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Merge 591781c into ca408d0
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miiila committed Sep 21, 2015
2 parents ca408d0 + 591781c commit d7db58c
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Showing 6 changed files with 283 additions and 164 deletions.
304 changes: 167 additions & 137 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -46,23 +46,22 @@ class Dredd
@configuration = applyConfiguration(config, @stats)
@configuration.options ?= {}

@compiledTransactions = {}

@runner = new Runner @configuration
configureReporters @configuration, @stats, @tests, @runner

run: (callback) ->
config = @configuration
stats = @stats

configDataIsEmpty = true
@configDataIsEmpty = true

config.files ?= [] ?= {}
runtimes = {}
@configuration.files ?= [] ?= {}

passedConfigData = {}

for own key, val of or {}
configDataIsEmpty = false
for own key, val of or {}
@configDataIsEmpty = false
if (typeof val is 'string')
passedConfigData[key] = {
filename: key
Expand All @@ -74,145 +73,176 @@ class Dredd
raw: val.raw

if not configDataIsEmpty = passedConfigData
if not @configDataIsEmpty = passedConfigData

# remove duplicate paths
config.options.path = removeDuplicates config.options.path

# expand all globs
expandGlobs = (cb) ->
async.each config.options.path, (globToExpand, globCallback) ->
if /^http(s)?:\/\//.test globToExpand
config.files = config.files.concat globToExpand
return globCallback()
glob globToExpand, (err, match) ->
globCallback err if err
config.files = config.files.concat match

, (err) ->
return callback(err, stats) if err

if configDataIsEmpty and config.files.length == 0
return callback({message: "Blueprint file or files not found on path: '#{config.options.path}'"}, stats)

# remove duplicate filenames
config.files = removeDuplicates config.files

# load all files
loadFiles = (cb) ->
# 6 parallel connections is a standard limit when connecting to one hostname,
# use the same limit of parallel connections for reading/downloading files
async.eachLimit config.files, 6, (fileUrlOrPath, loadCallback) ->
fileUrl = url.parse fileUrlOrPath
fileUrl = null

if fileUrl and fileUrl.protocol in ['http:', 'https:'] and
downloadFile fileUrlOrPath, loadCallback
readLocalFile fileUrlOrPath, loadCallback

, (err) ->
return callback(err, stats) if err

downloadFile = (fileUrl, downloadCallback) ->
url: fileUrl
timeout: 5000
json: false
, (downloadError, res, body) ->
if downloadError
downloadCallback {
message: "Error when loading file from URL '#{fileUrl}'. Is the provided URL correct?"
else if not body or res.statusCode < 200 or res.statusCode >= 300
downloadCallback {
message: """
Unable to load file from URL '#{fileUrl}'. \
Server did not send any blueprint back and responded with status code #{res.statusCode}.
else[fileUrl] = {raw: body, filename: fileUrl}

readLocalFile = (filePath, readCallback) ->
fs.readFile filePath, 'utf8', (readingError, data) ->
return readCallback(readingError) if readingError[filePath] = {raw: data, filename: filePath}

# parse all file blueprints
parseBlueprints = (cb) ->
async.each Object.keys(, (file, parseCallback) ->
drafter = new Drafter
drafter.make[file]['raw'], (drafterError, result) ->
return parseCallback drafterError if drafterError[file]['parsed'] = result
, (err) ->
return callback(err, config.reporter) if err
# log all parser warnings for each ast
for file, data of
result = data['parsed']
if result['warnings'].length > 0
for warning in result['warnings']
message = "Parser warning in file '#{file}':" + ' (' + warning.code + ') ' + warning.message
ranges = blueprintUtils.warningLocationToRanges warning['location'], data['raw']
if ranges?.length
pos = blueprintUtils.rangesToLinesText ranges
message = message + ' on ' + pos
logger.warn message

runtimes['warnings'] = []
runtimes['errors'] = []
runtimes['transactions'] = []

# extract http transactions for each ast
for file, data of
runtime = blueprintTransactions.compile data['parsed']['ast'], file

runtimes['warnings'] = runtimes['warnings'].concat(runtime['warnings'])
runtimes['errors'] = runtimes['errors'].concat(runtime['errors'])
runtimes['transactions'] = runtimes['transactions'].concat(runtime['transactions'])

runtimeError = handleRuntimeProblems runtimes
return callback(runtimeError, stats) if runtimeError

#start the runner
startRunner = =>
reporterCount = config.emitter.listeners('start').length
config.emitter.emit 'start',, =>
if reporterCount is 0

# run all transactions
@runner.config(config) runtimes['transactions'], =>
@configuration.options.path = removeDuplicates @configuration.options.path

# spin that merry-go-round
expandGlobs ->
loadFiles ->
parseBlueprints ->
@expandGlobs (globsErr) =>
return callback(globsErr, @stats) if globsErr

@loadFiles (loadErr) =>
return callback(loadErr, @stats) if loadErr

@parseBlueprints (parseErr) =>
return callback(parseErr, @stats) if parseErr

@compileTransactions (compileErr) =>
return callback(compileErr, @stats) if compileErr

@emitStart (emitStartErr) =>
return callback(emitStartErr, @stats) if emitStartErr

@startRunner (runnerErr) =>
return callback(runnerErr, @stats) if runnerErr


# expand all globs
expandGlobs: (callback) ->
async.each @configuration.options.path, (globToExpand, globCallback) =>
if /^http(s)?:\/\//.test globToExpand
@configuration.files = @configuration.files.concat globToExpand
return globCallback()
glob globToExpand, (err, match) =>
globCallback err if err
@configuration.files = @configuration.files.concat match

, (err) =>
return callback(err, @stats) if err

if @configDataIsEmpty and @configuration.files.length == 0
return callback({message: "Blueprint file or files not found on path: '#{@configuration.options.path}'"}, @stats)

# remove duplicate filenames
@configuration.files = removeDuplicates @configuration.files
callback(null, @stats)

# load all files
loadFiles: (callback) ->
# 6 parallel connections is a standard limit when connecting to one hostname,
# use the same limit of parallel connections for reading/downloading files
async.eachLimit @configuration.files, 6, (fileUrlOrPath, loadCallback) =>
fileUrl = url.parse fileUrlOrPath
fileUrl = null

if fileUrl and fileUrl.protocol in ['http:', 'https:'] and
@downloadFile fileUrlOrPath, loadCallback
@readLocalFile fileUrlOrPath, loadCallback

, (err) ->
return callback(err, @stats) if err

downloadFile: (fileUrl, callback) ->
url: fileUrl
timeout: 5000
json: false
, (downloadError, res, body) =>
if downloadError
callback {
message: "Error when loading file from URL '#{fileUrl}'. Is the provided URL correct?"
}, @stats
else if not body or res.statusCode < 200 or res.statusCode >= 300
callback {
message: """
Unable to load file from URL '#{fileUrl}'. \
Server did not send any blueprint back and responded with status code #{res.statusCode}.
}, @stats
else[fileUrl] = {raw: body, filename: fileUrl}
callback(null, @stats)

readLocalFile: (filePath, callback) ->
fs.readFile filePath, 'utf8', (readingError, data) =>
return readCallback(readingError) if readingError[filePath] = {raw: data, filename: filePath}
callback(null, @stats)

# parse all file blueprints
parseBlueprints: (callback) ->
async.each Object.keys(, (file, parseCallback) =>
drafter = new Drafter
drafter.make[file]['raw'], (drafterError, result) =>
return parseCallback drafterError if drafterError[file]['parsed'] = result
, (err) =>
return callback(err, @stats) if err
# log all parser warnings for each ast
for file, data of
result = data['parsed']
if result['warnings'].length > 0
for warning in result['warnings']
message = "Parser warning in file '#{file}':" + ' (' + warning.code + ') ' + warning.message
ranges = blueprintUtils.warningLocationToRanges warning['location'], data['raw']
if ranges?.length
pos = blueprintUtils.rangesToLinesText ranges
message = message + ' on ' + pos
logger.warn message

callback(null, @stats)

# compile transcations from asts
compileTransactions: (callback) ->
@compiledTransactions['warnings'] = []
@compiledTransactions['errors'] = []
@compiledTransactions['transactions'] = []

# extract http transactions for each ast
for file, data of
transactions = blueprintTransactions.compile data['parsed']['ast'], file

@compiledTransactions['warnings'] = @compiledTransactions['warnings'].concat(transactions['warnings'])
@compiledTransactions['errors'] = @compiledTransactions['errors'].concat(transactions['errors'])
@compiledTransactions['transactions'] = @compiledTransactions['transactions'].concat(transactions['transactions'])

runtimeError = handleRuntimeProblems @compiledTransactions
return callback(runtimeError, @stats) if runtimeError
callback(null, @stats)

# start the runner
emitStart: (callback) ->
# dredd can have registered more than one reporter
reporterCount = @configuration.emitter.listeners('start').length

# atomic state shared between reporters
reporterErrorOccurred = false

# when event start is emitted, function in callback is executed for each registered reporter by listeners
@configuration.emitter.emit 'start',, (reporterError) =>

# if any error in one of reporters occurres, callback is called and other reporters are not executed
if reporterError and reporterErrorOccurred is false
reporterErrorOccurred = true
return callback(reporterError, @stats)

# # last called reporter callback function starts the runner
if reporterCount is 0 and reporterErrorOccurred is false
callback null, @stats

startRunner: (callback) ->
# run all transactions
@runner.config(@configuration) @compiledTransactions['transactions'], callback

transactionsComplete: (callback) =>
stats = @stats
transactionsComplete: (callback) ->
reporterCount = @configuration.emitter.listeners('end').length
@configuration.emitter.emit 'end', ->
@configuration.emitter.emit 'end', =>
if reporterCount is 0
callback(null, stats)
callback(null, @stats)

module.exports = Dredd
module.exports.options = options

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