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honzajavorek committed Jun 24, 2019
2 parents a2e2fd8 + d793cf9 commit 069f102
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Binary file added docs/_static/images/hooks-handler.png
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/data-structures.rst
Expand Up @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ This is a cousin of the :ref:`gavel-validation-result`.
Gavel Validation Result (object)

Can be seen also `here <>`__.
Can be seen also `here <>`__ and `here <>`__.

- statusCode (:ref:`gavel-validator-output`)
- headers (:ref:`gavel-validator-output`)
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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions docs/hooks/index.rst
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Dredd supports *hooks*, which are blocks of arbitrary code that run before or after each test step. The concept is similar to XUnit's ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` functions, `Cucumber hooks <>`__, or `Git hooks <>`__. Hooks are usually used for:
Dredd supports *hooks*, which are blocks of arbitrary code that run before or after each test step. The concept is similar to XUnit's ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` functions, `Cucumber hooks <>`__, or `Git hooks <>`__. Hooks are usually used for:

- Loading database fixtures,
- cleaning up after test step(s),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Now the tests should pass even if publishing new article requires auth.
Supported languages

Dredd itself is written in JavaScript, so it supports :ref:`JavaScript hooks <hooks-js>` out of the box. Running hooks in other languages requires installing a dedicated *hook handler*. Supported languages are:
Dredd itself is written in JavaScript, so it supports :ref:`JavaScript hooks <hooks-js>` out of the box. Running hooks in other languages requires installing a dedicated *hooks handler*. Supported languages are:

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,26 +178,26 @@ Types of hooks

Hooks get executed at specific points in Dredd's :ref:`execution life cycle <execution-life-cycle>`. Available types of hooks are:

- ``beforeAll`` called at the beginning of the whole test run
- ``beforeAll`` called with all HTTP transactions before the whole test run
- ``beforeEach`` called before each HTTP transaction
- ``before`` called before a specific HTTP transaction
- ``before`` called before a single HTTP transaction
- ``beforeEachValidation`` called before each HTTP transaction is validated
- ``beforeValidation`` called before a specific HTTP transaction is validated
- ``after`` called after a specific HTTP transaction regardless its result
- ``beforeValidation`` called before a single HTTP transaction is validated
- ``after`` called after a single HTTP transaction
- ``afterEach`` called after each HTTP transaction
- ``afterAll`` called after whole test run
- ``afterAll`` called with all HTTP transactions after the whole test run

.. _hooks-docker:

Hooks inside Docker

As mentioned in :ref:`supported-languages`, running hooks written in languages other than JavaScript requires a dedicated hook handler. Hook handler is a separate process, which communicates with Dredd over a TCP socket.
As mentioned in :ref:`supported-languages`, running hooks written in languages other than JavaScript requires a dedicated hooks handler. Hooks handler is a separate process, which communicates with Dredd over a TCP socket.

If you're :ref:`running Dredd inside Docker <docker>`, you may want to use a separate container for the hook handler and then run all your containers together as described in the :ref:`docker-compose` section.
If you're :ref:`running Dredd inside Docker <docker>`, you may want to use a separate container for the hooks handler and then run all your containers together as described in the :ref:`docker-compose` section.

However, hooks were not originally designed with this scenario in mind. Dredd gets a name of (or path to) the hook handler in :option:`--language` and then starts it as a child process. To work around this, `fool Dredd with a dummy script <>`__ and set :option:`--hooks-worker-handler-host` together with :option:`--hooks-worker-handler-port` to point Dredd's TCP communication to the other container.
However, hooks were not originally designed with this scenario in mind. Dredd gets a name of (or path to) the hooks handler in :option:`--language` and then starts it as a child process. To work around this, `fool Dredd with a dummy script <>`__ and set :option:`--hooks-worker-handler-host` together with :option:`--hooks-worker-handler-port` to point Dredd's TCP communication to the other container.

.. note::
The issue described above is tracked in :ghissue:`#755`.
144 changes: 81 additions & 63 deletions docs/hooks/new-language.rst
@@ -1,105 +1,120 @@
.. _hooks-new-language:

Writing Dredd hook handler for new language
Writing hooks handler for a new language

Dredd hooks handler client
Dredd itself is written in JavaScript, so having :ref:`hooks in JavaScript <hooks-nodejs>` is native to it. Other languages need so-called *hooks handlers*.

Dredd comes with concept of hooks language abstraction bridge via simple TCP socket.
Several hooks handlers :ref:`already exist <supported-languages>`, either maintained by Dredd authors or external contributors. If you didn't find your favorite language among them, at this place you can learn how to create a new hooks handler.

When you run Dredd with :option:`--language` option, it runs the given command and tries to connect to ````. If connection to the hook handling server wasn’t successful, it exits with exit code ``3``.
.. note::
`Deserve eternal praise <hall-of-fame>`__ and contribute hooks handler for **Java**! See :ghissue:`#875`

Dredd internally registers a function for each :ref:`type of hooks <types-of-hooks>` and when this function is executed it assigns execution ``uuid`` to that event, serializes received function parameters (a :ref:`Transaction object <transaction>` or an Array of it), sends it to the TCP socket to be handled (executed) in other language and waits until message with same ``uuid`` is received. After data reception it assigns received ``data`` back to the transaction, so other language can interact with transactions same way like :ref:`native Node.js hooks <hooks-nodejs>`.

Language agnostic test suite
What is a hooks handler?

Dredd hooks language abstraction bridge comes with `the language agnostic test suite <>`__. It’s written in Gherkin - language for writing `Cucumber <>`__ scenarios and `Aruba CLI testing framework <>`__ and it tests your new language handler integration with CLI Dredd and expected behavior from user’s perspective.
Hooks handler is a process running separately from Dredd, usually started as Dredd's child process using the :option:`--language` option. When Dredd performs testing, it communicates with the hooks handler over TCP socket. The hooks handler runs hooks for each HTTP transaction and lets Dredd know whether something got modified.

What to implement

If you want to write a hook handler for your language you will have to implement:
Hooks handler life cycle

- CLI Command runnning TCP socket server
#. Dredd starts the command given in the :option:`--language` option as its child process (subprocess). Paths to files with hooks given in :option:`--hookfiles` are resolved to absolute paths and given to the child process as arguments.
#. The hooks handler reads paths to hooks from arguments and loads the hooks code.
#. The hooks handler opens a TCP socket on port 61321.
#. Dredd waits for a moment and then tries to connect to ````. In case the connection is not successful, it exits with status code 3.
#. For each :ref:`type of hooks <types-of-hooks>` Dredd creates a message and sends it to the socket. The message contains UUID and serialized :ref:`transaction object <transaction>` (or an array of them, in case of `beforeAll`, `afterAll`). Individual messages are sent as UTF-8 JSON documents separated by a newline.
#. Hooks handler reads a message, calls a corresponding hook code, and sends back a message with modified contents.
#. Dredd awaits a message with corresponding UUID. Once it arrives, Dredd overwrites its internal HTTP transaction data with the ones from the incoming message.

- `Must return message ``Starting`` to stdout <>`__
.. image:: ../_static/images/hooks-handler.png
:align: center

- Hooks API in your language for registering code being executed during the :ref:`Dredd lifecycle <execution-life-cycle>`:

- before all transactions
- before each transaction
- before transaction
- before each transaction validation
- before transaction validation
- after transaction
- after each transaction
- after all transactions
Implementation guide

- When CLI command is executed
A hooks handler is a CLI command, which implements following:

- It loads files passed in alphabetical order with paths resolved to absolute form
- It accepts paths to hook files as arguments. They are already passed resolved as absolute paths, in the right order.
- It allows users to register hook functions in the hook files, i.e. it provides a *hooks API* similar to those in other hooks handler implementations (see :ref:`JavaScript <hooks-nodejs>`, :ref:`Python <hooks-python>`, :ref:`Ruby <hooks-ruby>`). It allows to register :ref:`all types of hooks supported by Dredd <types-of-hooks>`.
- It loads the hook files and registers any hook functions found in them for later execution.
- It runs a TCP socket server on port ``61321`` and prints ``Starting`` to ``stdout`` when ready.

- It exposes API similar to those in :ref:`Ruby <hooks-ruby>`, :ref:`Python <hooks-python>` and :ref:`Node.js <hooks-nodejs>` to each loaded file
- It registers functions declared in files for later execution

- starts a TCP socket server and starts listening on ````.
Handling hooks

- When any data is received by the server
When any data is received by the TCP server, the hooks handler:

- Adds every received character to a buffer
- When delimiting newline (``\n``) character is received
- Adds every received character to a buffer.
- When the delimiter newline character ``\n`` is received:

- It parses the :ref:`message <tcp-socket-message-format>` in the buffer as JSON
- It looks for ``event`` key in received object and executes appropriate registered hooks functions
- Parses the :ref:`message <tcp-socket-message-format>` in the buffer as JSON.
- Finds the hook type in the ``event`` key of the received object and executes respective registered hook function(s). Beware, ``beforeEach`` and ``afterEach`` are overloaded - read the :ref:`tcp-socket-message-format` carefully.

- When the hook function is being executed
- When a hook function is being executed:

- It passes value of ``data`` key from received object to the executed function
- Hook function is able to modify data
- Passes the value of the ``data`` key of the received object to the executed hook function.
- Allows the hook function to modify the data.

- When function was executed
- When a hook function is done:

- Takes the modified data and serializes it back to JSON with the same ``uuid`` as it has received
- Sends the JSON back as a TCP message
- Sends a newline character ``\n`` as TCP message delimiter

.. _tcp-socket-message-format:

TCP socket message format

- transaction (object)

- uuid: ``234567-asdfghjkl`` (string) - ID used for unique identification of the message on both server and client sides
- event: ``event`` (enum) - :ref:`Hook type <types-of-hooks>`

- beforeAll (string) - Signals the hooks handler to run the ``beforeAll`` hooks
- beforeEach (string) - Signals the hooks handler to run the ``beforeEach`` and ``before`` hooks
- beforeEachValidation (string) - Signals the hooks handler to run the ``beforeEachValidation`` and ``beforeValidation`` hooks
- afterEach (string) - Signals the hooks handler to run the ``after`` and ``afterEach`` hooks
- afterAll (string) - Signals the hooks handler to run the ``afterAll`` hooks

- data (enum) - Data passed as an argument to the hook function

- (object) - Single :ref:`transaction object <transaction>`
- (array) - An array of :ref:`transaction objects <transaction>`, containing all transactions Dredd currently works with; sent for ``beforeAll`` and ``afterAll`` events

- It should serialize message to JSON
- Send the serialized message back to the socket with same ``uuid`` as received
- Send a newline character as message delimiter


When the testing is done, Dredd signals the hook handler process to terminate. This is done repeatedly with delays. When termination timeout is over, Dredd loses its patience and kills the process forcefully.
When the testing is done, Dredd signals the hooks handler process to terminate. This is done repeatedly with delays. When termination timeout is over, Dredd loses its patience and kills the process forcefully.

- **retry delays** can be configured by :option:`--hooks-worker-term-retry`
- **timeout** can be configured by :option:`--hooks-worker-term-timeout`

On Linux or macOS, Dredd uses the ``SIGTERM`` signal to tell the hook handler process it should terminate. On Windows, where signals do not exist, Dredd sends the ``END OF TEXT`` character (``\u0003``, which is ASCII representation of Ctrl+C) to standard input of the process.
On Linux or macOS, Dredd uses the ``SIGTERM`` signal to tell the hooks handler process it should terminate. On Windows, where signals do not exist, Dredd sends the ``END OF TEXT`` character (``\u0003``, which is ASCII representation of Ctrl+C) to standard input of the process.

.. _tcp-socket-message-format:

TCP Socket Message format
End-to-end test suite

- transaction (object)
There is a `BDD <>`__ test suite called `dredd-hooks-template <>`__, which ensures that the public interface of each hooks handler works as Dredd expects. The test suite is written in `Gherkin <>`__ and uses `Cucumber <>`__ as a test runner.

- uuid: ``234567-asdfghjkl`` (string) - Id used for event unique identification on both server and client sides
- event: ``event`` (enum) - Event type
.. image::

- beforeAll (string) - Signals the hook handler to run the ``beforeAll`` hooks
- beforeEach (string) - Signals the hook handler to run the ``beforeEach`` and ``before`` hooks
- beforeEachValidation (string) - Signals the hook handler to run the ``beforeEachValidation`` and ``beforeValidation`` hooks
- afterEach (string) - Signals the hook handler to run the ``after`` and ``afterEach`` hooks
- afterAll (string) - Signals the hook handler to run the ``afterAll`` hooks
When developing a new hooks handler, make sure it passes the test suite. Third party hooks handlers not passing the test suite cannot be endorsed by Dredd maintainers, integrated with Dredd's :option:`--language` option, or added to Dredd's documentation.

- data (enum) - Data passed as a argument to the function
If you have any issues integrating the test suite to your project, reach out to the maintainers in `Dredd issues <>`__, we're happy to help!

- (object) - Single Transaction object
- (array) - An array of Transaction objects, containing all transactions in the API description. Sent for ``beforeAll`` and ``afterAll`` events

Configuration Options
Configuration options

There are several configuration options, which can help you during development:
There are several configuration options, which can help you during development of the hooks handler:

- :option:`--hooks-worker-timeout`
- :option:`--hooks-worker-connect-timeout`
Expand All @@ -110,11 +125,14 @@ There are several configuration options, which can help you during development:
- :option:`--hooks-worker-handler-host`
- :option:`--hooks-worker-handler-port`

.. note::
Never mind the options mention *hooks worker* in their names. It is the same as *hooks handler*. The options are proposed to be renamed in the future - see :ghissue:`#1101`.

Need help? No problem!

If you have any questions, please:

- Have a look at the `Ruby <>`__, `Python <>`__, `Perl <>`__, and `PHP <>`__ hook handlers codebase for inspiration
- If you’re writing a hook handler for a compiled language, check out the `Go <>`__ implementation
- File an `issue in Dredd repository <>`__
- Have a look at the reference `Python <>`__ and `Ruby <>`__ implementations.
- If your language is compiled, check out how `Go <>`__ and `Rust <>`__ are done.
- `File an issue <>`__ and get help from Dredd maintainers.
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions docs/internals.rst
Expand Up @@ -18,17 +18,24 @@ Maintainers

`Apiary`_ is the main author and maintainer of Dredd’s `upstream repository <>`__. Currently responsible people are:

- `@paraskakis <>`__ - product decisions, feature requests
- `@honzajavorek <>`__ - lead of development
- `@honzajavorek <>`__ - product decisions, feature requests, lead of development
- `@artem-zakharchenko <>`__ - development

Dredd supports many programming languages thanks to the work of several contributors. They deserve eternal praise for dedicating time to create, improve, and maintain the respective :ref:`hook handlers <hooks>`:
.. _hall-of-fame:

Hall of fame

Dredd supports many programming languages thanks to the work of several contributors. They deserve eternal praise for dedicating time to create, improve, and maintain the respective :ref:`hooks handlers <hooks>`:

- `@ddelnano <>`__ (:ref:`PHP <hooks-php>`, :ref:`Go <hooks-go>`)
- `@gonzalo-bulnes <>`__ (:ref:`Ruby <hooks-ruby>`)
- `@hobofan <>`__ (:ref:`Rust <hooks-rust>`)
- `@snikch <>`__ (:ref:`Go <hooks-go>`)
- `@ungrim97 <>`__ (:ref:`Perl <hooks-perl>`)

Big thanks also to `@netmilk <>`__, the original author of Dredd and Gavel!

.. _contributing:

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