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ssyntax tests are still failing in core-evaluation-test.
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akkartik committed May 27, 2013
1 parent 445cae8 commit 68be3c0
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Showing 12 changed files with 2,157 additions and 0 deletions.
143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions lib/tests/core-errors-continuations-test.arc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
(def test-find-char (str c)
(let i -1
(each ch (coerce str 'cons)
(++ i)
(if (is ch c)
(throw i))))))

(register-test '(suite "Foundation Tests"
(suite "Errors and Continuations"
(suite "ccc"
("use ccc to return a value"
(ccc (fn (esc) (esc "bailout value") 42))
"bailout value")

("catch expands to ccc: call throw"
(test-find-char "abcdefg" #\d)

("catch expands to ccc: nil result"
(test-find-char "abcdefg" #\z)

("support continuation-passing style to calculate hypoteneuse"
( (fn ((cps* cpsplus cps-sqrt cps-pyth))
(assign cps* (fn (x y k) (k (* x y))))
(assign cpsplus (fn (x y k) (k (+ x y))))
(assign cps-sqrt (fn (x k) (k (sqrt x))))
(assign cps-pyth (fn (x y k)
(cps* x x (fn (x2)
(cps* y y (fn (y2)
(cpsplus x2 y2 (fn (x2py2)
(cps-sqrt x2py2 k)))))))))
(< 6.40312423743284 (ccc (fn (cc) (cps-pyth 4 5 cc))) 6.40312423743285)) nil)

("support co-routines" ; adapted from
((fn (hefty-info)
(assign hefty-stuff (fn (other-stuff)
(assign rec-hefty (fn (n)
(assign hefty-info (cons "A" (cons n hefty-info)))
(assign other-stuff (ccc other-stuff))
(if (> n 0) (rec-hefty (- n 1)))))
(rec-hefty 5)))

(assign light-stuff (fn (other-stuff)
(assign rec-light (fn (x)
(assign hefty-info (cons "B" hefty-info))
(assign other-stuff (ccc other-stuff))
(rec-light 0)))))

(if (is hefty-info nil) (hefty-stuff light-stuff))

) nil)
("B" "A" 0 "B" "A" 1 "B" "A" 2 "B" "A" 3 "B" "A" 4 "B" "A" 4 "A" 5))

(suite "Protect"
("simple protect"
((fn (x)
(protect (fn () (/ 1 2)) (fn () (assign x "protected-foo")))
x) nil)

("protect through continuation"
(tostring (catch (after (throw pr!problem) pr!-free)))

("protect all over the place inside a co-routine pair"
(accum trace
(assign proc-A (fn (my-b)
(trace 'proc-A-start)
(assign inner-A (fn (n)
(trace (sym:string 'inner-A-start- n))
(after (assign my-b (do (trace 'pre-ccc-my-b) (ccc my-b))) (trace (sym:string 'after-ccc-my-b- n)))
(trace 'end-inner-A)
(if (> n 0) (after (inner-A (- n 1)) (trace (sym:string 'after-inner-A-tail-call- n))))))
(after (inner-A 5) (trace 'after-initial-inner-A-call))))

(assign proc-B (fn (my-a)
(trace 'proc-B-start)
(assign inner-B (fn (x)
(trace 'inner-B-start)
(after (assign my-a (do (trace 'pre-ccc-my-a) (ccc my-a))) (trace 'after-ccc-my-a))
(trace 'end-inner-B)
(after (inner-B 0) (trace 'after-inner-B-tail-call))))))

(after (proc-A proc-B) (trace 'final-after)))

(proc-A-start inner-A-start-5 pre-ccc-my-b proc-B-start after-ccc-my-b-5
end-inner-A inner-A-start-4 pre-ccc-my-b inner-B-start pre-ccc-my-a
after-ccc-my-a after-ccc-my-b-4 after-inner-A-tail-call-5
after-ccc-my-b-5 end-inner-A inner-A-start-4 pre-ccc-my-b
after-ccc-my-b-4 after-inner-A-tail-call-5 after-ccc-my-a end-inner-B
inner-B-start pre-ccc-my-a after-ccc-my-a after-inner-B-tail-call
after-ccc-my-b-4 after-inner-A-tail-call-5 after-ccc-my-b-4 end-inner-A
inner-A-start-3 pre-ccc-my-b after-ccc-my-b-3 after-inner-A-tail-call-4
after-inner-A-tail-call-5 after-ccc-my-a end-inner-B inner-B-start
pre-ccc-my-a after-ccc-my-a after-inner-B-tail-call
after-inner-B-tail-call after-ccc-my-b-4 after-inner-A-tail-call-5
after-ccc-my-b-3 end-inner-A inner-A-start-2 pre-ccc-my-b
after-ccc-my-b-2 after-inner-A-tail-call-3 after-inner-A-tail-call-4
after-inner-A-tail-call-5 after-ccc-my-a end-inner-B inner-B-start
pre-ccc-my-a after-ccc-my-a after-inner-B-tail-call
after-inner-B-tail-call after-inner-B-tail-call after-ccc-my-b-4
after-inner-A-tail-call-5 after-ccc-my-b-2 end-inner-A inner-A-start-1
pre-ccc-my-b after-ccc-my-b-1 after-inner-A-tail-call-2
after-inner-A-tail-call-3 after-inner-A-tail-call-4
after-inner-A-tail-call-5 after-ccc-my-a end-inner-B inner-B-start
pre-ccc-my-a after-ccc-my-a after-inner-B-tail-call
after-inner-B-tail-call after-inner-B-tail-call after-inner-B-tail-call
after-ccc-my-b-4 after-inner-A-tail-call-5 after-ccc-my-b-1 end-inner-A
inner-A-start-0 pre-ccc-my-b after-ccc-my-b-0 after-inner-A-tail-call-1
after-inner-A-tail-call-2 after-inner-A-tail-call-3
after-inner-A-tail-call-4 after-inner-A-tail-call-5 after-ccc-my-a
end-inner-B inner-B-start pre-ccc-my-a after-ccc-my-a
after-inner-B-tail-call after-inner-B-tail-call after-inner-B-tail-call
after-inner-B-tail-call after-inner-B-tail-call after-ccc-my-b-4
after-inner-A-tail-call-5 after-ccc-my-b-0 end-inner-A
after-inner-A-tail-call-1 after-inner-A-tail-call-2
after-inner-A-tail-call-3 after-inner-A-tail-call-4
after-inner-A-tail-call-5 after-initial-inner-A-call final-after)

(suite "Error handling"
("no error"
(on-err (fn (ex) "got error")
(fn () (* 6 7)))
42 )

(on-err (fn (ex) (+ "got error " (details ex)))
(fn () (/ 42 0)))
"got error /: division by zero" )

("explicit error"
(on-err (fn (ex) (+ "got error " (details ex)))
(fn () (err "we can also throw our own exceptions")))
"got error we can also throw our own exceptions" )
164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions lib/tests/core-evaluation-test.arc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
(mac test-double (x) `(+ ,x ,x))

(register-test '(suite "Foundation Tests"
(suite "Evaluation"
(suite "[ _ ] shortcut"
("call directly"
([* _ _] 15)

("useful in apply"
(apply [* _ _] '(16))

("handles empty bracket-fn"
([] 21)

(suite "apply"
("a simple sum function"
(apply + '(1 2))

("an inline function"
(apply (fn (x y) (* x y)) '(17 3))

("passes all args to function"
(apply + "a" "b" '("c" "d"))
"abcd" )

("passes all args to function"
(apply + '(a b) '(c d) '((e f) (g h)))
(a b c d e f g h)))

(suite "eval"
("a simple sum function"
(eval '(+ 21 4))

("an inline function invocation"
(eval '( (fn (x y) (* x y)) 16 4))

(suite "ssyntax"
("recognises compose"
(ssyntax 'a:b)
t )

("recognises complement and compose"
(ssyntax '~a:b)
t )

("recognises complement alone"
(ssyntax '~a)
t )

("recognises list"
(ssyntax 'a.b)
t )

("recognises list-quoted"
(ssyntax 'a!b)
t )

(ssyntax 'a&b)

(ssyntax '&a&b&)

(suite "special syntax invocation (compose is implemented in Arc)"
("direct invocation"
((fn ()
(sqrt:+ 40 2.25)))
6.5 )

("compose macro invocation"
(coerce (test-double:sqrt 256) 'int)

("invoke as parameter"
((fn (addand)
(addand sqrt:* 5 20 1.0)) (fn (op x y z) (+ z (op x y))))
11.0 )))))

(register-test '(suite "ssexpand"
("expand compose"
(ssexpand 'x:y)
(compose x y))

("expand complement"
(ssexpand '~p)
(complement p))

("expand compose/complement"
(ssexpand 'p:~q:r)
(compose p (complement q) r) )

("expand compose/complement"
(ssexpand '~p:q:r)
(compose (complement p) q r) )

("expand compose with numbers"
(ssexpand 'x:1.2)
(compose x 1.2)) ; bizarre but true

("expand compose with numbers"
(type ((ssexpand 'x:1.2) 2))
num) ; bizarre but true

("expand list"
(ssexpand '*.a.b)
((* a) b))

("expand quoted list"
(ssexpand 'cons!a!b)
((cons (quote a)) (quote b)) )

("expand chained dots and bangs"
(ssexpand 'a.b!c.d)
(((a b) (quote c)) d))

("ssexpand with initial dot"
(ssexpand '.a.b.c)
(((get a) b) c))

("ssexpand with initial quote"
(ssexpand '!a.b.c)
(((get (quote a)) b) c))

(ssexpand 'a&b)
(andf a b))

(register-test '(suite "using special syntax"
("ssyntax copes with embedded nil"

("ssyntax expands numbers too"
((fn (s) s.1) "foo")

;? ("everything at once, in functional position"
;? ((fn (x p) (tostring (pr:odd&~x.p 7) (pr:odd&~x.p 8) (pr:odd&~x.p 9))) (fn (n) (fn (p) (is (mod p n) 0))) 3)
;? "tnilnil")
;? ("everything at once, as argument"
;? ((fn (y p) (tostring:map pr:odd&~y.p '(7 8 9))) (fn (n) (fn (p) (is (mod p n) 0))) 3)
;? "tnilnil")
;? ("everything at once, as argument"
;? ((fn (y p) (tostring:map pr:~y.p '(7 8 9))) (fn (n) (fn (p) (is (mod p n) 0))) 3)
;? "ttnil")
;? ("everything at once, as argument"
;? ((fn (y p) (tostring:map odd&pr '(7 8 9))) (fn (n) (fn (p) (is (mod p n) 0))) 3)
;? "79")

89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions lib/tests/core-lists-test.arc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
(register-test '(suite "Foundation Tests"
(suite "Lists"
(suite "cons"
("cons creates a list"
(cons 'a '(b c))
(a b c))

("cons conses two strings"
(cons "a" "b")
("a" . "b"))

(suite "car"
("car of nil is nil"
(car nil)

("car of empty list is nil"
(car '())

("car - no need to quote empty list"
(car ())

("car returns car of argument"
(car '(foo 12.34 "bar"))

(suite "cdr"
("cdr returns cdr of argument"
(cdr '("foo" bar 123.45))
(bar 123.45))

("cdr of empty list is nil"
(cdr ())

("'each' macro relies on cdr of empty list returning nil"
((fn stuff
((fn (outer)
(((fn (self)
(assign self
(fn (inner)
(if (is (type inner) 'cons)
((fn ()
((fn (x)
(disp x))
(car inner))
(self (cdr inner))))) )))

(suite "scar"
("sets the first element of a list"
( (fn (x) (scar x 99) x ) '(1 2 3))
(99 2 3) )

("sets the first character of a string"
( (fn (x) (scar x #\b) x ) "foo" )
"boo" )

(suite "scdr"
("scdr sets the remainder of a list"
( (fn (x) (scdr x '(a a)) x ) '(a b c) )
(a a a) )

("scdr sets the remainder of any list"
( (fn (x) (scdr (cdr (cdr x)) '(d e f)) x ) '(a b c) )
(a b c d e f) )

("get the size of a list"
(len '(a b c d e f g))
7 )

("set an element of a list"
( (fn (lst) (sref lst 'b 0) lst) '(a b c) )
(b b c) )

("get an element of a list"
( '(a b c d) 2 )
c )

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