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Julaiti Alafate edited this page Jan 9, 2021 · 10 revisions

Write-up on current implementation and existing issues

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We use 3 repositories for running experiments on Sparrow.

  1. Sparrow source code: this repository
  2. Scripts for setting up a cluster for running sparrow, including installing and compiling packages, downloading data: sparrow-scripts
  3. Experiment configurations and analysis: sparrow-experiments.

Development and Experiments

  1. Lauch a cluster

The experiments with Sparrow are conducted on AWS.

  • Head node: r3.2xlarge
  • Scanner nodes: m6gd.large

The instances could be launched manually, or using aws-jupyter.

  1. Initial the setup

Using the scripts in sparrow-scripts.

  1. Select which experiment to run

Choose or setup experiment configurations under the configs/ folder in sparrow-experiments.


Set up environment variables for debugging

export RUST_LOG="sparrow=debug,tmsn=debug"

With these variable sets, Sparrow prints logs to stderr.

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