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Pull Mage

GitHub App

Pull Mage

GitHub App

Pull Mage - Your Pull Request Assistant

Pull Mage is your ultimate companion for managing pull requests (PRs) on GitHub. With Pull Mage, you can streamline your code review process, gain insights into your changes, and get answers to your questions—all in one place.


🔍 Review PRs: Request a review of your PR and receive detailed suggestions and feedback to enhance your code quality.

📝 Explain PRs: Get a comprehensive explanation of the changes included in your PR.

Ask Questions: Ask questions related to your PRs and receive prompt answers within the context of your changes.

🤖 Intelligent Assistance: Pull Mage uses AI to analyze your code changes and provide insightful recommendations and answers.

How to Use:

  1. Install Pull Mage: Simply add Pull Mage to your GitHub repository to start benefiting from its powerful features.

  2. Interact with Pull Mage: Use commands like /review, /explain, and /ask = question to request reviews, explanations, and answers related to your PRs.

  3. Collaborate Efficiently: Improve collaboration and code quality by leveraging Pull Mage's assistance throughout your development process.


  1. Project Status: Pull Mage is a personal project and is currently running on free credits of OpenAI's API.

  2. Server Deployment: The server is deployed on a free tier. It may go down if it does not receive requests for a few minutes. You can ping to bring it back up.

Source Code and Feedback:

  • Source Code: GitHub Repository

  • Feedback: Thanks for using Pull Mage! If you find it helpful, please consider giving it a star on GitHub.


Pull Mage is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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