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avoid producing variable names with double underscores
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Could happen with for example mutable uniforms that were starting with
an underscore name.
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aras-p committed Sep 25, 2013
1 parent a2f2118 commit 51f7888
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Showing 19 changed files with 169 additions and 151 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions hlslang/GLSLCodeGen/glslSymbol.cpp
Expand Up @@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ GlslSymbol::GlslSymbol( const std::string &n, const std::string &s, int id, EGls
if (IsReservedGlslKeyword(n))
name = "xlat_var_" + n;
name = "xlat_var" + n;
mangledName = name;

if (qual == EqtMutableUniform)
mutableMangledName = "xlat_mutable_" + mangledName;
mutableMangledName = "xlat_mutable" + mangledName;
mutableMangledName = mangledName;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ void GlslSymbol::mangleName()
s << "_" << mangleCounter;
mangledName = name + s.str();
if ( qual == EqtMutableUniform)
mutableMangledName = "xlat_mutable_" + mangledName;
mutableMangledName = "xlat_mutable" + mangledName;
mutableMangledName = mangledName;
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions tests/combined/index-matrix-assignment-fragment-out.txt
Expand Up @@ -24,22 +24,22 @@ uniform sampler2DShadow shadow_map;
#line 21
#line 41
#line 41
vec4 ps_main( in PS_INPUT xlat_var_input, in int primitive_id ) {
vec4 ps_main( in PS_INPUT xlat_varinput, in int primitive_id ) {
vec4 c = vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, float(primitive_id));
c = texture2D( diffuse_map, xlat_var_input.uv);
c = texture2D( diffuse_map, xlat_varinput.uv);
float depth = 1.0;
#line 45
vec4 shadow = vec4( xlat_var_input.uv, depth, 1.0);
vec4 shadow = vec4( xlat_varinput.uv, depth, 1.0);
c *= shadow2DProj( shadow_map, shadow).x;
return c;
varying vec2 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
void main() {
vec4 xl_retval;
PS_INPUT xlt_xlat_var_input;
xlt_xlat_var_input.position = vec4(0.0);
xlt_xlat_var_input.uv = vec2(xlv_TEXCOORD0);
xl_retval = ps_main( xlt_xlat_var_input, int(gl_PrimitiveID));
PS_INPUT xlt_xlat_varinput;
xlt_xlat_varinput.position = vec4(0.0);
xlt_xlat_varinput.uv = vec2(xlv_TEXCOORD0);
xl_retval = ps_main( xlt_xlat_varinput, int(gl_PrimitiveID));
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(xl_retval);

Expand Down
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions tests/combined/index-matrix-assignment-vertex-out.txt
Expand Up @@ -58,39 +58,39 @@ uniform sampler2D diffuse_map;
uniform sampler2DShadow shadow_map;
#line 21
#line 41
mat4 xlat_mutable_stupid[10];
mat4 xlat_mutablestupid[10];
#line 21
PS_INPUT vs_main( in VS_INPUT xlat_var_input ) {
PS_INPUT vs_main( in VS_INPUT xlat_varinput ) {
mat3 dummy = xll_transpose_mf3x3(mat3( vec3( 0.0), vec3( 0.0), vec3( 0.0)));
#line 26
vec4 wp = (xlat_var_input.position * world);
xlat_mutable_stupid[2] = view;
vec4 wp = (xlat_varinput.position * world);
xlat_mutablestupid[2] = view;
vec3 xlat_swiztemp0 = vec3(dummy[1].z, dummy[0].x, dummy[0].x);
xlat_mutable_stupid[2][0][3] = xlat_swiztemp0.x;
xlat_mutable_stupid[2][1][3] = xlat_swiztemp0.y;
xlat_mutable_stupid[2][2][3] = xlat_swiztemp0.z;
xlat_mutablestupid[2][0][3] = xlat_swiztemp0.x;
xlat_mutablestupid[2][1][3] = xlat_swiztemp0.y;
xlat_mutablestupid[2][2][3] = xlat_swiztemp0.z;
#line 31
dummy[0][2] = 0.0;
vec2 xlat_swiztemp1 = vec2( 0.0, 0.0);
dummy[0][2] = xlat_swiztemp1.x;
dummy[2][0] = xlat_swiztemp1.y;
dummy[2][2] = float( xll_matrixindexdynamic_mf3x3_i (dummy, ((xlat_var_input.instance_id * 2) + xlat_var_input.vertex_id)));
dummy[2][2] = float( xll_matrixindexdynamic_mf3x3_i (dummy, ((xlat_varinput.instance_id * 2) + xlat_varinput.vertex_id)));
#line 35
o.position = ((wp * xlat_mutable_stupid[2]) * proj);
o.uv = xlat_var_input.uv;
o.position = ((wp * xlat_mutablestupid[2]) * proj);
o.uv = xlat_varinput.uv;
return o;
varying vec2 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
void main() {
xlat_mutable_stupid = stupid;
xlat_mutablestupid = stupid;
PS_INPUT xl_retval;
VS_INPUT xlt_xlat_var_input;
xlt_xlat_var_input.position = vec4(gl_Vertex);
xlt_xlat_var_input.uv = vec2(gl_MultiTexCoord0);
xlt_xlat_var_input.vertex_id = int(gl_VertexID);
xlt_xlat_var_input.instance_id = int(gl_InstanceIDARB);
xl_retval = vs_main( xlt_xlat_var_input);
VS_INPUT xlt_xlat_varinput;
xlt_xlat_varinput.position = vec4(gl_Vertex);
xlt_xlat_varinput.uv = vec2(gl_MultiTexCoord0);
xlt_xlat_varinput.vertex_id = int(gl_VertexID);
xlt_xlat_varinput.instance_id = int(gl_InstanceIDARB);
xl_retval = vs_main( xlt_xlat_varinput);
gl_Position = vec4(xl_retval.position);
xlv_TEXCOORD0 = vec2(xl_retval.uv);
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions tests/fragment/uniforms-mutable-out.txt
Expand Up @@ -3,29 +3,29 @@ uniform vec4 uni4;
#line 4
uniform sampler2D tex1;
#line 12
float xlat_mutable_uni1;
vec4 xlat_mutable_uni4;
float xlat_mutableuni1;
vec4 xlat_mutableuni4;
#line 6
vec3 SampleDiffuse( in vec2 uv ) {
#line 8
xlat_mutable_uni4.xy = uv;
return vec3( texture2D( tex1, xlat_mutable_uni4.xy));
xlat_mutableuni4.xy = uv;
return vec3( texture2D( tex1, xlat_mutableuni4.xy));
#line 12
vec4 xlat_main( in vec4 uv ) {
vec4 c = vec4( 0.0);
c.x += xlat_mutable_uni4.x;
c.x += xlat_mutableuni4.x; += SampleDiffuse( uv.xy);
#line 16
c.z += xlat_mutable_uni1;
xlat_mutable_uni1 += 2.0;
c.w += xlat_mutable_uni1;
c.z += xlat_mutableuni1;
xlat_mutableuni1 += 2.0;
c.w += xlat_mutableuni1;
return c;
varying vec4 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
void main() {
xlat_mutable_uni1 = uni1;
xlat_mutable_uni4 = uni4;
xlat_mutableuni1 = uni1;
xlat_mutableuni4 = uni4;
vec4 xl_retval;
xl_retval = xlat_main( vec4(xlv_TEXCOORD0));
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(xl_retval);
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions tests/fragment/uniforms-mutable-outES.txt
Expand Up @@ -3,29 +3,29 @@ uniform mediump vec4 uni4;
#line 4
uniform sampler2D tex1;
#line 12
highp float xlat_mutable_uni1;
mediump vec4 xlat_mutable_uni4;
highp float xlat_mutableuni1;
mediump vec4 xlat_mutableuni4;
#line 6
highp vec3 SampleDiffuse( in highp vec2 uv ) {
#line 8
xlat_mutable_uni4.xy = uv;
return vec3( texture2D( tex1, xlat_mutable_uni4.xy));
xlat_mutableuni4.xy = uv;
return vec3( texture2D( tex1, xlat_mutableuni4.xy));
#line 12
lowp vec4 xlat_main( in highp vec4 uv ) {
lowp vec4 c = vec4( 0.0);
c.x += xlat_mutable_uni4.x;
c.x += xlat_mutableuni4.x; += SampleDiffuse( uv.xy);
#line 16
c.z += xlat_mutable_uni1;
xlat_mutable_uni1 += 2.0;
c.w += xlat_mutable_uni1;
c.z += xlat_mutableuni1;
xlat_mutableuni1 += 2.0;
c.w += xlat_mutableuni1;
return c;
varying highp vec4 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
void main() {
xlat_mutable_uni1 = uni1;
xlat_mutable_uni4 = uni4;
xlat_mutableuni1 = uni1;
xlat_mutableuni4 = uni4;
lowp vec4 xl_retval;
xl_retval = xlat_main( vec4(xlv_TEXCOORD0));
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(xl_retval);
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions tests/fragment/uniforms-mutable-outES3.txt
Expand Up @@ -3,29 +3,29 @@ uniform mediump vec4 uni4;
#line 4
uniform sampler2D tex1;
#line 12
highp float xlat_mutable_uni1;
mediump vec4 xlat_mutable_uni4;
highp float xlat_mutableuni1;
mediump vec4 xlat_mutableuni4;
#line 6
highp vec3 SampleDiffuse( in highp vec2 uv ) {
#line 8
xlat_mutable_uni4.xy = uv;
return vec3( texture( tex1, xlat_mutable_uni4.xy));
xlat_mutableuni4.xy = uv;
return vec3( texture( tex1, xlat_mutableuni4.xy));
#line 12
lowp vec4 xlat_main( in highp vec4 uv ) {
lowp vec4 c = vec4( 0.0);
c.x += xlat_mutable_uni4.x;
c.x += xlat_mutableuni4.x; += SampleDiffuse( uv.xy);
#line 16
c.z += xlat_mutable_uni1;
xlat_mutable_uni1 += 2.0;
c.w += xlat_mutable_uni1;
c.z += xlat_mutableuni1;
xlat_mutableuni1 += 2.0;
c.w += xlat_mutableuni1;
return c;
in highp vec4 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
void main() {
xlat_mutable_uni1 = uni1;
xlat_mutable_uni4 = uni4;
xlat_mutableuni1 = uni1;
xlat_mutableuni4 = uni4;
lowp vec4 xl_retval;
xl_retval = xlat_main( vec4(xlv_TEXCOORD0));
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(xl_retval);
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions tests/fragment/z-SurfaceMutableUniform-out.txt
Expand Up @@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ uniform vec4 ololo;
#line 32
#line 51
uniform vec4 _MainTex_ST;
vec4 xlat_mutable_ololo;
vec4 xlat_mutableololo;
#line 32
vec4 LightingNoLight( in SurfaceOutput s, in vec3 lightDir, in float atten ) {
vec4 c; = (s.Alpha * (s.Albedo + vec3( xlat_mutable_ololo))); = (s.Alpha * (s.Albedo + vec3( xlat_mutableololo)));
c.w = 1.0;
#line 36
return c;
Expand All @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ vec4 LightingNoLight( in SurfaceOutput s, in vec3 lightDir, in float atten ) {
void surf( in Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o ) {
#line 40
vec4 c = texture2D( _MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
xlat_mutable_ololo = c;
xlat_mutableololo = c;
o.Albedo =;
o.Alpha = c.w;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ varying vec2 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
varying vec3 xlv_TEXCOORD1;
varying vec3 xlv_TEXCOORD2;
void main() {
xlat_mutable_ololo = ololo;
xlat_mutableololo = ololo;
vec4 xl_retval;
v2f_surf xlt_IN;
xlt_IN.pos = vec4(xlv_SV_POSITION);
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions tests/fragment/z-SurfaceMutableUniform-outES.txt
Expand Up @@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ uniform lowp vec4 ololo;
#line 32
#line 51
uniform highp vec4 _MainTex_ST;
lowp vec4 xlat_mutable_ololo;
lowp vec4 xlat_mutableololo;
#line 32
lowp vec4 LightingNoLight( in SurfaceOutput s, in lowp vec3 lightDir, in lowp float atten ) {
lowp vec4 c; = (s.Alpha * (s.Albedo + vec3( xlat_mutable_ololo))); = (s.Alpha * (s.Albedo + vec3( xlat_mutableololo)));
c.w = 1.0;
#line 36
return c;
Expand All @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ lowp vec4 LightingNoLight( in SurfaceOutput s, in lowp vec3 lightDir, in lowp fl
void surf( in Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o ) {
#line 40
mediump vec4 c = texture2D( _MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
xlat_mutable_ololo = c;
xlat_mutableololo = c;
o.Albedo =;
o.Alpha = c.w;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ varying highp vec2 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
varying lowp vec3 xlv_TEXCOORD1;
varying lowp vec3 xlv_TEXCOORD2;
void main() {
xlat_mutable_ololo = ololo;
xlat_mutableololo = ololo;
lowp vec4 xl_retval;
v2f_surf xlt_IN;
xlt_IN.pos = vec4(xlv_SV_POSITION);
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions tests/fragment/z-SurfaceMutableUniform-outES3.txt
Expand Up @@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ uniform lowp vec4 ololo;
#line 32
#line 51
uniform highp vec4 _MainTex_ST;
lowp vec4 xlat_mutable_ololo;
lowp vec4 xlat_mutableololo;
#line 32
lowp vec4 LightingNoLight( in SurfaceOutput s, in lowp vec3 lightDir, in lowp float atten ) {
lowp vec4 c; = (s.Alpha * (s.Albedo + vec3( xlat_mutable_ololo))); = (s.Alpha * (s.Albedo + vec3( xlat_mutableololo)));
c.w = 1.0;
#line 36
return c;
Expand All @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ lowp vec4 LightingNoLight( in SurfaceOutput s, in lowp vec3 lightDir, in lowp fl
void surf( in Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o ) {
#line 40
mediump vec4 c = texture( _MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);
xlat_mutable_ololo = c;
xlat_mutableololo = c;
o.Albedo =;
o.Alpha = c.w;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ in highp vec2 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
in lowp vec3 xlv_TEXCOORD1;
in lowp vec3 xlv_TEXCOORD2;
void main() {
xlat_mutable_ololo = ololo;
xlat_mutableololo = ololo;
lowp vec4 xl_retval;
v2f_surf xlt_IN;
xlt_IN.pos = vec4(xlv_SV_POSITION);
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions tests/vertex/const-main-arg-out.txt
Expand Up @@ -9,16 +9,16 @@ struct VertexInput {
#line 11
#line 11
VertexOutput xlat_main( const VertexInput xlat_var_input ) {
VertexOutput xlat_var_output;
xlat_var_output.pos = xlat_var_input.pos;
VertexOutput xlat_main( const VertexInput xlat_varinput ) {
VertexOutput xlat_varoutput;
xlat_varoutput.pos = xlat_varinput.pos;
#line 15
return xlat_var_output;
return xlat_varoutput;
void main() {
VertexOutput xl_retval;
VertexInput xlt_xlat_var_input;
xlt_xlat_var_input.pos = vec4(gl_Vertex);
xl_retval = xlat_main( xlt_xlat_var_input);
VertexInput xlt_xlat_varinput;
xlt_xlat_varinput.pos = vec4(gl_Vertex);
xl_retval = xlat_main( xlt_xlat_varinput);
gl_Position = vec4(xl_retval.pos);
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions tests/vertex/const-main-arg-outES.txt
Expand Up @@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ struct VertexInput {
#line 11
#line 11
VertexOutput xlat_main( const VertexInput xlat_var_input ) {
VertexOutput xlat_var_output;
xlat_var_output.pos = xlat_var_input.pos;
VertexOutput xlat_main( const VertexInput xlat_varinput ) {
VertexOutput xlat_varoutput;
xlat_varoutput.pos = xlat_varinput.pos;
#line 15
return xlat_var_output;
return xlat_varoutput;
attribute highp vec4 xlat_attrib_POSITION;
void main() {
VertexOutput xl_retval;
VertexInput xlt_xlat_var_input;
xlt_xlat_var_input.pos = vec4(xlat_attrib_POSITION);
xl_retval = xlat_main( xlt_xlat_var_input);
VertexInput xlt_xlat_varinput;
xlt_xlat_varinput.pos = vec4(xlat_attrib_POSITION);
xl_retval = xlat_main( xlt_xlat_varinput);
gl_Position = vec4(xl_retval.pos);

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