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Multi-document Summarization for News Articles Highlights Extraction

This repository contains the code for our Multi-News adaptation of paper Transformer-based Highlights Extraction from scientific papers - THExt, realized for the Deep Natural Language Processing class (A.Y. 2022-2023).

The extraction of highlights is a process which consists in selecting the salient sentences within the body of a test, which well summarize the meaning of the text under examination. This paper focuses on the problem of extracting highlights from news articles using transformer-based techniques. Our task was to adapt THExt to another domain and extend it to Multi-Document summarization.

We also propose an ablation study, which aims to improve the baseline providing a generated context through the use of LED architecture. The results obtained in the multi-document and in the ablation study, achieved respectively on two distinct datasets, have demonstrated the effectiveness of the model in the field of multi-document summarization, and its adaptability to a different domain, as well as the possibility of its improvement by providing a broader context.

The pipeline we propose, and that you can reproduce, is the following:

  • Data preprocessing
  • Extractor, Abstractor Models training
  • Model evaluation


  • Python 3 (tested on python 3.6)
  • PyTorch
    • with GPU and CUDA enabled installation (though the code is not runnable on CPU)
  • TensorFlow
  • pyrouge (for evaluation)

Dataset Download

The dataset exploited are the following:

  1. Multi-News dataset
  2. AIPubSumm, CSPubSumm, and BIOPubSumm. These datasets are not publicly available, so some directory folders may be created: plese refere to this repo for further information.

Execution Guide

Two examples to run our work are available on colab at the following links:

  1. Multi-News Adaptation: Multi-News Adaptation

  2. New Context Generation: New Contexts Generation

If the running is performed locally, please install the requirements in the file:

!pip install -r requirements.txt

Pipeline Description

1. Multi-document Summarization Pipeline

Firstly, we preprocess the input news articles, from dataset [1], using techniques such as stopword removal, sentence segmentation, and separation of articles of the same cluster, which enhances the performance of the summarization model. During this stage a tokenized unique text is created merging the texts of all the articles related to the same news. Also a new context is defined, merging the first 20% of sentences of each article for the same cluster of news.

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Next, we fine-tune the chosen models, BERT and LongFormer, on the Multi-News dataset, which helps obtain the optimized weights for the models. Finally, we use a fully connected layer-based regression to produce the resulting highlights for the cluster of articles.

2. Context Generator Pipeline

The LED model, which is an extension of the Longformer, was employed to create a new context from the dataset [2]. Specifically, the study performed an abstractive summarization of different sections of the papers, namely the abstract, introduction, and results

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Please, for further information, and to see our results, refere to the relative paper.

Authors: Matteo Berta, Arcangelo Frigiola, Francesco Marigioli, Luca Varriale


Deep NLP project






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