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These guidelines will help you get started with the Starboard project.

Table of Contents

Contribution Workflow

Issues and Discussions

  • Feel free to open issues for any reason as long as you make it clear what this issue is about: bug/feature/proposal/comment.
  • For questions and general discussions, please do not open an issue, and instead create a discussion in the "Discussions" tab.
  • Please spend a minimal amount of time giving due diligence to existing issues or discussions. Your topic might be a duplicate. If it is, please add your comment to the existing one.
  • Please give your issue or discussion a meaningful title that will be clear for future users.
  • The issue should clearly explain the reason for opening, the proposal if you have any, and any relevant technical information.
  • For technical questions, please explain in detail what you were trying to do, provide an error message if applicable, and your versions of Starboard and your environment.

Pull Requests

  • Every Pull Request should have an associated Issue unless it is a trivial fix.
  • Your PR is more likely to be accepted if it focuses on just one change.
  • Describe what the PR does. There's no convention enforced, but please try to be concise and descriptive. Treat the PR description as a commit message. Titles that start with "fix"/"add"/"improve"/"remove" are good examples.
  • There's no need to add or tag reviewers, if your PR is left unattended for too long, you can add a comment to bring it up to attention, optionally "@" mention one of the maintainers that was involved with the issue.
  • If a reviewer commented on your code or asked for changes, please remember to mark the discussion as resolved after you address it and re-request a review.
  • When addressing comments, try to fix each suggestion in a separate commit.
  • Tests are not required at this point as Starboard is evolving fast, but if you can include tests that will be appreciated.

Conventional Commits

It is not that strict, but we use the Conventional commits in this repository. Each commit message doesn't have to follow conventions as long as it is clear and descriptive since it will be squashed and merged.

Set up your Development Environment

  1. Install Go

    The project requires Go 1.17 or later. We also assume that you're familiar with Go's GOPATH workspace convention, and have the appropriate environment variables set.

  2. Get the source code:

    git clone
    cd starboard
  3. Access to a Kubernetes cluster. We assume that you're using a KIND cluster. To create a single-node KIND cluster, run:

    kind create cluster

Build Binaries

Binary Image Description
starboard Starboard command-line interface
starboard-operator Starboard Operator
starboard-scanner-aqua Starboard plugin to integrate with Aqua vulnerability scanner

To build all Starboard binaries, run:


This uses the go build command and builds binaries in the ./bin directory.

To build all Starboard binaries into Docker images, run:

make docker-build

To load Docker images into your KIND cluster, run:

kind load docker-image aquasec/starboard:dev
kind load docker-image aquasec/starboard-operator:dev
kind load docker-image aquasec/starboard-scanner-aqua:dev

Run Tests

We generally require tests to be added for all, but the most trivial of changes. However, unit tests alone don't provide guarantees about the behaviour of Starboard. To verify that each Go module correctly interacts with its collaborators, more coarse grained integration tests might be required.

Run Unit Tests

To run all unit tests with code coverage enabled, run:

make unit-tests

To open the test coverage report in your web browser, run:

go tool cover -html=coverage.txt

Run Integration Tests

The integration tests assumes that you have a working kubernetes cluster (e.g KIND cluster) and KUBECONFIG environment variable is pointing to that cluster configuration file. For example:

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config

There are separate integration tests for Starboard CLI and for Starboard Operator. The tests may leave the cluster in a dirty state, so running one test after the other may cause spurious failures.

To run the integration tests for Starboard CLI with code coverage enabled, run:

make itests-starboard

To open the test coverage report in your web browser, run:

go tool cover -html=itest/starboard/coverage.txt

To run the integration tests for Starboard Operator and view the coverage report, first do the prerequisite steps, and then run:

OPERATOR_NAMESPACE=starboard-system \
  make itests-starboard-operator
go tool cover -html=itest/starboard-operator/coverage.txt

Code Coverage

In the CI workflow, after running all tests, we do upload code coverage reports to Codecov. Codecov will merge the reports automatically while maintaining the original upload context as explained here.

Custom Resource Definitions

Generate Code

Code generators are used a lot in the implementation of native Kubernetes resources, and we're using the very same generators here for custom security resources. This project follows the patterns of, which is a blueprint for many controllers built in Kubernetes itself.

The code generation starts with:

go mod vendor
export GOPATH="$(go env GOPATH)"

In addition, there is a second script called ./hack/ This script calls the ./hack/ script and checks whether anything changed, and then it terminates with a nonzero return code if any of the generated files is not up-to-date. We're running it as a step in the CI workflow.

Test Starboard Operator

You can deploy the operator in the starboard-system namespace and configure it to watch the default namespace. In OLM terms such install mode is called SingleNamespace. The SingleNamespace mode is good to get started with a basic development workflow. For other install modes see Operator Multitenancy with OperatorGroups.

In cluster

  1. Build the operator binary into the Docker image and load it from your host into KIND cluster nodes:
    make docker-build-starboard-operator && kind load docker-image aquasec/starboard-operator:dev
  2. Create the starboard-operator Deployment in the starboard-system namespace to run the operator's container:
    kubectl create -k deploy/static

You can uninstall the operator with:

kubectl delete -k deploy/static

Out of cluster

  1. Deploy the operator in cluster:
    kubectl apply -f deploy/static/starboard.yaml
  2. Scale the operator down to zero replicas:
    kubectl scale deployment starboard-operator \
      -n starboard-system \
      --replicas 0
  3. Delete pending scan jobs with:
    kubectl delete jobs -n starboard-system --all
  4. Run the main method of the operator program:
    OPERATOR_NAMESPACE=starboard-system \
      go run cmd/starboard-operator/main.go

You can uninstall the operator with:

kubectl delete -f deploy/static/starboard.yaml

Update Static YAML Manifests

mkdir -p $TMPDIR/starboard-helm-template
helm template starboard-operator ./deploy/helm \
  --namespace starboard-system --create-namespace \
  --set="targetNamespaces=default" \
  --set="managedBy=kubectl" \
cp $TMPDIR/starboard-helm-template/starboard-operator/templates/rbac.yaml deploy/static/02-starboard-operator.rbac.yaml
cp $TMPDIR/starboard-helm-template/starboard-operator/templates/config.yaml deploy/static/03-starboard-operator.config.yaml
cp $TMPDIR/starboard-helm-template/starboard-operator/templates/deployment.yaml deploy/static/04-starboard-operator.deployment.yaml

Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)

Install OLM

To install Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) run:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f


curl -L -o
chmod +x
./ v0.20.0

Build the Catalog Image

The Starboard Operator metadata is formatted in packagemanifest layout, so you need to place it in the directory structure of the community-operators repository.

git clone
cd community-operators

Build the catalog image for OLM containing just Starboard Operator with a Dockerfile like this:

cat << EOF > starboard.Dockerfile
FROM as builder

COPY operators/starboard-operator manifests
RUN /bin/initializer -o ./bundles.db

FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf
COPY --from=builder /bundles.db /bundles.db
COPY --from=builder /bin/registry-server /registry-server
COPY --from=builder /bin/grpc_health_probe /bin/grpc_health_probe
EXPOSE 50051
ENTRYPOINT ["/registry-server"]
CMD ["--database", "bundles.db"]

Place the starboard.Dockerfile in the top-level directory of your cloned copy of the community-operators repository, build it and push to a registry from where you can download it to your Kubernetes cluster:

docker image build -f starboard.Dockerfile -t<your account>/starboard-catalog:dev .
docker image push<your account>/starboard-catalog:dev

Register the Catalog Image

Create a CatalogSource instance in the olm namespace to reference in the Operator catalog image that contains the Starboard Operator:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: CatalogSource
  name: starboard-catalog
  namespace: olm
  publisher: Starboard Maintainers
  displayName: Starboard Catalog
  sourceType: grpc
  image:<your account>/starboard-catalog:dev

You can delete the default catalog that OLM ships with to avoid duplicate entries:

kubectl delete catalogsource operatorhubio-catalog -n olm

Inspect the list of loaded packagemanifests on the system with the following command to filter for the Starboard Operator:

$ kubectl get packagemanifests
NAME                 CATALOG             AGE
starboard-operator   Starboard Catalog   97s

If the Starboard Operator appears in this list, the catalog was successfully parsed and it is now available to install. Follow the installation instructions for OLM. Make sure that the Subscription's spec.source property refers to the starboard-catalog source instead of operatorhubio-catalog.

You can find more details about testing Operators with Operator Framework here.