolicy": {
        "tls": {
          "mode": "ISTIO_MUTUAL"


This tool serializes the output of popular gnu linux command line tools and file types to structured JSON output. This allows piping of output to tools like jq.







No packages published


  • Python 99.2%
  • Shell 0.8%