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… was mistakenly left out of the 2.52.0 release.

* The named anchor `main` can now be overridden via the `mainAnchor` nunjucks block.
* The `npmRootDir` option can be used to cause Apostrophe's module loading mechanism to seek npm modules in a location other than that specified by `rootDir` (or the project root). The new `localesDir` option of `apostrophe-i18n` does the same for localization. This makes it possible to use `rootDir` to specify an alternate location for everything else, i.e. the parent of `public`, `data`, `lib/modules`, etc. A necessary accommodation for the evolving `apostrophe-multisite` module.
* Raw HTML widgets now offer help text out of the box.
* The `express.static` middleware now runs before the `apostrophe-global` middleware and other "standard" Apostrophe middleware.
* Your own module-level `expressMiddleware` object can specify `{ when: 'beforeRequired', middleware: function(req, res, next) { ... })` to run before the required middleware as well. Note that this means no sessions, no users and no body parser. Most of the time you'll want those things.
* CSS adjustment to tabs in modals so they don't scroll in Firefox.
* Dropzones for empty areas are easier to drop onto.
Assets 2