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Lohpi is a distributed system for sharing and enforcing data policies. By bootstrapping storage nodes close to existing infrastructure, data access is enforced and tracked by employing Azure AD identities and PostgresQL. It uses the underlying Ifrit library for message passing and secure membership management.

Lohpi consists of multiple components, each of which is explained below. In addition, each component exposes and API that can be consumed.

Directory server

The directory server is a network entity that serves client requests and forwards them to the correct storage node. The directory server keeps track of the datasets that are stored at the nodes and which datasets that have been checked out by clients.

Storage node

A storage node is a node that assigns policies with dataset identifiers. In addition, it enforces accesses and keeps track of the datasets being checked out by the clients. There can exist multiple nodes, each is assigned a data repository to safeguard data.

Policy store

The policy store is a component that accepts policy changes through a web interface and disseminates the policies in batches using multicasting and gossiping.


The certificate authority is an entity that distributes X.509 certificates upon requests from the storage nodes and the underlying Ifrit network.

Production environment

To deploy the system at the diggi-2 server, run docker-compose up. This, however, whould not be necessary because the Github runner will run it whenever changes are pushed to the master branch. When a new deployment is done, run docker ps to check if any containers try to restart. If one or more tries to restart, something went wrong.

Local development

These are the steps needed to create a local development database on your own machine. The database will be used by any number of nodes. This allows you to develop and run Lohpi with minimal overhead. Please You need to connect to VPN if you are outside of the university domain.

  1. Create a local directory to mount the postgres volume. $ mkdir postgres-data

  2. Start a PostgreSQL DBMS instance running in Docker $ docker run -d --name lohpi-postgres-dev -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password! -v postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 5432:5432 postgres

  3. Run docker ps to see that it runs. Note the container ID to tear it down later using docker stop <id>.

  4. Copy dev-initialize.sql into the Docker image: $ docker cp setup/dev-initialize.sql lohpi-postgres-dev:/dev-initialize.sql

  5. Enter the shell: $ docker exec -it lohpi-postgres-dev bash

  6. Setup the development database: $ psql -h localhost -U postgres -f dev-initialize.sql

  7. When you need to login to the database using psql, run $ psql -h localhost -U lohpi_dev_user -d dataset_policy_db. Now you can operate directly on the DBMS using the psql shell, if needed.

  8. Tear down the database by running docker stop <id> as explained above.


You can deploy the system locally on your system using docker-compose -f build and docker-compose -f up. This will build the CA, directory server, policy store and one storage node. If you want muliple nodes, you can build additional images by running docker build -f cmd/dataverse/node/Dockerfile -t some_tag and then docker run --network=host -t some_tag. Remember to supply a unique value to the -name flag in the node executable.

Go executables

You can compile the programs separately by running go build in the cmd subdirectories. Each subdirectory contains an application that implements the handlers whenever client requests arrive.

Lohpi roadmap

To be completed psql " port=5432 dbname=postgres user=lohpiadmin@lohpi-demo password=wiGeeT3sNodes sslmode=require"


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