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Andrew Potapov edited this page Jan 25, 2014 · 1 revision

I did a lot of research today, looking for any stuff we can use off the shelf. I primarily searched for:

  1. available source code we can directly use
  2. papers or guides talking about how to implement an AI component for Tafl (or something very similar)
  3. strategy/tactics guide for Tafl

I had a tough time finding (2), but I got us some stuff for the other two items:

(+) Here's a javascript implementation of Tafl with decent AI component. The code is available! ( (+) No book on Tafl, except its history and rules. Good free content on strategy and tactics though: (-) Good high level: (-) Good breakdown by one of the world's top players: (-) A little annoying but decent videos: (+) I've dug up a good number of contacts via the web we may be able to help us with building a computer opponent.

Complete Notes

  1. Hnefatafl using rulesets downloadable code

  2. Genetic algorithm approach to Tafl AI

  3. A bunch of resources on Tafl

  4. Note to Self: Different names for the same game:

  • The Viking Game
  • Tablut (very similar)
  • Tafl
  • King's Table
  • Hnefatafl
  1. Amazon book about old games with new twist:

  2. Concise but good strategy advice

  3. Searched for open source

  1. Several places say Defender has the advantage
  1. Best strategy explanation online so far

  2. Free source code for Tafl last updated Jan 12, 2014

  3. Youtube videos on strategy (in several parts)

  4. Hosts a website that allows human-human Tafl tournaments

  1. Caltech alumnus implements variations of Tafl online: It seems like he has implemented the AI for computer opponent.

  2. Javascript implementation of Tafl game with AI opponent!

  1. Java applet implementation with computer opponent
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