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apoorv-2204 committed Mar 15, 2023
1 parent 9c935db commit 0947d41
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Showing 6 changed files with 168 additions and 36 deletions.
63 changes: 43 additions & 20 deletions lib/archethic.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,56 +51,79 @@ defmodule Archethic do
@doc """
Send a new transaction in the network to be mined. The current node will act as welcome node
@spec send_new_transaction(Transaction.t()) :: :ok | {:error, :network_issue}
@spec send_new_transaction(
transaction :: Transaction.t(),
welcome_node_key :: Crypto.key(),
bad_nodes :: list(Crypto.key())
) ::
:ok | {:error, :network_issue}
def send_new_transaction(
tx = %Transaction{},
welcome_node_key \\ Crypto.first_node_public_key()
) do
welcome_node_key \\ Crypto.first_node_public_key(),
bad_nodes \\ []

def send_new_transaction(tx = %Transaction{}, welcome_node_key, bad_nodes) do
if P2P.authorized_and_available_node?() do
case SharedSecrets.verify_synchronization() do
:ok ->
do_send_transaction(tx, welcome_node_key)

:error ->
forward_transaction(tx, welcome_node_key)
forward_transaction(tx, welcome_node_key, [Crypto.first_node_public_key() | bad_nodes])

{:error, last_address_to_sync} ->
forward_transaction(tx, welcome_node_key)
forward_transaction(tx, welcome_node_key, [Crypto.first_node_public_key() | bad_nodes])
# node not authorized
forward_transaction(tx, welcome_node_key)
# node not authorized . bad nodes is not synced and not authorized is excluded by default
forward_transaction(tx, welcome_node_key, bad_nodes)

defp forward_transaction(
nodes \\ P2P.authorized_and_available_nodes()
|> Enum.filter(&Node.locally_available?/1)
|> P2P.nearest_nodes()
defp forward_transaction(tx, welcome_node_key, bad_nodes) do
nodes =
|> Enum.filter(&Node.locally_available?/1)
|> P2P.nearest_nodes()
|> Enum.reject(fn node -> node.first_public_key in bad_nodes end)

defp forward_transaction(tx, welcome_node_key, [node | rest]) do
case P2P.send_message(node, %NewTransaction{transaction: tx, welcome_node: welcome_node_key}) do
message = %NewTransaction{
transaction: tx,
welcome_node: welcome_node_key,
not_synced: bad_nodes

notify_nodes(message, nodes)

defp notify_nodes(message, [node | rest]) do
case P2P.send_message(node, message) do
{:ok, %Ok{}} ->

{:error, _} ->
forward_transaction(tx, welcome_node_key, rest)
message = Map.put(message, :not_synced, [node.first_public_key | message.not_synced])
notify_nodes(message, rest)

defp forward_transaction(_, _, []), do: {:error, :network_issue}
defp notify_nodes(_, []), do: {:error, :network_issue}

defp do_send_transaction(tx = %Transaction{type: tx_type}, welcome_node_key) do
current_date = DateTime.utc_now()
sorting_seed = Election.validation_nodes_election_seed_sorting(tx, current_date)

# We are selecting only the authorized nodes the current date of the transaction
# If new nodes have been authorized, they only will be selected at the application date
node_list = P2P.authorized_and_available_nodes(current_date)
node_list =
|> P2P.authorized_and_available_nodes()

# not including bad nodes m it will harm the elections
# will handle in node responsivity
# |> Enum.reject(fn node -> node.first_public_key in bad_nodes end)

storage_nodes = Election.chain_storage_nodes_with_type(tx.address, tx.type, node_list)

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/archethic/bootstrap/transaction_handler.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ defmodule Archethic.Bootstrap.TransactionHandler do
defp do_send_transaction([node | rest], tx) do
case P2P.send_message(node, %NewTransaction{
transaction: tx,
welcome_node: node.first_public_key
welcome_node: node.first_public_key,
not_synced: []
}) do
{:ok, %Ok{}} ->"Waiting transaction validation",
Expand Down
30 changes: 20 additions & 10 deletions lib/archethic/p2p/message/new_transaction.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,20 +4,21 @@ defmodule Archethic.P2P.Message.NewTransaction do
This message is used locally within a node during the bootstrap
@enforce_keys [:transaction, :welcome_node]
defstruct [:transaction, :welcome_node]
@enforce_keys [:transaction, :welcome_node, :not_synced]
defstruct [:transaction, :welcome_node, not_synced: []]

alias Archethic.{TransactionChain.Transaction, Crypto, Utils, P2P.Message}
alias Message.{Ok, Error}

@type t :: %__MODULE__{
transaction: Transaction.t(),
welcome_node: Crypto.key()
welcome_node: Crypto.key(),
not_synced: list(Crypto.key())

@spec process(__MODULE__.t(), Crypto.key()) :: Ok.t() | Error.t()
def process(%__MODULE__{transaction: tx, welcome_node: node_pbkey}, _) do
case Archethic.send_new_transaction(tx, node_pbkey) do
def process(%__MODULE__{transaction: tx, welcome_node: welcome_node, not_synced: bad_nodes}, _) do
case Archethic.send_new_transaction(tx, welcome_node, bad_nodes) do
:ok ->

Expand All @@ -27,14 +28,23 @@ defmodule Archethic.P2P.Message.NewTransaction do

@spec serialize(t()) :: bitstring()
def serialize(%__MODULE__{transaction: tx, welcome_node: node_pbkey}) do
<<Transaction.serialize(tx)::bitstring, node_pbkey::binary>>
def serialize(%__MODULE__{
transaction: tx,
welcome_node: welcome_node_key,
not_synced: bad_nodes
}) do
nodes_list = [welcome_node_key | bad_nodes]

<<Transaction.serialize(tx)::bitstring, length(nodes_list)::8,

@spec deserialize(bitstring()) :: {t(), bitstring}
def deserialize(<<rest::bitstring>>) do
{tx, rest} = Transaction.deserialize(rest)
{node_pbkey, rest} = Utils.deserialize_public_key(rest)
{%__MODULE__{transaction: tx, welcome_node: node_pbkey}, rest}
{tx, <<nb_nodes::8, rest::bitstring>>} = Transaction.deserialize(rest)

{[welcome_node | bad_nodes], rest} = Utils.deserialize_public_key_list(rest, nb_nodes, [])

{%__MODULE__{transaction: tx, welcome_node: welcome_node, not_synced: bad_nodes}, rest}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/c/nat/miniupnp
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions test/archethic/p2p/messages_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -145,8 +145,16 @@ defmodule Archethic.P2P.MessageTest do
test "NewTransaction message" do
tx =, %TransactionData{}, "seed", 0)

assert %NewTransaction{transaction: tx, welcome_node: Crypto.first_node_public_key()} ==
%NewTransaction{transaction: tx, welcome_node: Crypto.first_node_public_key()}
assert %NewTransaction{
transaction: tx,
welcome_node: Crypto.first_node_public_key(),
not_synced: []
} ==
transaction: tx,
welcome_node: Crypto.first_node_public_key(),
not_synced: []
|> Message.encode()
|> Message.decode()
|> elem(0)
Expand Down
94 changes: 92 additions & 2 deletions test/archethic_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ defmodule ArchethicTest do
assert :ok = Archethic.send_new_transaction(tx)

test "When NOT synced should forward the tx and start repair " do
test "should return error when node not synced,and try to forward the tx to itself " do
nss_genesis_address = "nss_genesis_address"
nss_last_address = "nss_last_address"
:persistent_term.put(:node_shared_secrets_gen_addr, nss_genesis_address)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ defmodule ArchethicTest do

|> expect(:send_message, 4, fn
|> expect(:send_message, 3, fn
# validate nss chain from network
# anticippated to be failed
_, %GetLastTransactionAddress{}, _ ->
Expand All @@ -121,6 +121,96 @@ defmodule ArchethicTest do
# last address is d/f it returns last address from quorum
assert {:error, "willnotmatchaddress"} = SharedSecrets.verify_synchronization()

# trying to ssend a tx when NSS chain not synced
tx =, %TransactionData{}, "seed", 0)
assert {:error, :network_issue} = Archethic.send_new_transaction(tx)

# start repair and should bottleneck requests
pid = SelfRepair.repair_in_progress?(nss_genesis_address)
assert pid != nil

test "should forward tx to other nodes " do
nss_genesis_address = "nss_genesis_address"
nss_last_address = "nss_last_address"
:persistent_term.put(:node_shared_secrets_gen_addr, nss_genesis_address)
first_pb_key = Crypto.first_node_public_key()

ip: {127, 0, 0, 1},
port: 3000,
first_public_key: Crypto.first_node_public_key(),
last_public_key: Crypto.first_node_public_key(),
network_patch: "AAA",
geo_patch: "AAA",
available?: true,
authorized?: true,
authorization_date: DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(-20_000)

node2_fpbk = "node2"

ip: {127, 0, 0, 1},
port: 3000,
first_public_key: node2_fpbk,
last_public_key: node2_fpbk,
network_patch: "AAA",
geo_patch: "AAA",
available?: true,
authorized?: true,
authorization_date: DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(-20_000)

start_supervised!({SummaryTimer, Application.get_env(:archethic, SummaryTimer)})

|> stub(:get_last_chain_address, fn ^nss_genesis_address ->
{nss_last_address, DateTime.utc_now()}
|> stub(
^nss_last_address, [validation_stamp: [:timestamp]], :chain ->
validation_stamp: %{
__struct__: :ValidationStamp,
# fail mathematical check with irregular timestamp
# causes validate_scheduling_time() to fail
timestamp: DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(-86_400)

_, _, _ ->
{:error, :transaction_not_exists}

|> expect(:send_message, 5, fn
# validate nss chain from network
# anticippated to be failed
_, %GetLastTransactionAddress{}, _ ->
{:ok, %LastTransactionAddress{address: "willnotmatchaddress"}}

%Node{first_public_key: ^node2_fpbk},
%NewTransaction{transaction: _, welcome_node: ^first_pb_key},
_ ->
# forward the tx
{:ok, %Ok{}}

_, %GetTransaction{address: _}, _ ->
{:ok, %NotFound{}}

_, _, _ ->
{:ok, %Ok{}}

# last address is d/f it returns last address from quorum
assert {:error, "willnotmatchaddress"} = SharedSecrets.verify_synchronization()

# trying to ssend a tx when NSS chain not synced
tx =, %TransactionData{}, "seed", 0)
assert :ok = Archethic.send_new_transaction(tx)
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