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Operator that assigns EgressCIDRs to all nodes in a MachineSet


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OpenShift MachineSet EgressCIDR operator

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Automatically configure egressCIDRs for all nodes belonging to a MachineSet.


Annotate your MachineSet with a comma-separated list of CIDRs you want to have on your nodes:

oc annotate machineset/foo,

This will OVERRIDE the egressCIDRs field for all HostSubnets belonging to the Machineset.

Removing the annotation will make the field unmanaged. To explicitly REMOVE any egressCIDRs, set the annotation to the value "none".

oc annotate machineset/foo


When running the operator in-cluster, it will autodiscover the service account. When running out of cluster, make sure to set the KUBECONFIG env var.

You can configure logging verbosity by using the -v flag, however note that this will be applied to the whole K8s client library. To only get relevant stuff, uset -vmodule=reconcile=8.


Apply all the manifests in manifests/ to your test cluster:

oc create namespace appuio-machineset-egress-cidr-operator
kubectl apply -k ./manifests

Fetch the kubeconfig file:

oc -n appuio-machineset-egress-cidr-operator sa create-kubeconfig operator > operator.kubeconfig

You can now run the operator out-of-cluster:

KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/operator.kubeconfig go run . -vmodule=reconcile=8

Update dependencies

Run make deps to fetch the latest dependencies. Upgrade the version Numbers on top of Makefile if you want to upgrade to a newer OpenShift relase. Make sure the K8s version matches the OCP version! Check the OCP release notes if you are unsure.

