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Lit rev automatation

Project description

This project tests the litstudy Python package for automatic literature reviews. It shows the use case of a mapping review of the literature about or related to the Reggio Emilia Approach (REA), an educational philosophy centered on the child as a subject with strong developmental capabilities and rights.

Repo contents

  • main: Jupyter notebook that shows the results for the mapping review about the REA. It follows the example provided here by the litstudy team (with some customization).
  • and NLP-REA.pdf are the .md and .pdf versions of the abstract written for presenting this study in the last lecture hold by prof. Mineo in the framework of the PhD in Reggio Childhood Studies.
  • .scopus.db should be the database with papers related to the REA retrieved from Scopus. It should be an ORACLE Berkeley DB. Further work on it should be done to understand the structure of the data contained in it.
  • citation.html is the network graph on co-citations. It does not display in the Jupyter notebook, but you can open it in your fav browser.


  • a Python script that adds to the compute_country_histogram function of the litstudy package the possibility to normalize per country population size.
  • ISO_nationality_EN: a mapping from country names to ISO codes.

Personal struggles with installing and configuring litstudy

  • if you are experiencing some errors while installing and importing litstudy, you might find the Litstudy for dummies guide in CODE useful.

Get in touch

If you're also trying out some tools for literature review automatation (for your PhD or else) or you're using litstudy and you are customizing it, I would be super happy if we get in touch (arianna(dot)bienati(at)unimore(dot)it) and exchange some experiences!


Litstudy for performing mapping reviews






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