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Framework for IncentCleaner check.


Need to install an appropriate version of the framework according to your Xcode version:

  1. Get the major version of Xcode e.g. 10
  2. CocoaPods:
pod 'IncentCleanerChecker', '<LAST_RELEASE_VERSION>-xcode<MAJOR_VERSION_OF_XCODE>' # e.g. `1.0.0-xcode10`


  1. Install the app with IncentCleaner. Do not open it. If you already opened the app please delete and install the app again.
  2. Import IncentCleanerChecker
import IncentCleanerChecker
  1. Start listening to IncentCleaner
Listener.shared()?.start { text in }
  1. In the closure from step 3 you should see the message:
[IncentCleanerChecker] Listener is started.
  1. Try to open the app with IncentCleaner by bundle identifier
_ = Opener.shared()?.openApp(withBundleId: "<BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER>")
  1. The app should be opened. If not please check the bundle identifier on step 4 and do this step again
  2. In the checker app in the closure from step 3 you should see the message:
[IncentCleanerChecker] Response from IncentCleaner in the app with bundleId "<BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER>" is received.


You can see the example of usage in the attached project.