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aphyr committed Jan 10, 2013
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# Schadenfreude

Schadenfreude is a German word, meanining "happiness at the misfortune of
others". As a Clojure library, it helps you take pleasure in the suffering of

Schadenfreude can record time series measurements, produce latency and
throughput plots over time, and compare multiple versions of a git repository
to understand how your changes affect performance.

## Runs

A Run is a single benchmark, represented as a map:

{:name "adding with atoms" ; A name which uniquely describes the benchmark.
:before (fn [] (atom 0)) ; A function called before starting the benchmark.
; The return value of :before is passed to each
; invocation of :f.
:f (fn [counter] (swap! counter inc)) ; A function we want to measure.
:after (fn [counter]) ; A function called to clean up afterwards
:n 50000 ; How many times to call f.
:threads 5 ; How many threads should call f?
:prime true} ; Should we do a dry run first, to warm up?

## Suites

A Suite is a set of runs to perform in order:

{:before (fn [] some-state) ; A function called once, before
; starting runs.
:runs [{...} {...} ...] ; A sequence of runs.
:after (fn [state] (teardown state))} ; A function to clean up afterwards.

If your suite has a :before fn, its return value will be passed to each run's
:before. That way, your runs can depend on state initialized by (:before

## Usage

(ns schadenfreude.demo
(:use [schadenfreude.git :only [compare-versions]]
[clojure.stacktrace :only [print-cause-trace]]))

(defn suite
{:before #(prn "setup")
:after #(prn "teardown" %)
:runs [{:name "demo"
:n 10000
:threads 4
:before #(prn "before" %)
:after #(prn "after" %)
:f (fn [_] (Thread/sleep 10))}]})

(defn -main
[dir & versions]
(compare-versions dir versions (suite dir))
(System/exit 0)
(catch Throwable t
(print-cause-trace t)
(System/exit 1))))

lein run ~/some-git-repo a542f9d3 HEAD

When you run this program with a git repo, and a list of versions (SHA1s, tags, or HEAD for the current state), Schadenfreude will check out each version in turn, run the suite, and record the results. Then it generates latency and throughput plots in the working directory, comparing the performance of each run across different git versions.

Or you can directly record runs (or whole suites) yourself, using
schadenfreude.core. See (record-suite) and (record) to collect data, and (throughput-plot) and (latency-plot) to compare recorded runs.

## Caveats

Schadenfreude's core is a horrible, buggy, stateful mess, with complicated
functions and a poorly defined API. If you have sweeping ideas about how to
make it better, please do. :D

## License

Copyright © 2013 Kyle Kingsbury <>

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions project.clj
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(defproject schadenfreude "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A benchmarking tool."
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:main schadenfreude.demo
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[clojure-tools "1.1.2"]
[incanter/incanter-core "1.4.1"]
[incanter/incanter-charts "1.4.1"]])
246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions src/schadenfreude/core.clj
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(ns schadenfreude.core
"A *run* is the fundamental unit of benchmarking in Schadenfreude. Each run
specifies a single function which we want to understand the behavior of, and
information about how to execute that function. Runs are just maps:
{:before ; A function to call before beginning.
:f ; A function to actually benchmark.
:after ; A function to call at shutdown.
:n ; How many times to evaluate f
:threads ; Number of threads}"
(:use schadenfreude.util
[ :only [info warn]]
[clojure.stacktrace :only [print-cause-trace]]))

(def time-scale
"Recorded time / time-scale = time, in seconds."

(defn divide-evenly
"Divides an integer n into a vector of m roughly equal integers."
[n m]
(assert (<= 0 m n))
(if (= 0 m)
(replicate (dec m) (quot n m))
[(- n (* (dec m) (quot n m)))])))

(defn progress-fut
"In a future, periodically displays a progressbar given a reference to a set
of counters and a total."
[counters total]
(loop []
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(let [i (reduce (fn [sum c] (+ sum @c)) 0 counters)]
(when (< i total)
{:width 80
:i i
:total total})
(print "\n")))

(defn record-thread
"Returns a pair of arrays of times and latencies for a run, single-threaded."
[run before-val counter]
(let [n (get run :n 1)
progress (min 1 (int (/ n 100)))
f (:f run)
times (long-array n)
latencies (long-array n)]
(dotimes [i n]
(aset-long times i (System/nanoTime))
(f before-val)
(aset-long latencies i (- (System/nanoTime) (aget times i)))

; Update counter
(when (zero? (mod i progress))
(reset! counter (inc i))))

; Return tape
[times latencies]
(catch Throwable t
(warn t)
(throw t))
(reset! counter n)))))

(defn record
"Record executes a run and returns a [time, latency] dataset."
(when (:prime run)
(record (dissoc run :prime)))

; Before callback
(let [before-val (when-let [b (:before run)] (b))
thread-count (get run :threads 1)
n (get run :n 1)
counters (vec (take thread-count (repeatedly #(atom 0))))
progress (progress-fut counters n)
tapes (atom [])
; Start threads to run f
workers (map-indexed
(fn [thread-id n]
(Thread. #(let [tape (record-thread
(assoc run :n n)
(counters thread-id))]
(swap! tapes conj tape))))
(divide-evenly n thread-count))]
; Run threads
(doseq [t workers] (.start t))

; Wait for threads
(while (some #(.isAlive %) workers)
(Thread/sleep 10))

; Wait for progress thread

; Finish up
(when-let [a (:after run)] (a before-val))

; Did any threads crash before completing?
(when (not= thread-count (count @tapes))
(throw (RuntimeException. "Some worker threads aborted abnormally!")))

(let [times (mapcat first @tapes)
latencies (mapcat second @tapes)
t0 (apply min times)]
; Convert to dataset. Joins all tapes together, converts units to seconds,
; normalizes times relative to start time.
(assoc run :record
(dataset [:time :latency]
(map (fn [time latency]
[(double (* time-scale (- time t0)))
(double (* time-scale latency))])
times latencies))))))

(defn record-suite
"Records a suite of runs."
(let [; First, set up the suite with (:before).
before-val (when-let [b (:before suite)]
; Rewrite runs to call :before with before-val.
rewritten-runs (map (fn [run]
(if-let [b (:before run)]
(assoc run :before #(b before-val))
(:runs suite))
; Record each run
recorded (doall (map record rewritten-runs))]
; Tear down
((:after suite) before-val)
; Return completed suite
(assoc suite :runs recorded)))

(defn throughput
"Computes a throughput dataset from a recorded run."
([run] (throughput run {}))
([run opts]
(assert run)
(let [ds ($order :time :asc (:record run))
times ($ :time ds)
_ (assert (< 1 (count times)))
t1 (first times)
t2 (last times)
bin-count (min (dec (count times))
(max 1 (get opts :bins 100)))
bin-dt (/ (- t2 t1) bin-count)
bin-times (range t1 t2 bin-dt)
bins (partition-by #(quot % bin-dt) times)
points (drop-last
(map (fn [t bin]
[t (/ (count bin) bin-dt)])
bin-times bins))]
(dataset [:time :throughput] points))))

(defn transpose
"Lazy transposition of a seq of seqs"
(if (some empty? sequences)
(apply map (fn [& args] args) sequences)))

(defn name-dataset
"Adds a :name column, and names every row of a dataset."
[dataset name]
(-> dataset
(conj-cols (repeat (count (:rows dataset)) name))
(col-names (concat (col-names dataset) [:name]))))

(defn project-dataset
"Given a dataset and a column basis, projects the dataset's columns to that
basis. Missing columns are filled with nil."
[ds basis]
(let [blanks (repeat (count (:rows ds)) nil)]
(dataset basis
(map (fn [col]
(or ($ col ds) blanks))

(defn merge-datasets
"Merges several datasets together."
[& datasets]
(let [basis (distinct (mapcat col-names datasets))
projected (map #(project-dataset % basis) datasets)
merged (apply conj-rows projected)]
(col-names merged basis)))

(defn log-plot
"Changes a plot to be logarithmic."
(let [p (.getPlot plot)
label (.. p (getRangeAxis) (getLabel))]
(.setRangeAxis p
(org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis. label)))

(defn latency-plot
"Takes a list of recorded runs and generates a timeseries chart comparing
their latencies."
(fn [plot run]
(add-points plot
:time :latency
:data (:record run)
:series-label (:name run)))

(scatter-plot :time :latency
:data (:record (first runs))
:title "Latency"
:x-label "Time (s)"
:y-label "Latency (s)"
:legend (< 1 (count runs))
:series-label (:name (first runs)))
(rest runs))))

(defn throughput-plot
"Takes a list of recorded runs and generates a timeseries chart comparing
their throughputs."
(assert (not (empty? runs)))
(fn [plot run]
(add-lines plot
:time :throughput
:data (throughput run)
:series-label (:name run)))

(xy-plot :time :throughput
:data (throughput (first runs))
:title "Throughput"
:x-label "Time (s)"
:y-label "Throughput (hz)"
:legend (< 1 (count runs))
:series-label (:name (first runs)))
(rest runs)))
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/schadenfreude/demo.clj
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(ns schadenfreude.demo
(:use [schadenfreude.git :only [compare-versions]]
[clojure.stacktrace :only [print-cause-trace]]))

(defn suite
{:before #(prn "setup")
:after #(prn "teardown" %)
:runs [{:name "demo"
:n 10000
:threads 4
:before #(prn "before" %)
:after #(prn "after" %)
:f (fn [_] (Thread/sleep 10))}]})

(defn -main
[dir & versions]
(compare-versions dir versions (suite dir))
(System/exit 0)
(catch Throwable t
(print-cause-trace t)
(System/exit 1))))

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