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@calvincestari calvincestari released this 04 Mar 20:34
· 23 commits to main since this release


  • SelectionSet generated initializers don't compile with self parameter (#3330): Selection set initializers now use a local property name when the external property name is a Swift reserved word; see PR #257. Thanks to @grantjbutler for raising the issue.
  • asXXXXXXX property on a union never returning nil if selection set empty (#3326): - The codegen logic to determine whether a selection set is composite or not has been improved to handle the case when __typename was the only field in the selection set; see PR #261. Thanks to @vincentisambart for raising the issue.


  • Feature/ContextIdentifier for the mutate queries (#281): Mutation operations can now be given a context identifier to be used later in the request. Thanks to @VladimirK-ah for the contribution.